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At the end of this topic the student will be able to:

• Define employee selection and describe the

steps in the selection process
• Cite various employment test and their
relevance and usefulness to employee
• Compare the major types of employment

- Employee selection refers to the particular HRM process of selecting the right person for
the right job baced on certain specified criteria, such as competencies, experience, and
- That is to say, employee selection is ruling out unqualified job seekers and choosing only
those possessing the relevant qualifications inventory.
- A major explanation why a company should develop a well-organized selection policy is
to maximize hiring effectiveness.
- A wrong hire may be unavoidable, but nevertheless, it could create critical problems for
organizations. Effective selection, therefore, requires a careful study of the suitability of
the applicant to the job.
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For most organizations, choosing someone for the job is an ongoing –task. Selection is rather
extensive and complicated because it comprises a set of steps prior to making a final hiring

Step 1 - Completion of Application

- The application form plays a primary role in the hiring decisions because it introduces a
jobseeker to the company awhile giving the employer preliminary facts about the job
applicant. When writing the application form, include information that are job-related
such as work history, academic background, and other specifications. These information
are the bases for asking questions during the job interview. Take note that falsifying
information and data in the application form could put the applicant in hot water. For
example, indicating in your curriculum vitae that you earned a master's degree in business
administration from a university, but you never enrolled in that university and have not
taken any academic units in business administration.
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The following are some suggestions for putting together an
application form:
Application date - putting a date in an application form is a must. This allows
employers to mark when the form was accomplished and gives them a clue when to
put the form on file.

Educational background - the form should show blank spaces for academic records
gut not the inclusive dates of attendance since that can be connected with age.

Experience - virtually any question that focuses. on work-related experiences are


Arrests and criminal history - queries regarding arrests alone are unacceptable. But
questions about conviction and guilty pleadings are allowed. However, the application
must state that answering "yes" will not necessarily disqualified the candidate.
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National origin - questions about national origin are not permitted. However, it is
permissible to inquire whether the individual is legitimately 'reohibitecl from
being employed in a particular country.. They must also provide supporting
documents proving such.

References – when stating names of references, it is advisable to inform them in

advance as a matter of respect.

Disabilities - this is likely to be a tricky area. Employers are not allowed to ask
applicants questions designed to elicit information about the type, or seriousness of
the disabilities . Questions about the ability of an individual to perform work roles,
however, are acceptable„ Employers can ask. whether an applicant needs
reasonable accommodation, that is, if the incapacity is observable and if the job
aspirant voluntarily revealed the handicap.
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For most organizations, choosing someone for the job is an ongoing –task. Selection is rather
extensive and complicated because it comprises a set of steps prior to making a final hiring

Step 2 - Initial Interview in the HR Department

- The first interview is preliminary and its purpose is to eliminate applicants who are
clearly unqualified on the basis of their apparent characteristics such as age, height,
physical condition, years of experience, educational attainment, etc.

Step 3 - Pre-Employment Testing

- This will enable an objective evaluation of applicants. Pre employment tests are
necessary to predict the quality of the job candidate under certain circumstances.
The number and kinds of employment tests differ among companies. A careful study
should be made to determine what tests are suitable for measuring the aptitudes
and abilities required by the various jobs in the firm.
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For most organizations, choosing someone for the job is an ongoing –task. Selection is rather
extensive and complicated because it comprises a set of steps prior to making a final hiring

Step 4 - Reference/Background Check

- Organizations check the references of employees in a number of ways. The most common way is making
a phone call. Employers find this method very practical and easy to do. It helps them identify unqualified
applicants in a quick manner. But other alternatives such as faxes, mail, and email are also used as long as
they pertain to the job for which one is being hired. Background checking is going beyond reference
checks. It is a process whereby employers check the authenticity and accuracy of the information
provided by the applicant in his or her resume, or during an interview. Some commonly used background
checks include: visiting the academic institution from which the applicant claimed he or she graduated,
verifying past employment that includes length of service and work performance, or doing an online
search to establish the truth about his or her credentials and job experiences. If it is later proven that an
employee lied about his or her credentials or falsified other personal information, the employer may
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eventually fire the employee.
For most organizations, choosing someone for the job is an ongoing –task. Selection is rather
extensive and complicated because it comprises a set of steps prior to making a final hiring
Step 5 - Supervisor/Team Interview.

- After preliminary screening has been conducted, the job candidate is deemed to be most
qualified is endorsed to the unit or department that sent notice about the vacancy, and
ultimately undergo a final interview with the unit or department manager. A final decision is
made and communicated to the Human Resource Department.

Step 6 - Medical Exam/Drug Test.

