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Presented by

1. Parvez Faruk- 61
2. Shakila Mahbuba Chowa- 62
3. Most Hadia Sultana- 63
4. Shahriar Kabir Emon- 64
5. Tarannum Ahsan- 65
6. Jahanara Khan Swapneel- 68
7. Sujon Chandra Roy- 73
8. M M Hasib Muktadir- 75

 BJRI is the oldest mono corporate research institute in Bangladesh, operated by

Bangladesh government.
 In 1951, this institute was established in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka by PCJC
(Pakistan Central Jute Committee).
 BJRI mainly conducts its research in three streams-
1. Jute Agriculture
2. Jute Technology
3. Jute Product Production

 A ‘Gene Bank’ was established in BJRI In 1982 in collaboration with the then
IJO (International Jute Organization) for conservation of indigenous and foreign
seeds of jute, kenaf and mesta crops and for use in research in development of
improved varieties.
 About 6000 germplasms of jute and similar fiber crops collected from different
regions of the world are stored in this gene bank.
History of BJRI
History of BJRI

 Jute research first started in Dhaka with the creation of a fibre expert's position
under the Department of Agriculture, and the assumption of responsibility by Sir
RS Finlow in 1904.
 The BJRI in its present form and functions, developed from the first Jute
Agricultural Research Laboratory (JARL) established by the Indian Central Jute
Committee (ICJC) at Dhaka Farm in 1936.
 The PCJC reorganized the Jute Research Laboratory as the Jute Research
Institute (JRI) at its present location in 1951.
History of BJRI

 BJRI therefore, began functioning with the following branches from 1976: Directorate
of Agricultural Research on Jute; Directorate of Technological Research on Jute; and
Directorate of Jute Seeds.
 In 1988, the Directorate of Jute Seed was transferred from BJRI to Bangladesh
Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC).
 BJRI maintains four Farming System Research sites, and 8 subvention centres all over
the jute growing areas of the country in collaboration with the Department of
Agricultural Extension and other organisations for dissemination, vilification and
Aims and
Aims & Objectives of BJRI

 After the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971 Jute Sector was taken up with special
approach. The Bangladesh Govt. promulgated the Jute Act in 1974 and established
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute(BJRI) with specific aims and objectives which was
modified in 1996 with the following major functions.
Aims and objectives of BJRI:
 1. Agricultural, technical and economic research, management and production of jute
and related fiber crops and extension of researched technology.
 2. Production, management, testing, supply and limited production of high quality jute
seeds with high quality of qualitative purity, procurement and distribution to selected
growers, recognized institutions and agencies approved by the Board.
Aims & Objectives of BJRI

 3. Establishment of research centers, pilot projects and farms in different regions of the
country for the purpose of research related to various problems of jute and similar fiber
crops, jute product and accessories .
 4. Training of officers, employees and jute farmers on improved methods of cultivation
of jute and allied fiber crops and training of manpower concerned in jute industry on
technological research findings related to jute.
 5. To do and perform such other activities as may be necessary for the purposes of this
Sequencing of
Genome Sequencing of Jute

 A genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA including all its gene. The
sequencing of jute genome which was published in 2017. Late Professor Maqsudul
Alam and his team made global headlines for discovery the genome sequence of
Tosha Jute (draft genome sequence of Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius.
 This is a landmark achievement in Bangladeshi science history and probably the most
significant scientific breakthrough for the country since its independence in 1971. He
effectively worked with researchers from several Bangladeshi organizations including
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.
Genome Sequencing of Jute

 After the discovery of jute genome, it becomes a pressing need to have a high
yielding jute variety released for cultivation throughout the country with an aim to
meet this need and to deliver the benefit of this success directly to the farmer’s hand.
 The next step was taken by the government at the initiative of basic and applied
research of on jute at Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI).
Development Strategies

The development strategies means the improvement of jute quality by various Method.
The strategies are as follows :-
 1. Identification and isolation of microorganisms supporting the decay of jute and
jute-like crops from different sources
 2. Development of technologies related to quality improvement of jute and jute-
based crops
 3. Invention of mechanical method of separation of different types of fibers, sewage
from jute producing areas
Development Strategies

 4. Development of mechanized method of separation of jute fiber in economical way, in short time and with less labor .
 5. Development of jute composting techniques in saline areas.
 6. Development of jute rotting technique in the same water repeatedly in water scarce areas.

