Fundamentals of Computer Network Chapter 1

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Data Communication and Computer


Fundamentals of Computer

Mrs. P. S. Mahajan
Lecturer in Computer Engineering
Government Polytechnic Thane
Definition of Computer Network

 Two or more computers connected together through a

communication media is called as Computer Network.
 A Computer Network is a set of electronically connected
computers which can share information and resources
among themselves
 A Computer Network is a collection of computer systems
which can communicate or interact with each other.
Need/Advantages/Benefits of
Computer Network
Need/Advantages/Benefits of
Computer Network
 File sharing: Networks offer a quick and easy way to
share files directly
 Resource Sharing: All the computers in the network
can share the resources
 Hardware resources
 Software Resources
 Data Communication: Those users on the network
can communicate with each other via e-mail, instant
 Flexible Access: Networks allow their users to access
files from computers throughout the network.
 Centralized Management
 Information Back-up
Applications of Computer

 Marketing and Sales

 Financial Services
 Manufacturing
 Information Services
 Electronic Mails
 Teleconferencing
What is Data Communication?
 Data communications refers to the exchange of data
between a source and a receiver.
 The encoded transmission of data via electrical, optical
or wireless means between computers or network
 The process of sending or receiving data between two
points of a computer network is known as data
 Transfer or exchange of information from one computer
to another is known as Data communication
 Data communication is transfer of information between a
source and a destination via one or more data links,
according to appropriate protocol
Components of Data Communication

 Message
 Sender
 Receiver
 Transmission Medium
 Set of rules (Protocol)
Modes of Communication
What is Protocols?
 A protocol is a standard set of rules that governs the
communications between computers on the network.
 A protocol is a formal set of rules, conventions and data
structure that governs how computers and other network
devices exchange information over a network
 Network protocols define the rules and procedures for the
network Communications.
 A set of rules or standards designed to enable computers to
connect with one another over a network and to exchange
information with as little error as possible a protocol is a formal
set of conventions governing the format and control of
interaction among communicating functional units.
 A protocol defines, what is to be communicated, how it is to be
communicated and when it is to be communicated.
 Protocol is very important for networking without protocol
communication cannot occur
Functions of Protocols
 Protocol different data Sequencing rules.
 Protocol defines data routing rules which the most efficient path
between the source and destination.
 Protocol defines data formatting rules which group of BITS and
characters within packet constitute data, control, addressing, and other
 Protocol defines flow control of information or data.
 Protocol defines error control rules are designed to detect error in
messages and to ensure a transmission of correct messages.
 Protocol defines precedence and the Order of Transmission rules ensure
that all the nodes get a chance to use the communication lines and
other resources of the network based on the priorities assigned to them.
 Protocol defines connection establishment and termination rules that
define how connections are established and maintained and terminated
when two notes of the network want to communicate with each other.
 Protocol defines data security and privacy that built into most
communication software packages
 Most common protocols are Ethernet LocalTalk, Token ring, FDDI, ATM
(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
Standard Organisations

 Standards Creation Committees

 American national standards Institute (ANSI)
 Electronic Industries Association(EIA)
 International telecommunication Union telecommunications
standards sectors (ITU-T)
 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
 International Standards Organisation (ISO)
 Forums
 Internet Society (ISOC)
 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
 Frame Relay forum
 ATM forum
 Regulatory Agencies
 Government appointment government appointed Agencies
 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of US
Types of Data transmission
 Data is transmitted from one point to another
point by means of electrical signals that may be in
the digital or analog forms.
 Analog Signal:
 An analogue signal is a continuous waveform that
changes Mowgli over time analogue signal is usually
represented by sine wave
 Analog data refers to information that is continuous
for example sounds made by human voice.
 Analog signal bandwidth is measured in terms of its
frequency in hertz
 Digital Signal:
 Digital data refers to the information that has
discrete States digital data take on discrete values
for example data are stored in Computer memory in
the form of 0s and 1s
 Digital signal bandwidth is measured in terms of bit
rate (bits per second) BPS
 Bandwidth is a fundamental property of any wire that is used for data
 Bandwidth is a range of frequency in which the gain of the system or
output signal
 The bandwidth is depend upon the pulse width of data if pulse width
decreases the corresponding bandwidth required increases
 For digital signal, bandwidth is specified in terms of bits per second
where as for analogue signal it is in hertz.
 The bandwidth is useful factor determine the requirement of signal
over the channel.
 Bandwidth is a range of frequencies available for data transmission it
refers to data transmission rate.
 Data transmission rate depends on three factors
 The bandwidth available.
 The level of the signals we use and
 The quality of channel.
Data Transmission Rate
 Bit Rate:
 It is the number of bits transmitted in one second
 The relation between bit rate and bit interval can be as follows
 Bit rate = 1/Bit Interval
 It is expressed as beats per second BPS
 Other units used to express bitrate are KBPS, MBPS and GBPS
 Bit Interval:
 The Beat interval is the time required to send one single bit
 The bit rate is the number of bits intervals per second this means that
the beat rate is number of bits sent in one second usually expressed in
bits per second BPS
 Baud rate:
 Baud rate is the number of times the signal level changes in channel per
 Baud rate is less than or equal to the bit rate it is the rate of signal
speed that is the rate at which the signal changes the Digital Signal with
two levels zeros and ones will have the same what rate and bitrate
Analog to Digital conversion
Digital to Analog conversion
Classification of Computer Networks


