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27 April 2024

Ionisation energy
The learning objectives for this lesson are:

• PTE2i-State the periodic trends in electron configurations across periods 2 & 3.

• PTE2iii-Describe first ionisation energy and successive ionisation energy.

• PTE2iv-Explain the trend in first ionisation energies across Periods 2 and 3, and down a group,
in terms of attraction, nuclear charge and atomic radius

• PTE2v-Predict using successive ionisation energies the number of electrons in each shell of an
atom and the group of an element
Ionisation is when an atom loses an electron from its outer shell

Li(g) -> Li+(g) + e- = 520.2 kJ

First Ionisation energy: The energy required to remove 1 electron

from each atom in one mole of gaseous atoms of an element to
form one mole of gaseous 1+ ions
Equations are used to represent ionisation

1st Ionisation energy

Na(g) -> Na+(g) + e-

2nd Ionisation energy

Na+(g) -> Na2+(g) + e-

3rd Ionisation energy

Na2+(g) -> Na3+(g) + e-

4th Ionisation energy

Na3+(g) -> Na4+(g) + e-

Remember to include the (g) state symbol!

The size of the ionisation enthalpy depends on the atomic radius (Size of the atom)
This changes depending on where the element is in the periodic table

Atomic radius decreases across a period

Atomic radius increases down a group

Factors affection I.E.
• What could affect the energy needed to remove an
electron to form an ion?
• What does the nuclear attraction experienced by an
electron depend on?
Factors affection I.E.
• Atomic radius – how does radius link to electron
• Nuclear charge – if this increases what effect does it

• Electron shielding – what is this effect? How does this effect

the nuclear attraction experienced by outer electrons?
First ionisation enthalpy increases across a period

The nuclear charge increases across a period

Attraction of electrons to the nucleus increases
Atomic radium decreases (so electrons are closer)
This pattern of first increasing ionisation enthalpies repeats
across each period
First ionisation enthalpy decreases down a group

More inner shell electrons as you go down the group

(so there is shielding of outer electrons)
Attraction of electrons to the nucleus decreases
Atomic radium increases (so electrons are further away)
Successive ionisation energies
• A measure of the amount of energy required to remove an electron in turn.
• The second ionisation energy is a measure of how easily a 1+ ion loses an electron to
form 2+ ion.
• An element has as many I.E as it does electrons.

THINK: Why does the energy increase?

Why is there such a big jump between 1st and 2nd I.E?
• As each electron is removed, there is less repulsion between remaining electrons and each shell will be draw in
closer to the nucleus.
• The nuclear charge out weighs the negative charge every time an electron is removed.
• As the distance from each electron from the nucleus decreases slightly, the nuclear attraction increases. More
energy is needed to remove successive electrons.
Can you explain this graph for
successive I.E of Nitrogen
The amount of energy required to remove successive electrons increases.
This is because the overall +ive charge has increased and the nuclear attraction is increased.

There is a large increase in ionisation energy when it removes an electron from the shell below
This is because these electrons are closer to the nucleus and there is less shielding
Task 1: using Chemistry A textbook

1) What is the definition of first ionisation enthalpy

2) What 3 factors affect ionisation energy?

3) What are successive ionisation energies and what factors affect the way that they increase?

4) Explain the trend in ionisation energy down a group

5) Explain the trend in ionisation energy across a period

6) Why is there a rise and fall of ionisation enthalpies across a period?

7) Why is it easier to remove the first electron in oxygen than nitrogen?

Task 2 : Answer Summary questions on page 98 of the textbook.

Task 3 : Answer typical exam questions below

27 April 2024

Ionisation energy

15 marks on each of your exam papers are for multiple choice questions. At the end
of each lesson we will practice these.

Turn to the back of your workbook. There is space for you to answer 5 questions.

Fill in the lesson title.

27 April 2024

Question 1

Which shell do electrons get removed from?

A Innermost electron shell

B The outer electron shell

C Any shell

D An empty electron shell

27 April 2024

Question 2

How do ionisation enthalpies vary across a period?

A They increase

B They decrease

C Stays the same across the same period

D Varies across the period

27 April 2024

Question 3

Which two are reasons ionisation energy decreases down a group?

A The atomic radius increases

B The relative mass increases

C The number of protons in the nucleus increases

D There is increased shielding

27 April 2024

Question 4

Between which successive ionisation enthalpies for carbon will there

be a big gap?
A 1st and 2nd

B 2nd and 3rd

C 3rd and 4th

D 4th and 5th

27 April 2024

Question 5

In which state, solid, liquid or gas are ionisation enthalpies


A Solid

B Liquid

C Gas

D All three
27 April 2024

Ionisation energy

Get ready to mark your answers

27 April 2024

Question 1

Which shell do electrons get removed from?

A Innermost electron shell

B The outer electron shell

C Any shell

D An empty electron shell

27 April 2024

Question 2

How do ionisation enthalpies vary across a period?

A They increase

B They decrease

C Stays the same across the same period

D Varies across the period

27 April 2024

Question 3

Which is not a reason that ionisation energy increases down a group?

A The atomic radius increases

B The relative mass increases

C The number of protons in the nucleus increases

D There is increased shielding

27 April 2024

Question 4

Between which successive ionisation enthalpies for carbon will there

be a big gap?
A 1st and 2nd

B 2nd and 3rd

C 3rd and 4th

D 4th and 5th

27 April 2024

Question 5

In which state, solid, liquid or gas are ionisation enthalpies


A Solid

B Liquid

C Gas

D All three
27 April 2024

Ionisation energy

How did you do?

5 out of 5 = A

4 out of 5 = B

3 out of 5 = C

2 out of 5 = D

1 out of 5 = E

0 out of 5 = U
27 April 2024

Ionisation energy
The learning objectives for this lesson are:

• PTE2i-State the periodic trends in electron configurations across periods 2 & 3.

• PTE2iii-Describe first ionisation energy and successive ionisation energy.

• PTE2iv-Explain the trend in first ionisation energies across Periods 2 and 3, and down a group,
in terms of attraction, nuclear charge and atomic radius

• PTE2v-Predict using successive ionisation energies the number of electrons in each shell of an
atom and the group of an element

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