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Control :
is that quantity responsible for activating the system for produce the output
.The word control is usually taken to mean regulate, direct, or command

System :
is a combination of elements intended to act together to accomplish an objective.
A control system :
is a collection of components working together under the direction
of some machine intelligence.
In most cases,
electronic circuits provide the intelligence, and
electromechanical components such as sensors and motors provide the interface to
the physical world.
Examples of control systems

Temperature Control system

Problems of control engineering
Analysis and design of control system configurations

is the investigation of the properties of an existing System.
For example, we evaluate its transient response and steady-state error to determine
if they meet the desired specifications.

is the choice and arrangement of control system components to perform a
special task.
For example, if a system's transient response and steady-state error are analyzed
and found not to meet the specifications, then we change parameters or add
additional components to meet the specifications.

Major objectives of systems analysis and design:

producing the desired transient response,
reducing steady-state error, and
achieving stability.
General procedure for analyzing a linear control system

• Determine the equations or transfer function for each system component.

• Choose a scheme for representing the system ( block diagram or signal
flow graph ).
• Formulate the system model by appropriately connecting the components
(blocks, or nodes and branches).
• Determine the system response characteristics.
1.Time domain-methods:
direct solution of the system equations to find the steady state and
transient solutions.
Cumbersome for higher than second order systems.
2. Graphical methods.
simpler and more direct.
Bode-Plot Representations
Nyquist diagrams
Nichols Charts
The Root-Locus Method
is the choice and arrangement of control system components to perform a
special task.
objective of Design : meeting performance specifications.
performance specifications are the constraints put on system response
Forms of specifications:
• Frequency domain specifications ( pertinent quantities expressed as
functions of frequency.)
• Time domain specifications (in terms of time response).
These forms specify the following three important properties of
dynamics systems:
• Speed of response
• Relative stability
• System accuracy or allowable error
Types of design:
Design by analysis of system is accomplished by modifying the
characteristics of an existing or standard system configuration.
Design by synthesis ( direct design ) is accomplished by defining the
form of the system directly from its specifications
Block diagram of a control system

The set point is a signal representing the desired system output.

The controller is the intelligence of the system and is usually
The actuator is an electromechanical device that takes the signal
from the controller and converts it into some kind of physical
The process is the physical process being affected by the
The controlled variable is the measurable result of that process.
Control System Configurations
Open loop and closed loop control systems
open loop control system
is one in which the control action is independent on the output

•It is used for very simple applications.

•it cannot compensate for any disturbances that add to the controller's driving signal
•The output of an open-loop system is corrupted not only by signals that add to
•the controller's commands but also by disturbances at the output
•the ability to perform accurately is determined by the calibration, which implies to
establish the input-output relation to obtain a desired system accuracy.
•they are not generally troubled with problems of instability.
•the controlled variable is sensitive to changes in disturbance inputs.
closed loop control system

is one in which the control action is somewhat dependent on the

output. ( It is called also feedback control system )

The important features :

reduced effects of nonlinearities and distortion
increased accuracy
increased bandwidth
reduced sensitivity of the ratio of the output to input to variations in
system characteristics.
tendency toward oscillation or instability
closed-loop systems are more complex and expensive than open-
loop systems.
Systems that perform measurement and correction are called closed-
loop, or feedback control, systems. Systems that do not have this
property of measurement and correction are called open-loop systems.
Types of control systems :
A regulator system
Automatically maintains a parameter at (or near) a specified
An example of this is a home heating system maintaining a
set temperature despite changing outside conditions.
A follow-up system
causes an output to follow a set path that has been specified in advance.
An example is an industrial robot moving parts from place to place.
Sequentially Controlled Systems
A control system that performs a series of actions in sequence.

time-driven event-driven
open-loop closed-loop
Example is the automatic washing machine.
electromechanical control system that directs the precise movement
of a physical object
The output position or the output velocity (or both) is controlled. An
example is the positioning system for a radar antenna
Natural control systems :

have existed since the beginning of life.

How the human body regulates temperature?
If the body needs to heat itself,
food calories are converted to produce heat;
on the other hand, evaporation causes cooling.
If temperature sensors in the body notice a drop in temperature,
they signal the body to burn more fuel.
If the sensors indicate too high a temperature, they signal the
body to sweat.
Functionally, how do closed-loop systems differ from open-loop systems?
Closed-loop systems compensate for disturbances by measuring the response, comparing it to
the input response (the desired output), and
.then correcting the output response
.Name the two parts of a system's response
Steady-state, transient
Physically, what happens to a system that is unstable?
It follows a growing transient response until the steady-state response is no longer visible. The
system will either destroy itself, reach an equilibrium state because of saturation in driving
amplifiers, or hit limit stops.
Physically, an unstable system whose natural response grows without bound can cause damage
to the system, to adjacent property, or to human life.
Instability is attributable to what part of the total response?
Natural response
Describe a typical control system analysis task.
Determine the transient response performance of the system.

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