The Many Forms of Energy

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The Many

forms of
Warming Up

Can you find 35 x 35 mentally without using calculator?

Now try 85 x 85.

Lessons required for Term 3
 Chapter 9 : work, energy and mechanics
• Lesson 1: work and energy
• Lesson 2: the many forms of energy
• Lesson 3: conservation of energy
 Chapter 8 : Gravitation
• Lesson 1: planetary motion and gravitation
• Lesson 2: using the law of universal gravitation

 Chapter 10 : states of mater

• Lesson 1: properties of fluid
• Lesson 2: forces within fluid
• Lesson 3: fluid at rest and in motion
KWL Vocabulary
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Kinetic energy

Potential energy
By the end of the lesson you should be able to :

Explain the concept of energy

Define the Kinetic energy and calculate its


Define the Gravitational potential energy

and calculate its value.

You should already

know :
• The concept of
work and its unit
Let’s achieve the first objective

Explain the
concept of energy
concept of energy Starter Activity

Video Time
 Take notes while
watching the video
The key point to look
out for are :
 define energy
Why we need energy
Energy : the ability to do work or to make
something move or change in some way
Or :the ability of a system to produce a change
in itself or the world around it is called energy
and is represented by the symbol E .
Let’s achieve the second objective

Define the Kinetic

energy and calculate its
we achieved the first objective

Explain the concept

of energy
What is the common thing in the pictures below?
Definition :
Kinetic energy :
the energy of an object due to its motion
First type of Kinetic energy
Factors Affecting the K.E
K.E= m

1. Mass of the Object

2. The velocity of the
CCQ1 :Which one has more K.E ?

K.E= m

CCQ2: What happens to the K.E as the mass of the object

increase ?
CCQ1 :Which one has more K.E ?
The Unit of K.E
K.E= m

Units = (_)(___)2 = ____

EX: A 54 kg object moves at 80 m/s , find its
kinetic energy.
Exit ticket
Second type of Kinetic energy :

Rotational Kinetic energy

Rotational Kinetic energy
It is the energy due to rotational motion
It can be calculated from the formula : = m
Textbook : page 201
Factors Affecting the rotational K.E
K.E= I

1. Mass of the Object(m)

2. The angular velocity
of the object ()
consider an airplane moving above the earth does it possesses kinetic energy ?
Let’s achieve the second objective

Define the Potential

energy and calculate its
Potential Energy ‫ طاقه وضع‬: is the energy an object has
due to its position or state relative to some reference
There are different kinds of potential energy such as gravitational potential energy, chemical
potential energy, electrical potential energy, to name a few. In this lesson we will be looking at
gravitational potential energy.

Gravitational potential energy:

Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position in a
gravitational field relative to some reference point(‫)نقطه المرجع‬.
Gravitational Potential energy is defined as :
GPE=m g h

Factors Affecting the GPE
GPE=m g h
1. Mass of the Object
2. The Gravity
3. The height

Let's look at the case of a suitcase, with a mass of 11 Kg,
Activity #2 which is placed at the top of a 2 m high cabinet . By lifting the
Objective #2 :
Understands the suitcase against the force of gravity, we give the suitcase
many forms of energy potential energy.

Q1 : Calculate its gravitational potential energy using the

equation defined as: GPE= mgh
Q2 : at what height the suitcase has maximum potential
energy ?

Q3 : at what height the suitcase has minimum potential

energy ?
Lesson Check
In Picture 1 Which one has more K.E?
In Picture 2 Which one has more P.E?



Ans : the green ball because it

on the higher height
in your notebook.

Calculate the
potential energy
of the car ,
assume that g on
the mars = 3.72
Do you want to know more about energy ?

Activity # 1
Objective #2 : define the
Kinetic energy and potential

Individually, answer the following questions:

Q1 : Define the Kinetic energy?

Q2 : Define the potential energy?
Q3 :The energy an object has due to its
position in gravitational field relative to some
reference point is ……………………………?
a. Electric potential
b. Gravitational potential energy
c. Kinetic energy
What is the difference between both

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