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•Muneeb Ahmed Khan FA20-CVE-060

•Farhad Khan FA20-CVE-047
•M. Tahir Aslam FA20-CVE-071
•Hazrat Maghaz FA20-CVE-048
 Drought is a prolonged dry period in
the natural climate cycle that can occur
anywhere in the world.
Slow-onset disaster characterized by the
lack of precipitation
Serious impact on health, agriculture,
economies, energy, and the environment.

An estimated 55 million people globally are affected by droughts

every year
Water scarcity impacts 40% of the world’s population
700 million people are at risk of being displaced as a result of
drought by 2030
It is rapidly becoming one of the worst disasters in Pakistan
Sindh faced the worst drought situation in 1871, 1881, 1899,
1931, 1942, 1999, 2003, 2020,2021, and 2022.
Meteorological Drought
Types of  Amount of dryness and the duration of the dry

 Atmospheric conditions that result in deficiencies
of precipitation change from area to area.
Agricultural Drought
 Mainly affects food production and farming
 Soil water deficits, reduced groundwater or
reservoir levels, and so on

Fig. 1 Meteorological Drought Fig. 2 Agricultural Drought

Types of Drought
Hydrological Drought
• Effects of periods of precipitation shortages on water supply
• Flood control, irrigation, recreation, navigation, hydropower,
and wildlife habitat. Competition for water in these storage
systems escalates during drought
• Conflicts between water users increase significantly Fig. 3 Hydrological Drought

Socioeconomic Drought
• When the demand for an economic good exceeds supply
because of weather-related shortfall in water supply

Fig. 4 Socioeconomic Drought

High water demand
Causes of Drought Global Warming
Land and water temperatures cause
Less precipitation
Effects of Drought
Economic Effects

More water needed for Irrigation, feed, and water for animals

Businesses depend upon farming

Power Companies that rely on hydro-electric power

People might have to pay more for food

Environmental Effects

Losses or destruction of fish and wildlife

Migration of wildlife

Diseases in animals

Lower water levels, ponds and lakes

Fig. 5 Meteorological Drought Effects of drought on various aspects of crop production
Desalination of seawater for irrigation or consumption.
Drought monitoring - Continuous observation of rainfall
levels and comparisons with current usage levels can help
prevent man-made drought

Drought Land use - Carefully planned crop rotation can help

minimize erosion and allow farmers to plant less water-
Mitigation dependent crops in drier years.
Recycled water - Former wastewater (sewage) that has
Strategies been treated and purified for reuse.
Transvasement - Building canals or redirecting rivers as
massive attempts at irrigation in drought-prone areas.
Water restrictions - Water use may be regulated
(particularly outdoors).
Drought Mitigation Strategies

Reduction of Human population.

Cloud seeding - an artificial technique to induce rainfall.


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