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Quiz Bee

As a Grade 10 student at Estanislao National High School,

your English teacher is Ms. Loren Crispo, for your 1st
meeting she introduced your first lesson which is Research
Paper. Based on the given descriptions below, which among
them best describes Research?
a. This is a method that focuses on numbers, and objective hard data.
b. Action Research is collecting data and information, learning, and finding new
things. It is also advanced knowledge that follows a systematic process of
collecting and analyzing information to understand more about the phenomena
under study
c. instead of numbers to display data. It focuses on feelings, not numerical data
d. Research collects data and information, learns, and finds new things. It is also
advanced knowledge that follows a systematic process of collecting and analyzing
information to understand more about the phenomena under study.
Aside from learning about Research, being familiar
with the terms clarifies research more. One of these
is the term Concept, based on Teacher’s Loren
discussion, which among the given descriptions below
describes Concept?

a. Concept is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a

phenomenon, or an idea.
b. The word needs to define
c. The word used to describe something.
d. Theory is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a
phenomenon, or an idea
In doing research, you need to organize a body
of concepts and principles indented to explain
a particular phenomenon. What term in
research is being described?
a. Theory
b. Sampling
c. Concept
d. Research
Your teacher discussed the two methods of doing
research, one of these is you must focus on numbers
and objective hard data. She also stated that it can
prove hypotheses through statistical analysis and
scientific methods. Based on the given description,
what method of research is being described?
c.Quantitative method
d.Qualitative method
Research is something that a student must do to be able to
complete his/her requirements. As a Grade 10 student, you
were assigned to use the Qualitative method in doing your
research. Before you begin, you must first know what the
Qualitative method is. Based on the given descriptions below,
which among them best describes the Qualitative method?
a. It is collecting data and information, learning, and finding new things. It is also advanced
knowledge that follows a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to
understand more about the phenomena under study.
b. It uses words instead of numbers to display data. It focuses on feelings, not numerical
data. A small number of participants were involved in a qualitative research study. This kind
of research method utilizes interviews, archived written information, and observations to
measure the significance of a relationship between variables.
c. It uses words and feelings to gather data.
d. It uses numbers instead of words to display data. It focuses on numerical data not feelings.
A big number of participants were involved in a qualitative research study. This kind of
research method utilizes interviews, archived written information, and observations to
measure the significance of a relationship between variables
Most of what we do in our daily lives is based on common sense, what
we have learned from others, or what we have learned through
personal experience or observation. But sometimes, common sense is
not the best approach and unavoidably there are conflicting theories
about what is best or what works and what does not in a particular
situation. For instance, what is effective in one situation or condition
might be ineffective when combined with other measures. We need to
research to have a basis to make informed decisions. Based on your
understanding, why do you think research is important?
a. To make us well informed.
b. Well, the main purpose of research is to inform action, prove a theory,
and contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study. Research is
required not just for students and academics, but for all professionals
and non-professionals alike.
c. To improve our knowledge about. certain topics
d. To make us not informed about the action and to disapprove of a theory
to not contribute knowledge in a field of study.
Your teacher asked you to select participants
who are representatives of a larger population or
to gain an understanding of a larger population.
What term in research would you use
c. selecting
Writing a successful research paper is not easy work. There are no shortcuts to be
taken as one sits down to choose a topic, conduct research, determine methodology,
organize (and outline) thoughts, form arguments or interpretations, cite sources,
write the first draft, and apply the necessary revisions. But there is no need to be
anxious with a research paper assignment! With a good understanding of the
elements of a successful research paper, the process can be made a whole lot
easier and simpler.

