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by: Dr. Maria Ulfa


 Ilmu yang mempelajari mineral-mineral yang

berupa unsur-unsur dan senyawa-senyawa
yang terdapat di alam dan merupakan
pembentuk bagian-bagian padat dari alam
 Mineralogi adalah cabang dari geologi.
So why mineralogy?
 Minerals are chemical compounds that form
from natural earth processes
 Minerals are basic building blocks of rocks
 Rocks provide record of earth history and are
formed by earth processes
 Geologists
 Study earth history
 Study earth processes
 Mineralogy is the key.
1. Benda Padat
2. Homogen
3. Terdapat Di Alam
4. Terbentuk Secara Anorganik
5. Mempunyai Komposisi Kimia Pada Batas-batas
6. Mempunyai Atom-atom Yang Tersusun Secara

 Studi tentang kristal, baik bentuk luar

maupun struktur dalam kristal
 Objek studi: unsur-unsur simetri kristal,
simbol bidang kristal, sistem susunan sumbu,
bentuk kristal, perawakan kristal
Bentuk kristal

 Bentuk dasar : bentuk tunggal,sederhana,

semua bidang muka kristalnya sama dan
 Bentuk kombinasi: beberapa bentuk dasar
berlaianan yang membentuk bentuk
 Bentuk kembaran
1. Naturally occurring
 Why not synthetic (man-made)?
 E.g. diamonds
 Corian countertops (quartz)
 Table salt (halite)
 Others?
San Francisco Bay

Salar de Uyuni,
Bolivian Altiplano
2. Homogeneous solid

 Minerals can not be PHYSICALLY broken into

new compounds
 How about chemically “broken”?
 What would they break into?
 Why solid?

Physical Reaction: Big Feldspar → Little Feldspar

Chemical reaction: Albite → Na+ + Al3+ + SiO44-
3. Defined, but not fixed,
 The compositions of minerals are strictly
defined (stoichiometry), but can vary
between compositions
 For example:
 Calcite is CaCO3 but will also contain much Mg, Sr,
Fe, Mn etc.
 Olivine - (Fe,Mg)2SiO4 - is a group of two main
▪ Fayalite (Fe2SiO4)
▪ Forsterite (Mg2SiO4)
4. Ordered atomic arrangement
 Crystallography – how atoms are arranged in
 For example:
 Aragonite (CaCO3) and calcite (CaCO3) are
different minerals but have identical compositions
 This is why minerals are referred to by name
rather than formula
 Mineral names include both composition
(chemistry) and crystallography

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