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Problem Statement:
• Existing social news aggregation platforms may not fully meet the diverse
needs and preferences of users.There is a growing demand for a versatile
and user-friendly Reddit-like app.The app should foster meaningful
interactions, promote diverse content, and ensure a positive user
experience.Key challenges include enhancing engagement and interaction,
implementing effective content moderation, and facilitating personalization
and content discovery.Additionally, scalability, performance, and
community building are crucial aspects to address in the development
process.The goal is to create a comprehensive and engaging platform for
content sharing, discussions, and community building, catering to a wide
range of interests and fostering a positive online experience.
USER- (Primary

Entities and
POST-PostID (Primary
PostedUpvotesDownvotesUserID (Foreign Key)

COMMENTS-Comment ID (Primary
CommentedUpvotesDownvotesUserID (Foreign
Key)PostID (Foreign Key)

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