Presentation AI ML SG

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Potentials and Challenges

of AI and ML in Smart
Grids Click icon to add picture

Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering – Power and Smart Grids

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Basics and Definitions

AI - artificial intelligence

• the theory and development of computer systems able to perform

tasks normally requiring human intelligence

ML - machine learning

• the use and development of computer systems that are able to learn
and adapt without following
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Deep learning

• a type of machine learning based on artificial neural networks with

multiple layers of processing
Key Components in a SG

• ICT – information and

• Flexible
• Cost efficient
• reliable
Potentials of AI and ML in SG
Energy and Load Prediction

• Future energy demand forcasted

• Optimized power generation and distribution
• Reduced wastage and ensuring grid stability

Power System Stability

• Voltage, frequency, rotor angle, oszillation

• Real time fluctuation monitoring and adjustments

Communication Infrastructure for Protection and Control

• IEC 61850 standard: interoperability between devices

• Cybersecurity measures (malware and hacking)

Post Event Analysis

• Indentification of patterns and root causes

• implementation of preventive measures
Challenges of AI and ML in SG
Lack of Interpretability/ Transparancy

• Operation as black boxes

• Reduces trust and hinders adoption and effectiveness

Sacrity of High-Quality Data

• Measurement noise and privacy concerns

• Inaccuracies and restricted access inpacting training and performance

Uneven Data Sets

• diverse and balanced data sets required

• limited "abnormal" data to learn from

Integration in Existing Power Systems

• ML=probabilistic but existing systems= generalistic

• SCADA (supervisory control and data aquisition) for gathering and analyzing huge amouts of
real-time data
Example – PG&E with AutoGrid, CA
Optimized integration and aggregation of DERs
(Distributed Energy Resources)

Improved forecasting - better grid planning and management

Dynamic optimization - max. renewable and min. fossil fuels

Energy efficiency increased by 15% (500GWh saved annually)

Grid resilience increased

> $10 million savings for PG&E

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Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering – Power and Smart Grids

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