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Data Visualization using


Line Plot
By Patil Mohit Vijaykumar
TE B16
Data Visualization:

• Presenting data graphically to emit some information is known as data

visualization. It basically is an image to help a person interpret what the data
represents and study it and its nature in detail. Dealing with large scale data
row-wise is an extremely tedious task, hence data visualization serves as an ideal
• Seaborn is a Python library which is based on matplotlib and is used for data
visualization. It provides a medium to present data in a statistical plot format as
an informative and attractive medium to impart some information.
Types of Data Visualization :

1.Line plot.

2.Scatter plot.


4.Density plot.

5.Box- plot.

• A line plot is a diagram that shows a line joining several points, or a line that
shows the relationship between the points.
• A line plot can be taken as x-y plane, where there will be an independent
variable and a dependent variable and it specifies how the two variables are
related to each other and vary with respect to one another.
• Mostly, the independent variable is taken on the x-axis while the dependent
variable on the y- axis.

1. Title: the title explains what the plot is


2. Scale: the scale is the numbers that show

the units used on the line plot.

3. Labels: both the side and the bottom of

the line plot have a label that tells what kind
of data is shown. X-axis describe what each
data point on the line represents and y-axis
shows the numeric value for each point on
the line.

4. Line: Connect all data points.

5. Point: Represent the data amount.


 Simple line plot.

 Multiple line

 Compound line

 etc.

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