Division of Integers

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Send the Card Game

◦Pass the card while the music is

playing and the last one to hold it once
the music stops will be the one to
open the card and answer the
question inside.
◦Application of
Integers in Real
A carabao-lead cart can hold 10 passengers. If there are 2 rows of seats in the cart,
how many seats are in each row?
◦ Rules in
◦division of integers
using models and
number line
Group activity
Think-Pair- Share
◦How do you divide your time in
◦ What should you do to your
vacant time? Why?
◦How do we divide the
integers with the same sign?
◦How do we divide the
integers with different signs?
Find the quotient of the following.

◦1) +36 ÷ + 6 = 6) +81 ÷ -9 =

◦2) –50 ÷ –10 = 7) –90 ÷ +10 =

◦3) +35 ÷ +5 = 8) -125 ÷ +5 =
◦4) –24 ÷ –3 = 9) –24 ÷ –8 =
◦5) +15 ÷ +3 = 10) +150 ÷ -3 =
Solve the Problem
◦A 10-kilo bag of mango is to be
repacked into smaller bags
weighing 3 kilos each. If there are
3 bags of mango, how many
smaller packs can you make?

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