Based on
Broadcast Point To Point
Transmission Transmission

Based on
Network Internet Intranet Extranet
LAN( Local Area Network)
 A Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of computer and peripheral devices
which are connected in a limited area such as school, laboratory, home, and
office building.
 It is a widely useful network for sharing resources like files, printers, games,
and other application.
 The simplest type of LAN network is to connect computers and a printer in
someone's home or office.
 In general, LAN will be used as one type of transmission medium.
 It is a network which consists of less than 5000 interconnected devices across
several buildings.
 Characteristics of LAN
 It is a private network, so an outside regulatory body never controls it.
 LAN operates at a relatively higher speed compared to other WAN systems.
 There are various kinds of media access control methods like token ring and
 Advantages of LAN
 Computer resources like hard-disks, DVD-ROM, and printers can share local
area networks. This significantly reduces the cost of hardware purchases.
 You can use the same software over the network instead of purchasing the
licensed software for each client in the network.
 Data of all network users can be stored on a single hard disk of the server
 You can easily transfer data and messages over networked computers.
 It will be easy to manage data at only one place, which makes data more
 Local Area Network offers the facility to share a single internet connection
among all the LAN users.
WAN (Wide Area Network)
 WAN (Wide Area Network) is another important computer network that which is spread
across a large geographical area.
 WAN network system could be a connection of a LAN which connects with other LAN's
using telephone lines and radio waves.
 Wide area networks are a form of telecommunication networks that can connect devices
from multiple locations and across the globe. WANs are the largest and most expansive
forms of computer networks available to date.
 These networks are often established by service providers that then lease their WAN to
businesses, schools, governments or the public.
 These customers can use the network to relay and store data or communicate with
other users, no matter their location, as long as they have access to the established
 Access can be granted via different links, such as virtual private networks (VPNs) or
lines, wireless networks, cellular networks or internet access.
 Characteristics of LAN:
 The software files will be shared among all the users; therefore, all can access to the
latest files.
 Any organization can form its global integrated network using WAN.
 Advantages of WAN
 Here are the benefits/ pros of using WAN:
 WAN helps you to cover a larger geographical area. Therefore business offices situated
at longer distances can easily communicate.
 Contains devices like mobile phones, laptop, tablet, computers, gaming consoles, etc.
 WLAN connections work using radio transmitters and receivers built into client devices.
PAN (Personal Area Network)
 PAN is a computer network formed around a person.
 It generally consists of a computer, mobile, or personal digital assistant.
 PAN can be used for establishing communication among these personal
devices for connecting to a digital network and the internet.
 Characteristics of PAN
 It is mostly personal devices network equipped within a limited area.
 Allows you to handle the interconnection of IT devices at the surrounding of a single
 PAN includes mobile devices, tablet, and laptop.
 It can be wirelessly connected to the internet called WPAN.
 Appliances use for PAN: cordless mice, keyboards, and Bluetooth systems.
 Advantages of PAN
 PAN networks are relatively secure and safe
 It offers only short-range solution up to ten meters
 Strictly restricted to a small area
 Disadvantages of PAN
 It may establish a bad connection to other networks at the same radio bands.
 Distance limits.
CAN (Campus Area Network)

 A Campus Area Network is made up of an

interconnection of LANs within a specific geographical
 For example, a university campus can be linked with a
variety of campus buildings to connect all the academic
Broadcast Networks
 Broadcasting is simply method of transferring message to all of recipients
 Broadcast networks are also known as terrestrial networks.
 It is basically group of radio stations, television stations, or any other
electronic media outlets that simply generate agreement to air, or broadcast,
content generally from centralized source.
 In this network, message that is sent by node is received by all of other
connected nodes to network and share common medium of communication.
 In this network, each of receiving stations just receives all signals that are
sent by transmitters.
 Communication channel that is basically shared by all of machines in network.
 Advantages of Broadcast Networks –
 In this network, packets are generally transmitted and received by all of
 It allows multicasting in the network.
 It has no limit. Even events can also run as long as required.
 It ensures better utilization of all resources available.
 Disadvantages of Broadcast Networks –
 It cannot accommodate huge number of devices.
 It doesn’t allow personalization of message.
Point-to-Point Networks
 Point-to-Point Networks or Point-to-Point Connection is type of private data
connection that is connecting securely two or more locations for private data
 It might also be configured to usually carry voice, internet, and data services
together all over same point-to-point network.
 It simply refers to type of communication connection among two endpoints or
nodes of communication. It is connection among pairs of machines.
 Transmission from point-to-point with one sender and receiver is commonly known
as unicasting.
 This network is generally used for two locations that are required to securely send
data that is very sensitive and confidential among each of locations.
 A point-to-point or P2P (Data Link) also gives or provides path from one point that
is fixed to other point being fixed.
 It is very closed network data transport service that does not travel through public
 Advantages of Point-to-Point Networks –
 It increases productivity.
 It generally uses leased lines so that speeds are guaranteed.
 It provides better security so that data can be transferred securely with confidence.
 Disadvantages of Point-to-Point Networks –
 With this network, we can only connect two sites.
 It is very expensive for distant locations.
Internet, Intranet and Extranet
Network Architecture/Basic Network
Computing Models
Network Operating Systems (NOS)
 A network operating system (NOS) is an operating system that
manages network resources: essentially, an operating system that
includes special functions for connecting computers and devices into
a local area network (LAN).
 The NOS manages multiple requests (inputs) concurrently and
provides the security necessary in a multiuser environment.
 It may be a completely self-contained operating system, such
as NetWare, Unix, Windows 2000, or Mac OS X.
 Common features of network operating systems
 Basic support for operating systems like protocol and processor support,
hardware detection and multiprocessing.
 Printer and application sharing.
 Common file system and database sharing.
 Network security capabilities such as user authentication and access
 Directory
 Backup and web services.
 Internetworking.
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