B.ing Jessika 2 Feb 23

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Jessica Aprilia


Bahasa Inggris
Main Event Background Event
01 02

03 Sources Event
Main Event
Thousands of workers at the Pulogadung
Industrial Area in East Jakarta staged a
protest against the passage of the
Omnibus Bill on Thursday, October 8.
Ribuan buruh di Kawasan Industri
Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, menggelar aksi
protes menolak RUU Cipta Kerja pada
Kamis, 8 Oktober.
Background Don't
f orget

Event ...

The protesters, who claimed their number has increased to

7,000 from 5,000 people on the first day, paralyzed the
industrial area in the Indonesian capital
“We ensure that there are no production activities in this
industrial area because of the strike. We have sent out notices
and 7,000 people marched through the streets of the industrial
area,” protest coordinator Hilman Firmansyah told
During the protest, they approached each factory or company in
the Pulogadung Industrial, calling employees to join the strike.
f orget

Background ...

Para pengunjuk rasa yang mengaku jumlahnya meningkat
menjadi 7.000 dari 5.000 orang pada hari pertama, melumpuhkan
kawasan industri di ibukota Indonesia.
“Kami memastikan tidak ada kegiatan produksi di kawasan
industri ini karena mogok kerja. Kami telah mengirimkan
pemberitahuan dan 7.000 orang berbaris melalui jalan-jalan
kawasan industri, ”kata koordinator protes Hilman Firmansyah
Dalam aksi tersebut, mereka mendatangi setiap pabrik atau
perusahaan di Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, memanggil karyawan
untuk ikut mogok.
01 Sources Event
The protesters persuaded the companies to allow their
employees in the rallies. “We have been persuading the
workers and management representatives for the rallies,”
he said. “We hope the demonstration will create an impact.
We just want our voices to be heard,” he added.
Para pengunjuk rasa membujuk perusahaan untuk
mengizinkan karyawan mereka dalam aksi unjuk rasa.
“Kami telah membujuk pekerja dan perwakilan manajemen
untuk aksi unjuk rasa,” katanya. “Mudah-mudahan demo
ini berdampak. Kami hanya ingin suara kami didengar,”
where: jakarta industrial area
when :
Thursday, October 8
What : a
protect againt the passage of the omnibus
bill on
Why : Because reject copyright law
Who : 7000
( seven thousand) workers
How : Durring
Protest, They approached each factory or
di mana: kawasan industri jakarta
Kapan : Kamis, 8 Oktober
Apa : perlindungan terhadap pengesahan
RUU omnibus tentang
Mengapa : Karena menolak undang-undang
hak cipta
Siapa : 7000 ( tujuh ribu) pekerja
Bagaimana : Selama Protes, Mereka
mendekati setiap pabrik atau perusahaan di
industri pulogadung, memanggil karyawan
untuk bergabung
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Main subjects

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
Sun and the smallest in the and is the second planet actually a cold place. It’s full
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