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• The Cervix is powerful musclomembranous tube extend from uterine body till
vaginal cavity.
• characterized externally by thick wall.
internally by constricted lumen.
• Anatomical features: -
The internal os (anterior end) continue with uterus.
The external os (posterior end) protrude into the vagina, open with external
cervical os.
The cervix extend for a distance in to the vaginal cavity to form portio vaginalis
uteri(part of cervix protruded inside vaginal cavity and has rosette shape).
Which is surrounded by a cavity called fornix vaginae(part of vaginal cavity
surround portio vaginalis uteri).
The fornix vaginae vary according to species: -
1-central (round or annular): In mare, she camel.
2-dorsal: in ruminant.
3-ventral: in bitch.
4-potiovaginalis uteri is absent in sow.
The cervix is provided with: -
1) An outer layer of the tunica serosa.
2) Middle layer of connective tissue interspersed with smooth muscle fibers which gives the
cervix its firm and inelastic properties.
3) An inner layer of mucosa mainly of secretary epithelial cells (goblet cells which give mucus)
due to presence of goblet cells.
• Some ciliated epithelial cells are present.
The amount and viscosity of mucous varies: -
Under effect of estrogen: -
High levels of estrogens cause the cervical canal to open during estrus (standing heat).
Secretory cells give thin, less viscous, clear, glassy mucus which has antibacterial effect
so prevent entrance of infection from outside to uterus(as female genitalia is opened).
• When take cervical mucous at estrus and allow to dry on glass slide, it will form a fern like
pattern due to crystallization of NaCl.
Synergism between high levels of estrogens and relaxin at late stage of pregnancy: -
causes greater dilation just before parturition.
 Under effect of progesterone: -
Mucus becomes thick, quite viscous, tenacious and glue cervical folds
together forming barrier called the cervical seal ( plug) during pregnancy
so prevent infection during pregnancy.
Size of cervix: -
 7-10 cm in length
 3-5 cm in diameter
position of cervix: - present caudal to uterus in the pelvic cavity in non
pregnant females, while during pregnancy drawn forward into abdominal
In mare: suspended in pelvic cavity.
Function of cervix: -
1)Transport the sperm from site of semen deposition(fornix vaginae) to uterus.
2)Act as sperm reservoir after mating till complete its way to oviduct.
3)Help in filtration of sperms as cervical mucous composed of: -
A-thick mucous(viscomycin).
B-thin mucous(sialomycin).
Only strong sperm can pass through thick mucous and thin mucous, while weak
sperm can pass only thin mucous.
4)Form cervical plug during pregnancy to prevent entrance of M.O into uterus.
5)Act as passage to fetus during parturition.
6)Act as a guide during rectal palpation in cattle due to presence of annular rings.
7)Produce mucous during estrus act as lubricant and has antibacterial properties.
8)Its mucous Has lubricant action during mating.
Cervix of different species: -
1)Cervix of cow:
Size:7-10cm length, 3-5cm in diameter.
Position: caudal to uterus in pelvic cavity in non pregnant females but drawn forward
into abdominal cavity in pregnant females.
Contain 3-5 cartilaginous rings known as annular rings (pilica circularis) which give
the cervix hard texture during palpation.
This folds make cervix is difficult to be dilated
manually but only diluted hormonally.
• Contain longitudinal and circular folds.
• Have large number of goblet cells.
Cervix Uterine Body COW
• Cervix is Internal Cervical Os
composed of
thick connective
tissue • Mucus is
secreted near
the time of
Cow has 4-5 breeding and
annular rings ovulation.

