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Types of Sentences

Simple & Compound

● Clauses are the building blocks of sentences
● They are a group of words that contains (at least) one subject
and one verb
● Clause
● English is fun
● Because pollution causes cancer
● Not clauses
● To protect the environment
● After working all day

Types of clauses
● Independent : a complete thought; can stand alone;
S+V (+Complement)
e.g. The sun rose.
It is raining.
● Dependent : not a complete thought; cannot stand
alone; subordinator +S +V (+Complement)
e.g. …when the sun rose.
Because it is raining,…

1. Next Tuesday will be my first day at my new school
2. where we first met.
3. before you can go to Canada
4. You need to get a student visa

5. If I meet new people in Canada

6. I hope to become friends with them

7. Because my friends like sushi

8. Which is a typical Japanese food

9. We often go to sushi restaurants together

10. When I came to Canada

11. I felt nervous meeting my homestay family

● A group of words that
● communicates an idea
● is a complete thought
● has one or more clauses
Types of English sentences:
A. Simple
B. Compound
C. Complex
D. Compound-complex

A. Simple Sentences
● Contain one independent clause
● Renison programs for international students
● Many international students come to UWaterloo.
● Many international students come to UWaterloo and study
at Renison.
● Many international students and domestic students come to
● Many international students and domestic students come to
Uwaterloo and study at Reniston

● (simple verb)
● (compound verb) 6
B. Compound Sentences
● Contain two or more independent clauses joined together
● Joined with a coordinator (FAN BOYS)
● Many international student want to come to Canada, so they
apply for study abroad programs.
● Independent
● clause, + coordinator + independent clause

1. The SLC is located in the centre of the campus, so
2. Is the test next Friday, or
3. The teacher said the text was on Monday, but
4. I want to do well on my test, yet
5. I have not started studying, nor

B. Compound Sentences
❖ Joined with a conjunctive adverb
● Many international student want to come to Canada;
therefore, they apply for study abroad programs.
Independent clause; +conjunctive adverb, + independent

1. The SLC is located in the centre of the campus therefore
2. We have a test next Friday moreover
3. The teacher said the text was on Monday however
4. There are many errors on my test for example
5. The class thought the teacher would give a test last
Friday instead

Compound sentences
❖Joined with a semicolon
● Many international student want to come to Canada; they apply
for study abroad programs.
Use semicolon when two independent clauses are close in
Independent clause; + independent clause

1. The practice of yoga strengthens the body and promotes
flexibility it also strengthens the mind and refreshes the
2. Motherhood causes some women to quit their jobs
others continue working despite having young children
to care for.
3. Three hundred guests attended his wedding two attended
his funeral.

● Quizzes
● Writing Portforlio
● Find one simple sentence
● Find one compound sentence


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