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Note Making And Summary Writing
Note Making and Summarisation based on a passage of approximately 200-250

I. Note Making: 3 Marks

(i) Title: .5
(ii) Numbering and indenting: 1
(iii) Key/glossary: .5
(iv) Notes: 1

II. Summary (up to 50 words): 3 Marks

(i) Content: 1
(ii) Expression: 1
• Read the passage quickly but carefully. Try to understand main points and supporting details.
• Underline the keywords as you read.
• Notes should be in points and in an appropriate format.
• Organise your ideas into main heading and sub-headings
• Abbreviations and symbols are freely used.
• Give title to your notes. Avoid a long sentence
DO’S Don’ts

Read the passage provided Avoid using long sentences

Underline the important sentences Ignore information which is less important

Do not include your own version or understandings

Make a rough note
Do not change the idea or the message of the passage
Use the appropriate note making format

Use proper indention

Use various codes, symbols and abbreviations

Give the key in the end

Note Making Format
1. Subheading
1.a. Sub-subheading

2. Subheading
2.a.(i) sub-subheading
(ii) sub-subheading
Follow the following steps:

Step 1 : (i)Read the passage carefully.

(ii)Try to get the theme and subject of the passage. You may ask yourself:

“What is this passage about?” This will provide you the gist.

Step 2 : Identify main ideas and important supporting details.

Step 3 : Make notes of the main ideas under headings and add sub-points

under sub-headings.

Step 4 : Use proper layout/format, e.g. Proper indentation and numbering

Step 5 : Use recognisable abbreviations wherever possible.

•2.1 Make notes on the contents of above paragraph in any format, using abbreviations. Supply a suitable title also. 3
2.2 Make a summary of the passage. 2
•Note making Example

• Conversation is indeed the most easily teachable of all arts. All you need to do in order to become a good conversationalist is
to find a subject that interests you and your listeners. There are, for example, numberless hobbies to talk about. But the
thing is that you must talk about other fellow’s hobby rather than your own. Therein lies the secret of your popularity. Talk to
your friends about the things that interest them, and you will get a reputation for good fellowship, charming wit, and a
brilliant mind. There is nothing that pleases people so much as your interest in their interest.
• It is just as important to know what subjects to avoid and what subjects to select for good conversation. If you don’t want to
be set down as a wet blanket or a bore, be careful to avoid certain unpleasant subjects. Avoid talking about yourself, unless
you are asked to do so. People are interested in their own problems not in yours. Sickness or death bores everybody. The only
one who willingly listens to such talk is the doctor, but he gets paid for it.
• To be a good conversationalist you must know not only what to say, but how also to say it. Be mentally quick and witty. But
don’t hurt others with your wit. Finally try to avoid mannerism in your conversation. Don’t bite your lips or click your tongue,
or roll your eyes or use your hands excessively as you speak.
The Art of Conversation

1.Conv’n—most easily tch’ble art

(a) Required interesting subject – hobbies
(b) Talk about other fellow’s interest/hobby
(c) Winning reptn. as good conversationalist
(i) good fellowship
(ii) charming wit
(iii) brilliant mind
2.Subjects for conversationalist
(a) What subjects to avoid/select?
(b) Avoid unpl’nt subjects
(i) sickness
(ii) death
(c) Avoid talk’g about self
3.Qualities of a good conversationalist
(a) What to say & how to say it
(b) mentally quick & witty
(c) pleasant & unhurting
(d) avoid mannerisms.
1. Conv’n- Conversation
2. tch’ble -teachable
3. reptn- reputation
4. unpl’nt- unpleasant
5. talk’g- talking

2.2 Conversation is the easiest and the most effective tool than other arts. To have such
attractive quality, you need to pick a subject that interest your listners more than you. Talk to
your friends on topics that can indulge your friends in the conversation for a longer period of
time. Being a good conversationalist, you have to quick and witty. You should have a
pleasant and unhurting quality. Mannerism should be avoided.

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