External Cervical Os

2)Cervix of ewe and doe:
As that of cow but differ in:
Size:3-5cm in length, 2-3cm in diameter.
Number of cervical rings: 5-6 in ewe, 5-8 in doe.
Histology: goblet cells are less in number.
3)Cervix of mare:
Size:5-8cm in length, 3-5cm in diameter.
Position: suspended in pelvic cavity.
Anatomical features:
Not contain cervical cartilage but contain numerous small longitudinal mucosal folds so
cervix of mare dilated manually(by hand) so incidence of abortion is higher in mare.
4)Cervix of sow:
Cervical rings are cork screw shape to fit penis of boar (which is spiral crock
screw)during natural mating.
Boar has a corkscrew or spiral twist in the glans penis:- during copulation, the boar’s
penis becomes “locked” into the cervix (so, initial deposition of sperm occurs in the
Incidence of abortion is higher in mare than in cow: -
1)Presence of annular rings in cow which are absent in mare.
2)Mucosal cervical folds in mare is longitudinal only while in
Cow is longitudinal and circular.
3)Type of placenta in mare is simple diffuse while in cow
is cotyledonary type.
5)Cervix of she-camel:
Size:3-5cm length.
Anatomical features:
• Number of annular rings: 5.
• Cervical wall is thick and composed of dense white C.T so is hard in consistency.
• Cervical dilatation: hormonally.
• Goblet cells: higher in number, well developed.
• Mucosa of cervical canal show longitudinal folds.
6)Cervix of canine:
• portion of the cervix protrudes caudally into the cranial vagina.
• The cervix does not contain elaborate rings or folds
• and is relatively smooth.
Def: -it is musclomembranous tube extend from cervix to vestibule.
• It is the copulatory organ of the female.
Position: - present in pelvic cavity dorsal to bladder.
In cow most of vagina is retroperitoneal with small part covered with peritoneum, while in
mare the wholly vagina covered with peritoneum so very sensitive.
Anatomy: -
1)Anterior part: occupied by portiovaginalis-uteri.
2)Posterior part: is cranial to urethral opening.
3)hymen: is transverse mucosal fold, present between caudal part of vagina and vestibule.
• It is broken at first copulation.
• It is remnant of muller’s tubercle.
• Some times hymen not ruptured and continue as persistent hymen (occur in white heifer
• Is ill developed in cow, sow.
• Well developed in ewe, mare, human.
• Lack in dog, cat.
Histology: -
1. Tunica mucosa.
2. Tunica muscularis.
3. Tunica serosa.
Function: -
1-female copulatory organ.
2-dilatable pathway for fetus during parturition.
3-major site of sperm Ag-Ab reaction.
4-help sperm transportation.
5-site of semen deposition in cow(fornix vagina).
N.B: epithelial cell of vagina cornified under effect of estrogen which occur at time of estrus
that may serve as lubricating and/or protection mechanism to prevent abrasion during
copulation , then under progesterone epithelial regenerate.
 Site of semen deposition in different species: -
1-cow, buffalo: in fornix vaginae.
2-ewe,doe: in fornix vaginae.
3-mare: directly in uterus
4-she-camel: part deposited cervical, part intrauterine.
5-sow: in cervix.
6-bitch: in uterine body(uterus).
7-queen: in vagina.
Gartner's duct: -
• Is remnant of the wolffian duct(mesonephric duct).
• run along vaginal floor between T.mucosa and T.muscularis.
• Open on the side of external urethral orifice.
Diameter: .25cm.
Give secretion during copulation.
Presence in different species: -
• Present in cow.
• rare in ewe, mare and sow.
• absent in bitch.
Clinical significance:
May be obstructed leading to accumulation of its secretion which result in cyst
formation along its course.
6-external genitalia

Include: -
vestibule, vulva, clitoris.
1-vestibule: -
It is a musclomembranous tube extend from vagina to vulva.
Vestibule contain 6 openings: -
1-vagino vestibular opening.
2-opening of Gartner duct.
3-opening of vulva.
4-opening of external urethral orifice.
5-opening of suburetheral diverticulum.
6-opening of Bartholin gland.
Bartholin gland (bulbovestibular gland): -
• Pair of glands present on the floor of vestibule at posterior part of vestibule.
• Their opening present on each side of vestibule lateral and slightly posterior to the
urethral orifice.
• They are active during estrus secreting mucous substance act as lubricant.
• Present in mare, cattle:
• In cattle:2 glands open with single duct so incidence of formation of Bartholin gland
cyst more common in cow.
• In mare: each gland open into 8-10 openings.
• Absent in ewe.
• They are homologous to bulbourethral gland in male.
N.B: suburetheral diverticulum: - it is a blind sac or pouch , 3-4cm long.
• present caudal to external urethral orifice(so be careful to avoid puncture of it
during introduction of catheter in uterine irrigation.
• Absent in mare, very small in ewe and doe, shallow in she camel, present in cow.
2-vulva: -
 It is external and apparent part of female genital system.
 Consists of 2 lips: -
1-libia minora: inner part of vulva and can not be seen externally.
• It is homologous to prepuce in prepuce.
2-libia majora: outer part of vulva, it is cutaneous and contain hair, hair follicle and
sebaceous gland.
• It is homologous to clitoris in male.
 The 2 lips are fused dorsally forming dorsal commissure which is round and fused
ventrally forming ventral commissure which is pointed.
 The ventral commissure of vulva contain clitoris.
 Function: -
1)The opening for mating and serve as a part of birth canal.
2)The passage of urine.
3-clitoris: -
• Erectile tissue structure, high innervation.
• Homologous to glans penis in male.
• Consists of body(is twisted)and glans(is pointed).
• Located in caudal portion of ventral commissure of vulva in fossa called fossa clitoridis.
• Become turgid during estrus.
• In mare: is well developed, present in a fossa called fossa clitoris , it is large during
estrus .
 when occur contraction of constrictorvulvae muscle make the clitoris appear between
2 lips of vulva and this process called winking.
• In ewe, doe: Is short with glans concealed.
• In she-camel: is very small.
Its significance:
From fossa clitoridis can isolate haemophiles equi , this M.O transmitted by coitus
(venereal disease )cause contagious equine metritis.
Clitoris of bitch

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