- The pre-employment medical tests are administered to ensure the company that the potential
hire is physically able, with an overall excellent health condition, and fit to perform any
designated task. In other words, employers want assurance that the applicant does not have
any serious medical condition that will put him or her, and other employees at risk. This is
normally one of the final steps in the
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footer process and Done prior to a job offer. 8
For most organizations, choosing someone for the job is an ongoing –task. Selection is rather
extensive and complicated because it comprises a set of steps prior to making a final hiring

Step 7 - Hiring Decision.

Once all the above steps have been executed, it's time to make the final hiring
decision. Even though the candidate seems to meet the hiring requirements, the hiring
team should understand that the decision should be based on the selection criteria
and not has and not who has emerged as a frontrunner because of a certain
positive trait; otherwise, this could cause problems later on. Thus, to ensure your final
decision is truly objective, double check your selection and hiring standards to make
sure that the job fits the person.

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For most organizations, choosing someone for the job is an ongoing –task. Selection is rather
extensive and complicated because it comprises a set of steps prior to making a final hiring

Step 8 -Job Offer.

- Now that a final decision has been made and the right match found, it is time
to make a job offer. Although verbal job offers are acceptable, it is smarter to
have a written one on hand complete with the provisions of the job such as
working conditions, compensation package, relationships, and even culture.
Have it signed by the candidate and a deal is closed.

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Pre-employment tests are means of measuring and screening the most qualified
applicants for the job in terms of attitude, behavior, personality, etc. Companies may
administer some or all of the following pre-employment tests:

Polygraph Test

- A polygraph is a type of instrument s-Deciflcally used to interrogate and

investigate an applicant about certain events Inc cetermine whether if the individual
is telling the truth or lying when responding to questions. Polygraph test is
sometimes called a truth verification exam and questions normally focus on use of
drugs, theft or other crimes. The moment the polygraph machine detects significant
changes like unusual heart anc, pulse rates, severe perspiration or remarkable hand
and body movements, the machine will indicate that the person is lying. There is so
much bias with it because most people react indifferently to situations, hence, a
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polygraph test may not be ideal in detecting lies.
Pre-employment tests are means of measuring and screening the most qualified
applicants for the job in terms of attitude, behavior, personality, etc. Companies may
administer some or all of the following pre-employment tests:

Honesty and Integrity Tests

- This type of pre-employment. test is meant to icientffv and measure an applicant's honesty,
dependability, and even work ethic. Typical questions cover views regarding the frequency of bad
benavior and -attitude toward work. Honesty and integrity tests are usually ac ministered to applicants
whose job includes handling money, or thosethe ban<ing industry or sales and marketing.

- Graphology refers to the analysis of the handwriting of a person and is now also used to interpret a
person's character, personality, and emotional and intellectual capacity. A graphology expert obtains a
handwriting sample and assesses certain features such as slopes, size, and how the letters are
positioned. From the results of the assessment, the graphologist can form a conclusion about a person's
overall personality. Add a footer 12
Pre-employment tests are means of measuring and screening the most qualified
applicants for the job in terms of attitude, behavior, personality, etc. Companies may
administer some or all of the following pre-employment tests:

Physical Aptness.

- Besides knowing a person's personality traits, managers also demand the assessment of an
individual's physical strength. Practices from the past note that employers put more
emphasis on stamina, vigor, height, and weight as essential job requirements.

Personality and Interest Inventories.

- The aim of this pre-employment test is to gauge the person's overall personality and
behavioral traits.

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Job interview is a formal conversation between a job applicant and the employer's
representative. It could be done either on a one-on-one style or with a panel of
interviewers. The primary aim is to assess whether the applicant should be hired or not.

The Unstructured Interview.

- This is a form of interview in which questions are not ascertained ahead of time. It has
a tendency to be a bit unrestrained and free flowing comparable to a regular chat. The
interviewer asks open-ended questions, like "why should we hire you" and "why do you
want to work with us," permitting the applicant to answer tie questions without
The Structured Interview.

- This is when all questions are prepared beforehand. Structured interviews have
uniformity, which means each person
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Job interview is a formal conversation between a job applicant and the employer's
representative. It could be done either on a one-on-one style or with a panel of
interviewers. The primary aim is to assess whether the applicant should be hired or not.

The Panel Interview.

- This type of interview involves a group of interviewers who alternately pose q

uestions to a certain job applicant. Typically, there are three to five intervievvers
during the panel interview.

The Computer and Virtual Interviews.

- Virtual interviews, also known as or video interview allows people to conduct an

interview in an automated manner by conducting it online. The interviewers use
virtual interview as a standard way of assessing tne potential of the candidate.
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