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 Difference between MS Word and WordPad

 Components of MS Word window

What is MS WORD?

• Microsoft Word ( MS Word ) is a word processing


• MS Word is used to create letters, reports, newsletters,

books, bills, notices and other text documents.

• MS Word files are called Documents.

Difference between WordPad and MS word
Title bar
Menu bar/Tabs
Document area and insertion point
Quick access tool bar
Scroll bar
Zoom slider
Status bar
Components of the MS Word window
Components Uses

Title bar This contains the name of the document.

Menu bar/ Tabs This contains a list of options to manage and customize documents.

Ribbon This contains all the options in each tab.

Document area The typing area is called document area. The blinking line on the
document area is called the insertion point.

Quick access tool bar This contains frequently used icons like redo, undo, save, print, etc

Rulers This is used to set the margins.

Scroll bar These are used to move the page up and down.

Zoom slider This is used to Zoom in and Zoom out the document.

Status bar This contains the page number along with the total number of pages and
the total number of words in te document.
Activity Time

Open a MS Word document and explore the parts

of the window.
• Microsoft Word ( MS Word ) is a word processing software.
• MS Word files are called Documents.
• Components of the MS Word window
Title bar
Menu bar/Tabs
Document area and insertion point
Quick access tool bar
Scroll bar
Zoom slider
Status bar
Activity Time

• Create a MS Word document on the topic “Cyber Safety

• Type a paragraph with at least 6 sentences about the cyber
safety rules.
• Include a new paragraph on ‘Cyber bullying and its
prevention methods’.
Thank You

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