Various Strategies of jute Development

1. Development of jute fibre by sulphonation method.
2. Treatment of jute fibre with enzyme and amino-silicone.
3. Treating blended jute fibre using different methods of thermal treatment.
4. Liquid ammonia treatment.
Variety HS-24
(Tani Mesta)

BJRI Technologies
BJRI Technologies

 From It’s establishment, BJRI has helped in various fields by contributing new
technologies. These successful technologies of BJRI are used in many sectors such as-
A) Agriculture
B) Industry
C) Medicine
D) Textile Industries etc.
A) Agriculture
1) Till now, BJRI produced 53 varieties of jute and jute related crops and among
them 26 of these varieties are used by farmers.
BJRI Technologies

1) In 2013, BJRI deshi pat-8 was developed which is a salt tolerant variety.
2) In 2014, BJRI deshi pat shak—1 was developed. It is widely used as a edible food.
3) In 2019, BJRI Tossa pat-8 (also known as Robi-1) was developed. This jute gives High yields and
matures early.
B) Industry
4) In many industries Jute is used as an alternative for wool. Besides jutes are used in the production of
Novotex furnishing fabrics to papers and in many other products.
5) In Bangladesh, 20-40% of the jute are of low quality. BJRI has used various types of enzymes to
upgrade the quality of the jutes.
6) Many types of cellulose can be also produced from jutes. For example: Carboxymethyle Cellulose,
Cellulose Nitrate etc.
BJRI Technologies

C) Medicine
1) Currently BJRI is working to produce Mono-Chloro Acetic Acid. This is a raw material for Micro-
crystal Cellulose which is used as a medicine.

D) Textile Industries
2) Many types of yarns are produced from the combinations jutes and other materials in textile industries.
For example: some 10s yarns are produced from 20% jute and 80% cotton, some 12s yarns are
produced from 40% jute, 40% cotton and 20% dead cell etc.
Besides these fields, BJRI also has contributed in many other fields such as systematics, chemi-taxonomy,
Economy, Biodiversity etc.
Distribution of
Distribution of Developed Technologies

 Among the important achievements of the Bangladesh Jute Research Institute,

mention may be made to the development of several improved varieties of jute, seed-
based technology packages, improved retting practices, and some modifications in
the use of jute fibers. 21,000 jute farmers, 7,000 extension workers and 1,000
extension officers have been trained in jute fiber and seed production, ribbon rating
system, jute seed production and processing in agroforestry environment and other
agricultural technologies. As a result, the production of high-quality jute has
increased through the extension of jute decomposition technology to water-scarce
areas and farmers have been encouraged to produce jute seeds by applying jute
decomposition technology.
Distribution of Developed Technologies

 1000 jute production workers and 300 entrepreneurs have been trained in versatile
jute production technology. 3000 ribbons have been distributed to farmers free of
charge to expand the ribbon rating system. Another 30,000 ribbons have been
distributed to farmers free of charge with the help of the Department of Agricultural
Extension. Besides, providing training to 2000 jute production workers for expanding
quality jute production, dyeing and design technology. 40,000 meters of jute
geotextile chemically processed and supplied to Bangladesh Army, Roads and
Highways Department and WAPDA to protect road landslides, river embankments
and hill slopes.

 Jute is called the ‘Golden Fibre’ of Bangladesh. It is the most affordable natural fibre
and just next to cotton in production and fibre use. Jute has the best fibre category,
cellulose-lignin fibre, also called textile fibre that is collected from bast or skin of
plant.After Bangladesh got independent, worldwide demand for jute was decreased
because of using artificial fibres industrially rather than natural fibre. So our jute mills
became closed, but in 1996, the prime minister Sheikh Hasina again declared to start
all the jute mill for production of different and most demandable jute product. cloths,
sacks, coarse, curtains, carpets, rope, pulp, paper, home decor, bag and so many
products are produced from jute. It is also environment friendly.

Their main purpose is-

 development of genome sequencing,
 increasement of jute cultivation in unfamiliar region and
 to enrich the farmers with developed varieties and technologies.
 to make more attractive and necessary jute products industrially,
 create more demand worldwide and making more chance of employment for our people.

One day our ‘Golden Fibre’ will become the ‘Diamond Fibre’. We hope our golden fibre and it’s products
will initiate a new skyline from which our country and whole world will be benefited.

Jute products Jute mill

Thank You

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