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-Is a wave of blood created by contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
- Regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System
Factor Affecting Pulse
1. Age
- Younger person have higher pulse rate than older person
2. Gender
- After puberty, females have higher pulse than the males
3. Exercise
- Muscle activity increases metabolic rate, thereby increasing the pulse
4. Fever
- Muscle activity increases metabolic rate, thereby increasing pulse rate
5. Medication
- Digitalis, beta blockers decrease pulse rate, epinephrine, atropine sulfate
increase pulse rate (PR)
6. Hemorrhage
- Increases pulse rate as compensatory mechanism for blood loss
7. Stress
- Sympathetic nervous stimulation increases the activity of the heart
8. Position changes
- In sitting or standing position there is decreased venous return to heart,
decrease BP, threfore increase in the heart rate
Pulse sites
- Over the temporal bone of the head; superior and lateral to
the eye
2. Carotid
- At the lateral aspects of the neck; below the ear lobe
3. Apical
- At the left midclavicular line (MCL) fifth intercostals
4. Brachial
- At the inner aspect of the upper arm (Biceps muscles) or
medially at the antecubital space
6. Femoral
- Along side the inguinal ligament
7. Posterior Tibial
- At the medial aspects of the ankle, behind the medial
8. Popliteal
- At the back of the knee
9. Pedal (Dorsalis pedis)
- At the dorsum of the foot
Assessment of the Pulse
1. Pulse Rate
The normal pulse rate are as follows:
newborn 80-180bpm
1 year 80 -140 bpm
5-8 years 75-120bpm
10 years 50-90bpm
Teen 50-90bpm
Adult 60-100 bpm

Tachycardia- pulse rate above 100 beats/min (adult)

Bradycardia- pulse rate below 60 beats/min (adult)
2. Pulse Rhythm
- The pattern ad intervals of beats.
Dysrhythmia /Arrhythmia- iiregular rhythm

3. Pulse volume (Amplitude)

- The strength of the pulse

Apical – radial Pulse Assessment

 Need to be assessed for clients with cardiovascular disorders
 Can be taken by two nurses or one nurse
Pulse Deficit
- The difference between apical and radial pulse rates

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