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• Using mobile phones inside the classroom will disturb student’s role and finally results in
distraction and disruption in their academics. With the overuse of smartphones and internet
access, one can easily see the consequences in the academic performance and lifestyle of
young people. (B.Rajesh 2019)
• Besides many advantages and benefits of smartphones to students, there are many
disadvantages and negative impacts of smartphones to students which cannot be neglected.
The more students use smartphone, the more they are exposed to many positive and negative
impacts. (Mukhdoomi 2020)
• In today’s modern world, our traditional classrooms were changed into online remote
classrooms in which students are available through the online session from their
smartphones and teachers or lecture gives a lecture to their students remotely from anywhere
of the world. (Faheem Shakoor 2021)
• Research has shown that smartphone addiction does create a very strong impact on academic
performance of youth. Several studies have been conducted to measure the impact of
smartphone addiction and academic performance among university students. (Arooba Azam
• The use of smartphone is gradually becoming a compelling learning tool used to enhance
teaching and learning in distance education. For youth and students, smartphone addiction is
getting higher due to over dependency on technology in every aspect, therefore it is required
to have consistent and complete research of whether smartphone addiction is beneficial for the
students or does it influence negatively on their academic performance. (Mukhdoomi 2020)
• Many issues in education are caused directly or indirectly by smartphone addiction which also
has an impact on student’s academic performance. Students who use their smartphones
excessively risk failing their classes. (Nikita Nehra 2022)
Research Objective Research Question

1. To identify the extent of smartphone usage 1.What is the extent of smartphone usage
among students. among the students?
2. To examine the relationship of smartphone 2.What is the relationship between
usage and academic performance. smartphone usage and academic
• This research will provide the latest information about the impact of
smartphone toward students’ academic performance in the year of 2023.
• The lecturers can know exactly how far does smartphone can assist students to
achieve excellent marks in their academic performance.
• It is believed that the outcomes of the study would assist lecturers in
determining whether smartphone gives positive impact or negative impact
toward students’ academic performances.
• This research will be useful for future researcher that wants to conduct
research regarding the impact of smartphone toward students’ academic

• This research will be conducted in University College of Agroscience

Melaka (UCAM).
• The targeted population are diploma and bachelor students .
• By referring to Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sampling method if the
population is 440, the sample will be 205.
• The purpose of the study is wants to know the impact of smartphone toward
students’ academic performance.
Impact of Smartphone on Education
• Smartphone affecting students’ life in various area mainly in education, smartphone use for
education purposes let students to enter the world of knowledge as students are able to
obtain plenty of information by a single click on smartphone. (Dr Abid Ali 2018)
• The education system is moving towards utilizing of technology in the classroom ranging
from the elementary to the collegiate level of education. Educators/lecturers need to realise
that there is a difference between nowadays generations of students and those days
generation of students. (Emerson D Peteros 2022)
i) Smartphone Usage Patterns (Duration)
• Smartphone usage influence on attention duration and academic performance
of students. (Gloria Mark 2019)

ii) Student Self-efficacy

• Student self-efficacy is a construct that developed by Bandura’s social
cognitive theory. The construct of self-efficacy has empirical attention with
the smartphone habit in the context of mobile learning. (Abbur Razzaq 2018)
(Alan Lakein 1973) (Albert Bandura
• Smartphone usage 1991)
patterns (duration) • Self-efficacy/self-
• Self-control
• Self-evaluation


Smartphone Usage
Patterns (Duration)

Student Self-efficacy
Hypothesis 1

• Ho1 : The smartphone usage patterns (duration) did not impact students academic performance.

• Ha1 : The smartphone usage patterns (duration) impact students academic performance.

• Hypothesis 2

• Ho2 : The student self-efficacy did not impact students academic performance.

• Ha1 : The student self-efficacy impact students academic performance.


• The instrument used is questionnaire.

• Statistical Package of the Social Science (SPSS) will be used for data
• Research design is quantitative (explanatory data) descriptive.
• Simple Random Sampling technique will be used in the research.

