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Instructor: Sidra Zubair


• Cybereithics
• Cybertechnology
What is Cyberethics
• Cyberspace: All technologies connected through internet or wireless
• Social Medias: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
• Mobile Technology: connecting to people through internet or without
• For Example: Posting any thing or commenting or sharing material on
face book, you should take care not to harm people.
• Definition:
• Cyberethics is the study of moral, legal, and social issues involving
• It examines the impact that cybertechnology has for our social, moral and
legal systems.
• It also evaluates the social policies and laws that have been framed in
response to issues generated by the development and use of
• Hence there is a reciprocal relationship here. (w.r.t. new issue new policies
are defined)
• Cybertechnology refers to a wide range of computing and communications
devices – from stand alone computers, to “connected” or networked computing
and communications technologies, to the internet itself.
• Cybertechnologies include: hand-held devices (such as Palm Pilots), personal
computers (desktops and laptops), mainframe computers, and so forth.
• Example: i-cloud (multiple devices connected): storage of confidential data

• Mainframe Computers are used to store information of PIA airlines

• MCB Dealing with 1-link for all banks through a central Mainframe computer.
• Networked devices can be connected directly to the internet.
• They also can be connected to other devices through one or more
privately owned computer networks.
• Privately owned networks include both Local Area Networks (LANS)
and Wide Area Networks (WANS)
• Connection of internet devices(Wingle) through Mobile technology to the
PTCL Computer
Why the term Cyberethics?
• Cyberethics is a more accurate label than computer ethics, which might
suggest the study of ethical issues limited to computing machines or
computing professionals.
• It is more accurate than internet ethics, which is limited only to ethical
issues affecting computer networks.
Summary of four phases of Cyberethics
Are Cyberethics Issues Unique?
• Consider the Amy Boyer Case of cyberstalking in light of issues raised.
• Is there anything new or unique about this case from an ethical point of
• Boyer was stalked in ways that were not possible before cybertechnology
• But do new ethical issues arise?
Uniqueness Issues (cont…)
• Two Points of view:
• 1. Traditionalists argue that nothing is new – crime is crime, and murder
is murder
• 2. Uniqueness proponents argue that cybertechnology has introduced (at
least some) new and unique ethical issues that could not exist before
• Cyberethics are unique than the computer ethics, general ethics and
internet ethics?
Uniqueness Issues (cont…)
• Both sides seems correct on some claims, and both seem wrong to be on
• Traditionalists underestimate the role that issues of scale and scope that
apply because of the impact of computer technology.
• Cyberstalkers can stalk multiple victims simultaneously (scale) and
globally (because of the scope or reach of the internet)
• They also can operate without ever having to leave the comfort of their
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