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Topic 1: What are the causes and effects of global warming?

+ Carbon dioxide emission from the burning of fossil fuels in power plants and motor
+ Deforestation for farming, wood and paper.
+ The increasing use of chemical fertilizers on croplands.
+ Heat-related illnesses and death, and spread of infectious diseases.
+The melting of polar ice caps and rising of sea levels.
+ People losing homes.
+ Extreme weather patterns such as severe storms, heat waves, floods and droughts.
+ Widespread extinction of species.
+ Water and food shortages.
Topic 2: After graduating from secondary school, do you want to enter
university or start working straight after school ? Give the explanations for
your choice.

Reasons for entering university:
+ Most parents in Vietnam want their children to go to university or college.
+ Higher education will help Ss to gain more knowledge.
+ Critical thinking and a bachelor’s degree will help them to find a job more
Reasons for starting working straight after school
+ Help young people start earning money immediately.
+They will be mature enough to live independently.
Topic 3: Talk about ONE of the world heritage sites you know in Viet Nam.
1. What is the name of the heritage site you want to talk about?
2. Where is it located?
3. Does it have any special features?
4. Is it still intact or in ruins?
5. What do you think should be done to improve it?
Topic 4: Talk about characteristics for being independent.
1) What characteristics should a person have to become independent?
2) Which one is the most important to you? Why?
Topic 5: Talk about the conflict between your parents and you.
Suggestions: You should answer the following questions:
1- What is the conflict?
2. How do you feel?
3. What do you wish your parents to do?
Topic 6: Talk about the things we should do to help people with
Suggestions: You should answer the following questions:
1. What can we do to help people with disabilities?
2. Why do we need to help them?
3. What skills can we need to help them?
* Some suggested ideas:
- Name some work to help people with disabilities:
+ raising money through fund- raising money activities
+sending people with disabilities money, clothes, books, gifts…
+ going to their houses and help them do some work: clean up their
houses, cook meals, do shopping, listen to their problems….
+ starting campaigns to collect money or gifts for people with disabilities.
-Skills: In order to help the disabled, we need to be good at V-ing/ we need
to have …skills
Topic7 : Talk about the environmental impacts of human activities
1. What are some impacts of human activities on the environment?
2. Are they serious?
3. What should you do to preserve the environment?
Topic 8: Talk about an eco tour
1. What do you know about an eco tour?
2. What do the tourists do on an eco tour?
3. What are the advantages of taking part in an eco tour?

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