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Comparative and

Superlative adjectives
Forms and uses
• Comparative adjectives are used to compare two or more different
• Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun
• Adjectives with one syllable: the comparative is formed with –er:
• Example: tall taller
• Example: big bigger
• Example: pretty prettier
• Adjectives with two syllables: they are usually formed with the ending –

Comparative er but some are formed as three syllable adjectives:

• Example: busy
• Example: modern more modern

• Adjectives with three or more syllables:

• Example: important more important
• Example: beautiful more beautiful
• Spelling: if the adjective is consonant vowel consonant you double the
last consonant:
• Hot hotter
• If the adjective finishes in Y you change it for i
• Pretty prettier
• Superlative adjectives are used to say that something is the top limit or
low limit of a quality. You compare to a group of objects
• Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective +
• Adjectives with one syllable: you form the superlative by adding the
ending –est
• Example: big the biggest
• Example: small the smallest
• Adjectives with two syllables usually follow the pattern of –est but

Superlative sometimes you will find some following the pattern of three syllable
• Example: busy the busiest
• Example: modern the most modern
• Adjectives with three syllables: you must put the most in front of the
• Important the most important
• Intelligent the most intelligent
• To say the lowest limit of a quality you use the least:
• Beautiful the least beautiful
• Comfortable the least confortable
• Important: never forget to use THE
• There are some adjectives that are
irregular. These are:

Irregular • Good better the best

comparatives • Bad worse the worst
and •

farther the farthest
further the furthest
• As you can see far has two possible
forms and they can be used indistinctly
• Comparative:
• Barcelona is bigger than Castelldefels.
• Amancio Ortega is richer than me.
• Einstein was more intelligent than my
Examples of • Julia Roberts is more beautiful than Rossi
de Palma.
and superlative • Superlative:
• The Nile is the longest river in the world.
sentences • She is one of the most intelligent people I
• The Rolling Stones is one of the biggest
band in history.
• My mother is the prettiest woman in my

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