• Researcher will know clearly how far does smartphone can assist students in
their academic performance. Researcher can know whether the smartphone
gives positive effect or negative effect towards students academic
• This chapter will explain the outcomes and data analysis performed during
the statistical testing.
• The analysis begins with a test of data normality to ensure that the data is
normally distributed.
• Then, followed by correlation and regression. After that, a descriptive
analysis was conducted to obtain demographic information of the
respondents and the smartphone usage and academic performance.
• An inferential analysis using multiple regression was used in this study.
• Pilot Test Score
• Overall, the value of Cronbach alpha coefficient for this set of questionnaires is in a very
good range of 0.953.
Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

0.953 24
• Test of Normality
• The Shapiro-Wilk test of normality, only academic performance are not significant and
normally distributed. Smartphone usage patterns and student self-efficacy is significant
which is the data are normally distributed.
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statisti Statisti
c df Sig. c df Sig.
Smartphone Usage
Patterns .124 100 .001 .919 100 .000
Student Self-
.105 100 .009 .936 100 .000
.088 100 .052 .963 100 .006
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
• Descriptive statistics

• Descriptive statistics used in this study were frequency, mean and percentage.

• Student Demographic Analysis

• Student demographic analysis was made based on the data obtained through the questionnaire in
Section A.

• Gender
Distribution of Respondents Based on Gender
Frequency Percent
Gender (f) (%)
Female 19 19.0
Male 81 81.0
Total 100 100.0
• Age
Distribution of Respondents Based on Age
Age Frequency(f) (%)
15-20 39 39.0
21-26 59 59.0
27-32 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0

• Race
Distribution of Respondents Based on Race
Frequency Percent
Race (f) (%)
Malay 91 91.0
Chinese 1 1.0
Indian 5 5.0
Others 3 3.0
Total 100 100.0
• Education Level

Distribution of Respondents Based on Education Level

Frequency Percent
Education Level (f) (%)
Diploma 60 60.0
Bachelors 40 40.0
Total 100 100.0

• What Brand of smartphone do you own currently?

Distribution of Respondents Brand of Smartphone
Frequency Percent
Brand of Smartphone (f) (%)
Samsung 12 12.0
Apple 41 41.0
Oppo 9 9.0
Huawei 6 6.0
Others 32 32.0
Total 100 100.0
• Mean Analysis
• Mean score analysis was done to measure the level of academic performance among students.

• Mean Analysis for Smartphone Usage Patterns

Mean Analysis for Smartphone Usage Patterns
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
1. I use smartphone to search
100 1 5 4.45 0.845
for information.
2. I use smartphone to
100 1 5 4.12 0.946
complete my assignments.
3. I use smartphone to access
an E-library. 100 1 5 3.53 1.087

4. I use smartphone to read

100 1 5 4.11 0.973
course materials.
5.I used smartphone to
100 1 5 3.96 1.072
record lectures.
6. I use smartphone to watch
100 1 5 4.04 0.920
course-related video files.
7. The use of smartphones
during study time will 100 1 5 3.93 1.130
distract student.
8. I scheduled my study time.
100 1 5 3.84 0.961

9. I find a smartphone useful

100 1 5 4.30 0.882
in my studies.
• Mean Analysis for Student Self-Efficacy
Mean Analysis for Student Self-Efficacy
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
1.Mobile technology motivates student to
100 1 5 4.08 0.918
2.Learning with mobile technology increases
100 1 5 4.04 0.920
my interest to engage in learning activities.
3. Learning with mobile technology increases
100 1 5 4.03 0.881
my knowledge of all the course concepts.
4. Learning with mobile technology facilitates
100 2 5 4.08 0.800
my understanding of all the course concepts.
5. Learning with mobile technology builds
my confidence when sitting for an 100 1 5 3.93 0.913
6. Using a smartphone increases my course
100 1 5 3.98 0.910
work productivity.
7. When learning with mobile technology, I
can easily download online learning materials 100 2 5 4.12 0.769
in different formats into my mobile device.
8. Learning with mobile technology increases
my interaction with my lecturer and course 100 1 5 4.02 0.899
mates on coursework outside the classroom.
• Mean Analysis for Student Academic Performance
Mean Analysis for Student Academic Performance
N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
1.I believe my academic performances improve
by using a smartphone. 100 2 5 3.80 0.853

2.Using a smartphone helps me to study more

100 1 5 3.88 0.891
3. I am always optimistic to pass my examination
after learning with mobile technology. 100 2 5 3.89 0.827

4. I will be successful in my academic pursuit if I

continue learning with mobile technology. 100 1 5 3.67 0.954

5. With a smartphone, my academic performance

100 1 5 3.75 0.903
6. Using a smartphone, improves my
performance in studying activities. 100 1 5 3.81 0.918

7. Using a smartphone enhances my study

100 1 5 3.91 0.900

• Overall, the student academic performance in this study showed a mean score of 3.8157 which is
medium high and has a mean value of between 3.01 and 4.00. It clearly shows that student academic
performance was improved by using smartphone.
• Inference Analysis
• Inferential analysis was used in this study to measure the research hypotheses and to investigate
objectives and research questions.

