Digital Citizenship 2.0

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Muhammad Asad
Muhammad Hussain
Abdullah Basit
Anzal Noman
• Threats on Internet and related security measures
• Positive/Negative Impacts of Social Media
• Cybercrime
• Types of cybercrime
1. MALWARE:A common security threat to your computer systems is malware or ransomware.
This is a software that is designed to damage or disrupt computer systems. Malware attacks
your files and will only stop until you pay the cybercriminal a hefty ransom. Studies reveal
that malware affects 32% of all the computers in the world.
2. PHISHING ATTACKS:The main targets of a phishing attack include your usernames,
passwords, and credit card information. They steal valuable data by pretending to be banks
and financial institutions, and they can also impersonate reputable websites and even some of
your personal contacts. They use emails or instant messages that look legitimate at first
glance. Their messages come with URLs that prompt you to input your personal information.
In turn, they’ll steal your credentials and use them to access your accounts.
3. CYBERBULLYING:Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten,
embarrass, or target another person. Online threats and mean, aggressive, or rude
texts, tweets, posts, or messages all count. So does posting personal information,
pictures, or videos designed to hurt or embarrass someone else.

4. IDENTITY THEFT: Identity theft is the crime of obtaining the personal or

financial information of another person to use their identity to commit fraud, such as
making unauthorized transactions or purchases. Identity theft is committed in many
different ways and its victims are typically left with damage to their credit, finances,
and reputation.
Be aware of threats and also take some steps to protect yourself as wall and your
family members when online or using the Internet.
Strong password, being cautious when clicking on random links and downloading
attachments as well as making a fire wall.
• Positive Impacts:
1. Building Relationships and Staying Connected
2. Finding Your Voice
3. Showing Empathy and Kindness
4. Offering Support
5. Better Communication
6. Spreading News
7. Building a Business
8. Establishing Authority
9. Driving Traffic
10.Enhancing the Customer Experience
11.Learning and Education
12.Motivating Young People
1. Depression and Anxiety
2. Cyberbullying
3. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
4. Unrealistic Expectations
5. Unhealthy Sleep Patterns
6. General Addiction
• Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a
computer network or a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed
by cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money. However,
occasionally cybercrime aims to damage computers or networks for
reasons other than profit. These could be political or personal.
Cybercrime can be carried out by individuals or organizations. Some
cybercriminals are organized, use advanced techniques and are highly
technically skilled. Others are novice hackers.
• Email and internet fraud.
• Identity fraud (where personal information is stolen and used).
• Theft of financial or card payment data.
• Theft and sale of corporate data.
• Cyberextortion (demanding money to prevent a threatened attack).
• Ransomware attacks (a type of cyberextortion).
1.Phishing and Scam:
Phishing is a type of social engineering attack that targets the user and tricks them by sending fake
messages and emails to get sensitive information about the user or trying to download malicious
software and exploit it on the target system.

2. Identity Theft:
Identity theft occurs when a cybercriminal uses another person’s personal data like credit card numbers
or personal pictures without their permission to commit a fraud or a crime.

3. Ransomware Attack:
Ransomware attacks are a very common type of cybercrime. It is a type of malware that has the
capability to prevent users from accessing all of their personal data on the system by encrypting them
and then asking for a ransom in order to give access to the encrypted data.
4. Hacking/Misusing Computer Networks:
This term refers to the crime of unauthorized access to private computers or networks
and misuse of it either by shutting it down or tampering with the data stored or other
illegal approaches.
5. Internet Fraud:
Internet fraud is a type of cybercrimes that makes use of the internet and it can be
considered a general term that groups all of the crimes that happen over the internet
like spam, banking frauds, theft of service, etc.
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