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Violent convuls ions followed by prolonged unconsciousnes s and utter prostration. Jerks, twitchings , s udden s hocks , rigidity, s pasms. Frightful facial contortions . Loud hiccoughs. Childish and retarded. Strabis mus.

Water hemlock

Tincture of fres h root at flowering time.


-Concuss ions of brain and s pine
-During and after labour
-From opium
-Fall or blow
-Suppress ed eruptions
-Puerperal period
-Birth injuries
-Suppress ed menses
-Mechanical injuries - s plinter in fles h.

< Night
< Touch
< Nois e
< Jar
< Concus sions
< Draughts
< Tobacco s moke
> Warmth
> Thinking of the complaints
> Emis sion of flatus (Headache)

-CHILDISH, SILLY, excited. Delusion, he is a child again and acts like a child, feels like a child. Childis h behaviour, sings , dances, shouts, moaning, howling, weeping. Looks " like an angel" after convulsions .


-RETARDATION (Bufo, Bar-c, Bar-m) after head injury.

-AVERSION TO MEN, contempt for them, s huns their foolis hnes s.

-Aversion to company, avoids the sight of people; to presence of strangers.

-Exces sively affected by sad s tories . Horrible things affect her profoundly. Sad when seeing others happy.

-Confus ion - Confounds pres ent with the pas t.

-Mania, with dancing, laughing and ridiculous ges tures .

-Feels as if in a s trange place. Does not remember what has happened, does not recognize anybody, but ans wers well. Answers when spoken to, yet knows no one.

-Falls to ground and rolls about.

-Sus picious or mistrustful.


-Suited for women subjected to epileptic, choreic, convuls ions , s pas ms; of teething children, or from worms .

-During dentition, grinding of teeth, gums, compres sion of jaws , as in lock jaw.

-Suffers VIOLENT SHOCKS through head, s tomach, arms, legs, which causes jerking of parts , head hot. Electric-like shock s ensation.

-CONVULSIONS-After injuries to head, spine (Arn, Hyper, Nat-s ), in pregnancy, eclamps ia, meningitis, encephalitis.

-PUERPERAL convuls ion - frequent s uspension of breathing for a few moments, as if dead; upper part of body mos t affected, CONTINUE AFTER DELIVERY.

-< when touched, from noise or jar.

-G rand mal and petit mal in the same pers on.

-Multiple, one fit followed by the other (main remedy).

-Shrieking before (Cupr, Op) convuls ions.

-Anxious before convulsions .

-Starting in head, going downward.

-G rimaces face.

-Drawing head backwards . Arching the back.


-VIOLENT with contortions of whole body and dis tortions of limbs . RIG IDITY - Spasms in muscles , s o great that neither the curved limbs can be s traightened nor the straight ones curved. Whole body becomes HARD like WOOD.

-Biting tongue.

-Vomiting (during or alternating).

-With los s of consciousnes s.

-Long pos t-ictal s tate (>30 min).

-Placid between the convuls ions.

-EPILEPSY- with s welling of stomach, as from violent s pas ms of diaphragm, screaming, red or bluish face, lock jaw, loss of cons cious ness and dis tortion of limbs, frequently during night, recurring initially at short, then at long intervals.

-SPASMS more DOWNWARDS, with terrific VIOLENCE followed by utter prostration.

-Produces SPASMODIC AFFECTIONS- hiccough, trismus , tetanus, convuls ion.

-Craving- for chalk, clay, lime, indigestible things, coal or charcoal, child eats them with relish.

-Head-Jerking and twisting of head to one side; head symptoms > by thinking of it.

-Eyes-Convergent STRABISMUS (also periodical).

-Rolling, jerking, s taring.

-Initially contraction of pupil followed by dilatation.

-When reading, letters seem to turn, go up or down or disappear.

-Ears -Sudden loud reports in ear, especially on swallowing.

-Haemorrhage from ears .

-Face-Frightful dis tortions .


-Stomach-Throbbing in pit of stomach, which is swollen as large as a fist.

-LOUD HICCOUG H, with crying, <-> with throat spas m.

-Extremities-Jerking in left arm all the day.

-Swings feet in half circle while walking.

-Skin-Eruptions -es pecially on head, scalp, corners of mouth, nasty pus tules, vesicles, get infected, ooze, forming lemon-colored crus ts .

-Without itching (Cupr-acet).

-Skin disorders with convuls ions- Cic, Bufo, Cupr, Zinc. (Cupr and Zinc- skin <-->convuls ions ).

-Suppress ed skin eruption caus es brain diseas e.


1. Childis h behaviour, dancing, laughing, gestures .

2. Excess ively VIOLENT convuls ion with FRIG HTFUL DISTORTIONS.

3. Craving for chalk or indigestible things, coal or charcoal.

4. Bending of head and back backwards, OPISTHOTONOS.

5. VIOLENT SHOCKS through whole body.

6. Pustules which run together, to form THICK YELLOW SCABS.

7. Brain diseas e from s uppress ed eruptions.

-VIOLENCE - VIOLENT convuls ion, hiccough, distortions, strange desires , vertigo.

-SPASMS - Clonic, tonic, dentitional, pregnancy.

-DOWNWARD DIRECTION - Violent s pas ms which moves downwards.

-RIG IDITY, Bending backwards.

-STRANG E DESIRES - Coal, chalk, indigestible.

-INJURIES - Tris mus, tetanus .

-Suppress ions of eruption caus es brain diseas e.

-HONEY-COLOURED SCABS - with no itching es pecially of left s calp.


1. Convulsion with violent distortions of body, sudden shocks through all over, with los s of conscious nes s, opisthotonos and moving in downward direction.

2. Craving for s trange things - coal.

3. Rigidity of whole body- as hard as wood.

-Convulsions , Head injury, Mental retardation, Ophis totonus, Seiz ure disorder, Strabismus , Twitches , Spas ms.

-During dentition or worms , if Cina fails.

-Concuss ions of brain or s pinal cord - chronic effects if Arnica fails.

-Nearly a specific in epidemic Cerebros pinal Meningitis- Dr. Lilienthal.

Follows Well : Ars, Con, Cupr, Lach.

Compare : Aeth, Cean, Con, Croc, Hell, Hyos, Hyper.

Antidoted By : Arn, Op, Tobacco.

It Antidotes : Op.

D uration Of Action : 35-40 Days.

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