• Multiple regression analysis was applied.

• The Pearson correlation coefficient will be used to explain relationship between variables in this
The Relationship between Smartphone Usage with the Academic Performance

Smartpho Student Academic

ne usage self- performan
Variables patterns efficacy ce
Smartphone Correlation
1.000 .749** .610**
usage patterns Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000
N 100 100 100
Student Self- Correlation
.749** 1.000 .672**
Efficacy Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000
N 100 100 100
Academic Correlation
.610** .672** 1.000
performance Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .
N 100 100 100
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

• It shows smartphone usage patterns has a positive and strong relationship with academic performance
(r=0.610, p<0.000) while student self-efficacy has a positive and strong relationship with academic
performance (r=0.672, p<0.000).
• Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 0.676a 0.457 0.451 0.54759
a. Predictors: (Constant), Smartphone usage patterns
b. Dependent Variable: Academic performance

• This findings show that smartphone usage patterns contribute 45.7% to the students’ academic

Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error of

Square the Estimate
1 0.693a 0.480 0.474 0.53587
a. Predictors: (Constant), Student self-efficacy
b. Dependent Variable: Academic performance

• This findings show that student self-efficacy contribute 48.0% to the students’ academic performance.
• VARIANCE test results (ANOVA)
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 24.708 1 24.708 82.403 0.000b

Residual 29.385 98 0.300
Total 54.094 99

a. Dependent Variable: Academic performance

b. Predictors: (Constant), Smartphone usage patterns

Model Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 25.592 1 25.952 90.378 0.000b
Residual 28.141 98 .287
Total 54.094 99
a. Dependent Variable: Academic performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Smartphone usage patterns
Regression Analysis between Smartphone Usage Patterns and Academic
Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .978 .317 3.081 .003
usage .704 .078 .676 9.078 .000
a. Dependent Variable

• It shows that academic performance will change positively due to smartphone usage patterns. The
result of this analysis can test the research hypotheses that have been made by researchers
• Regression Analysis between Student Self-Efficacy and Academic
Unstandardized Coefficie
Coefficients nts
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .799 .322 2.484 .015
Student self-
.748 .079 .693 9.507 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Academic Performance

• It shows that academic performance will change positively due to student self-efficacy. The result of
this analysis can test the research hypotheses that have been made by researchers.
Status of Study Hypothesis H01 and H02 Multiple Regression Value
Hypothesis Status Value Sig p

H01 The smartphone usage patterns did not impact students’ Rejected 0.704 0.000
academic performance.
Ha1 Accepted
The smartphone usage patterns impact students’ academic

H02 Rejected 0.748 0.000

The students’ self-efficacy did not impact students’
academic performance.

Ha2 Accepted
The students’ self-efficacy impact students’ academic
• This chapter discussed the results of data normality analysis, descriptive analysis and inferential

• In terms of the spearman correlation relationship, smartphone usage patterns and student self-efficacy
indicates a positive and significant relationship

• Smartphone usage patterns and student self-efficacy has a positive and strong relationship with
academic performance which are (r=0.610, p<0.000) and (r=0.672, p<0.000).

• Besides that for multiple regression, smartphone usage patterns and student self-efficacy showed a
positive and significant relationship.
• This chapter will explain regarding the recommendations and limitations of study.

• There are some recommendations can be proposed for future researcher which are :

• the future researcher may increase the independent variables from two to three. It will lead to more
accurate and reliable findings.

• Besides that, the future researcher can use several methods to collect data such as interview the
respondents instead of only focus on distributing questionnaires. The effect of this action is the
researcher can get plenty amount of information of the selected topic from the respondents.

• The data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive and inferential. The future researcher can
use more data analysis technique so that the data obtained can be used to form more comprehensive
• There are some limitations of study which are :

• There is only one method was used to collect data by distributing questionnaires to respondents. Only
few questions presented in the questionnaire.

• Besides that, the researcher conducts this research in University College of Agroscience Melaka
(UCAM) only. All data analysis made is based on the answers given by the respondents from the
• Bandura, A. (1991). "Social cognitive theory of self-regulation." Organizational Behavior
and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 248-287.
• Lakein, A. (1973). "How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life." New American
• Shakoor, F., Fakhar, A. and Abbas, J. (2021) ‘Impact of smartphones usage on the learning
behaviour and academic performance of students: Empirical evidence from Pakistan’,
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(2), pp.
• Peteros, E. et al. (2022) ‘Effects of smartphone utilization on Junior High School Students’
Mathematics Performance’, World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues,
14(2), pp. 401–413.

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