Consumer Health

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Consumer Health

When buying goods in the store, what are the

things you should consider?
What is consumer health?
Consumer healthptains to the aspects of wise
purchase of health products and services in order
to obtain the ultimate satisfaction and wellness of
the body.
Who is the Consumer?
A Consumer is a person who buy products or
services for personal use and not for business
Consumer are free to make decisions wheter or
not to buy goods or commercial items from stores. they
can also be influenced by TV and print commercial and
other marketing strategies.
How important is consumer health?
Consumer health provides individuals with knowledge, skills,
aptitudes, values, and capacity to become responsible consumers.
Consumer Health helps people in the following aspects:
• Exercise consumer’s rights
• Choose heartful entertainment
• Take action if rights are violated
• Investigate health careers
• Acquire knowledge of laws to protect health
• Manage time and money
• Get information about health products and their effects to health through
What are the rights of the Consumer?
The Right to:
1. Choose
2. Be heard
3. safety
4. Be informed
5. Satisfaction to every needs
6. redress or remedy
7. consumer education
8. environmenatl health
Health Fraud?
Health fraud is the dishonest promotion, advertising, dsitribution, or sale of
articles claimed to be effective in diagnosing, preventing, curing, or treating
an illness or condition, or providing a beneficial effect on health but have
not benn scientifically proven safe and effective.
What are the components of consumer
1. Health Information
2. Health products
3. Health services
Health Infromation
Health information can be drawn
from halth professionals,
educators, scientist, and the
public to make health and safety
news widely available.
What are the health products commonly use
by the consumers?

Food is any substance

consumed to provide
nutritional support for the

Medicine are any substance or

subtances used in treating
disease, injury, or illness.
It can be a tablet, liquids, inhaler,
drops, patches, creams, lotions
• Cleaning Agents CLeaning agents are substances,
usually liquids, powders, sprays, or
granules, that are used to remove
dirt, including dust,stains, bad
smells, and clutter on surface.
Cleaning agent include
health,beauty, absence of
offensive odor.
Personal Care
Products as diverse as lip balm,
cleansing pads, colognes, cotton
swabs, cotton pads, deodorant,
eye liner, facial tissue, hair
clippers, lip gloss, lipstick, lotion,
make up, nail files, perfumes,
ravor, talcum powder, shaving
cream, skin cream, toilet paper
and wet wipes.

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