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Hardware & Software

Can you tell which are the different parts of a

All these parts are working together when we


Similarly, a Computer also has many

parts that work together ……
Learning Objective

To analyze the To classify the different

Parts of a Computer To differentiate devices
groups of Hardware
as input/output units
All the parts of a Computer can be classified as
Hardware & Software

Hardware Software
All the Physical Parts Software is a set of
of a Computer that instructions or
we can touch are programs that tell the
called Hardware Computer what to do.

A Hardware unit cannot function without software

The different Four groups of Computer Hardware

1.Input Units

2.Output Units

3.Processing Units Can you tell some

4.Storage Devices
Input Devices

• The Devices that are used to enter the data into a

computer are called Input devices
• Input devices send information to the Computer
• These devices are used to input words, numbers, sounds,
pictures etc
Can you tell which input devices are being used while you
attend your online classes…?
Output Devices

• The devices that are used to display output from the

computer are called output devices.
• These devices can display, print or transmit the results
from computer’s memory
Classify the devices given below as input and output.

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