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There are different patterns of organization that can be
applied in writing. These patterns include chronological
pattern, spatial pattern, and climactic pattern.
Chronological Pattern or Time Pattern
In this pattern, events or ideas are presented in a
specific order that may either be forward or backward.
From the root word chrono, which means “time”,
pattern deals largely on the order of time as certain
events happened.

It is typically used in narration as it tells a series of
events as it happens usually from beginning to end. The
following text shows an example of narration
 This day was such a disaster! I woke up late this morning
so I was not able to arrive on time for my first class. In my
second class, I got embarrassed because I left our group’s
project at home as I was rushing to school. During
lunchtime, I bumped into someone carrying a tray of food,
so my shirt got stained. I had no time to change, so I just
went straight to my next class. To top it all, I did not
notice a hole on the road as I was going home, so I
stumbled, fell to the ground, and sprained my ankle. I
couldn’t be luckier this day! stated in a chronological
Spatial Pattern(character of the space)

 In this pattern, the items are arranged according to

how they appear physically. This pattern helps the
reader to visualize how things are arranged according
to spatial order. It may either start from left to right,
from the door to the window, or from the ceiling to
the floor. Spatial pattern is typically used in
description as it describes one’s location or an object
or body part’s position. The following text shows an
example of a description stated in a spatial pattern.
Example of Spatial Pattern
 Let me tell you about what I see every day in my
surroundings before and after I attend my classes. Facing
the Milagro’s building from the left, there are different
establishments, food stalls, drugstores, banks, parking
areas, and cafes. Right across the street, there is a hotel
and at the back is the university I go to. Looking from left
to right, there is an unfinished building, another food stall,
a fastfood restaurant, more food stalls, the university’s
exit, and another pedestrian lane that will take me back to
where I started my description of my surroundings.
Climactic Pattern
 In this pattern, items or ideas are presented
according to the order of importance: either from
the most to the least important or vice versa. The
purpose of climactic pattern is to establish the
strength or weakness of a certain topic depending
on the purpose of writing. Climactic pattern is
typically used in exemplification, description,
comparison and contrast, and analogy. The following
text shows an example of a comparison and contrast
stated in a climactic pattern
 Our teacher compared love and infatuation and shared
some words of wisdom regarding these terms for our
benefit. First, she said that love and infatuation are both
intense emotions one may feel toward another person.
Then, she emphasized that infatuation refers to a simple
attraction, whereas love refers to a feeling beyond
physical attraction. Next, she added that when you are
infatuated, you only tend see the positive qualities of a
person. In contrast, when you are in love, you see past a
person’s imperfections. More importantly, our teacher
stated that infatuation can be felt in an instant, while
love is a long-lasting and deep affection toward a person
Activity :Be on Time

One of the patterns of organizational
property of a well-written text is the
chronological pattern. This deals with the
time and how it is present in a text. For
this activity, you have to show how well you
have understood the pattern. You have to
give details on the things that you do for
a whole day. Take into consideration the
relevance of time in the text that you are
to write.

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