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What gestures do

people in Russia use

z to show emotions?

Today, I would like to

discuss a fascinating
aspect of human
communication: how
people express their
emotions nonverbally.

When we are angry:

 Facial
Raised voice or Aggressive body
expressions: We
shouting: Anger postures: We
may furrow our may lean
can lead to an
brows, clench our increase in forward, invade
teeth, or have a vocal volume, personal space,
tense and intense with a harsh or adopt a
tone or yelling. defensive

When we are worry:

Chewing on lips or nails: Some

 Wrinkling of clothes or objects:
individuals may chew on their
When feeling worried, we may lips or nails when they are
unconsciously wrinkle or fidget with worried, as a way to relieve
clothes or objects in our hands. stress or tension.

When we are annoyed:

Sighing or heavy breathing:
 Eye-rolling: Annoyance can When we are annoyed, we
often be expressed through may audibly sigh or take
rolling our eyes as a sign of deep breaths to release
frustration or exasperation.

In conclusion, nonverbal communication is a rich and nuanced aspect of

human interaction. Facial expressions, body language, gestures, eye
contact, and tone of voice all contribute to how we express our emotions
without words.

 We may furrow our brow – мы можем

хмурить наши брови
 have a tense and intense gaze –
пристальный взгляд
 frustration or exasperation –
разочарование или раздражение
 audibly – слышимый (громкий)

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