Timeline of French Scientific Discoveries

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By: Storm McCroan

Ambroise Par

A French surgeon in 1545. Considered one of the fathers of surgery and modern forensic pathology. He was an anatomist and invented several surgical instruments; such as the first haemotats (a clamp or forceps used to control bleeding). There is a statue in memory of Ambroise Par in place dut jet deau in Laval,France

Ambroise Par continued

Statue in memory of Ambroise Par in place dut jet deau in Laval,France

Blaise Pascal

Blaise pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer, and catholic philosopher who invented the first mechanical calculator in 1645

Jean Baptiste Denys

Jean Baptiste Denys was a French physician. He administered the first fully documented human blood transfusion on June 15,1667; but it wasnt until after Karl Landsteiners discovery of the four blood groups in 1902 that blood transfusions became safe and reliable.

Pierre Fauchard

Pierre Fauchard was a significant French physician. Known widely for his book, Le Chirugien Dentiste in 1730. In English the book translates as the surgeon dentist. Fauchards book is said to be the first scientific description of dentistry.

Antoine De Reaumur

Antoine De Reaumur invented the thermometer in 1730 which bears his name The Reaumur. He is considered the founder of ethology.

Charles Marie De La Contamin

Charles Marie De La Contamin was a French explorer, geographer, and mathmatician. He spent 10 years in present day Equador measuring the length of a degree latitude at the equator and preparing the first map of the amazon region, based on astronomical observations in 1735.

Jacques Daviel

Jacques Daviel was a French ophthalmologist credited with originating the first significant advance in cataract surgery. Daviel preformed the first extra capsular cataract extraction on April 8,1747.

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was a French noble man who founded and termed both oxygen in 1778 and hydrogen in 1783. He also helped construct the metric system and the first extensive list of elements.

Ren Laennec

A French physician. He invented the stethoscope in 1816, while working at the Hpital Necker and pioneered its use in diagnosing various chest conditions. He became a lecturer at the Collge de France in 1822 and professor of medicine in 1823.

Jean Francois Champolion

Jean Francois Champolion was a French classical scholar, philologist, and deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs. Champolion published the first translation of the Rosseta Stone hieroglyphs in 1822, showing that the Egyptian writing system was a combination of phonetic and ideographic signs.

Lon Foucault

Lon Foucault was a French physicist who invented the pendulum in 1851. A pendulum is a simple device conceived as an experiment to demonstrate the earths rotation.

Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist. He created the first vaccine for rabies and anthrax. His experiments supported the germ theory of disease. Pasteur also came up with idea of pasteurization in 1885.

Louis Aim Augustin Le Prince

Louis Aim Augustin Le Prince (born August 1841, vanished 16 September 1890) was an inventor who is considered by many film historians as the true father of motion pictures, who shot the first moving pictures on paper film using a single lens camera.

Henri Becquerel

Henri Becquerel was a French physicist, noble Laureate, and discoverer of radio activity along with Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, who all three one the 1903 noble prize in physics.

George Marie Darrieus

Georges Jean Marie Darrieus (24 September 1888 - 15 July 1979) was a French aeronautical engineer in the 20th century. He is perhaps most famous for his invention of the Darrieus rotor, a wind turbine capable of operating from any direction and under adverse weather conditions, and the vertical-axis giromill.

Dr.Benard Devauchlle

Dr. Bernard Devauchelle is a French oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He is best known as the first surgeon to successfully complete the first face transplant in November 2005 at Amiens University Hospital.

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