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Consumers and


Seminar 6

This week lecture you learnt about:

• International Marketing Mix- Product decisions

• Three levels of Products and Services
• Product life cycle
• Time to market
• Marketing Implications
• In different countries of a specific product
• Branding
• Product Innovation
Product Life cycle

You all are aware of four stages of Below is an example of car’s product
product life-cycle. life-cycle.
Introduction stage – Self-driving Cars
Growth stage – Electric Cars
Maturity stage- Ford Focus (C-class compact car)
Decline stage – Diesel Cars
• Discuss in your group and find
examples of product life cycle
two products in UK and for
another country of your choice
(e.g. India, China)
• Phones, Food, Computers, etc).
Group Task
• Do you think the product life
cycle of the selected products is
similar or different in both the
countries? Why?

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