Based on your teachers’ discussion, when do we say that research is successful?

a. It accurately, concisely, and comprehensively relays unbiased information on that
subject: information that, of course, must include valid evidence to support the premise.
b. It achieves the research objectives.
c. A successful research paper fulfills the objective of increasing readers' knowledge of
a given subject. It also accurately, concisely, and comprehensively relays unbiased
information on that subject: information that, of course, must include valid evidence to
support the premise.
d. An unsuccessful research paper does not fulfill the objective of decreasing readers'
knowledge of a given subject.
The researchers focused on age, sex, business
income and expenses, country of birth, capital
expenditure, class grades, eye color, and
vehicle type. What research terms e
researchers are being applied?
c. Concept
Once you have chosen a research topic, you will need to
narrow it down into a research statement or question. The
sooner you do this in your research process, the more time
you'll save because you can conduct more focused
searches. Which among the given topic below shows a way
of narrowing down a research topic by location?
a. Challenges faced by international college graduates entering the
b. Challenges faced by college graduates entering the workforce in
rural Ontario
c. Why do employers hire fewer college graduates?
d. Challenges faced by college graduates entering the workforce
during the COVID-19 pandemic
In doing research, what do you
think is the first step in writing a
research paper?
a. Choose a subject
b. Narrow your subject to refine your topic
c. Find sources
d. Take notes
When we do research, there are elements
that we must know and follow systematically.
Among the given choices that stated the
research element, which of them shows a
correct order of elements of research?
a. Title, Introduction – Methods – Results/Discussion –
Conclusion – References
b. Title, Author, Abstract, Keywords – Introduction –
Methods – Results/Discussion – Conclusion – References
c. Title, Introduction, Conclusion, Result
d. Introduction, Body & Conclusion
Read and evaluate the passage below.

There is a new cause for concern for parents who think they are feeding their
young children safe and healthy foods. A new lawsuit claims the Environmental
Protection Agency is allowing unacceptably high levels of pesticides in some
foods favored by children. Baguio City and La Trinidad, Benguet, Pangasinan, and
La, Union are alleging everything from grapes to oranges to potatoes contains
pesticide residues that are excessive for children. The WHO is being accused
of not setting child-safe pesticide limits as required by the Food Quality
Protection Act of 1996. "These safety standards exist. They've existed since
1996. They need to be enforced. We do need to have these levels set and
ideally, they'll be set at 10 times the safety standards so that they will protect
kids," said Department of Health Secretary Francisco Duque III.

Based on the given passage above, what do you think is the time frame of the
a. It maybe existed since 1996.
b. It existed in 1996.
c. It existed since 1996 up to
d. It doesn’t exist.
Read & evaluate the passage below.

While California has been the state most prone to serious

earthquakes in recent years, there are many other fault zones in
other areas of the United States. For example, geologists and
seismologists have predicted a 97 percent chance of a major
earthquake in the New Madrid seismic zone of the central United
States (including Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky)
between now and the year 2035. While earthquakes with the
power of the one that hit the greater Los Angeles area in January
1994 are rare, less severe earthquakes can interrupt your normal
living patterns and cause substantial injury.

What do you think is the location of the study?

a.There are many other fault zones in
other areas of the United States
b. The location of the study doesn’t
c. In some areas of the United States
d. There are some fault zones in some
areas of the United States
Words are not as simple as they appear. Their
meanings can be complex and difficult as they
operate differently in various contexts. As
your teacher discussed the technical definition
of terms, which among the given choices below
describes the Technical definition?
a. It is the application of the word/term. These may include the various attempts to define
or explain a certain process and its properties including but not limited to the
characterization of the event itself.
b. It is used to define the word based on a field or study.
c. It is used field or study that explains the term and can be found in the dictionary
d. It refers to the definition of a word as used in a particular field like Science, Law, or
Engineering. - The meaning of the word is associated with the field or area of study. -
mostly refers to the aspect of explaining or describing any terminology. And the
definition of terms/words is found in the dictionary.
It is a result of the process of operationalization, and it is used to
define something (term/object) in terms of process. It is the
process of defining a word/term of how it is used in a sentence or
using context clues. It is the application of the word/term. These
may include the various attempts to define or explain a certain
process and its properties including but not limited to the
characterization of the event itself.
What type of definition is being described?

a. Operational definition
b. Technical definition
c. Definition
d. Explanation
After knowing the technical &
operational definitions, why do you
think that it is important to know
a. For most people, if we don’t know the types of definitions, these
can be a reason for miscommunication or misunderstanding. When
people do not share meaning, they may arrive at decisions that are
not well-informed.
b. To avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding.
c. To make decisions well-informed.
d. To promote miscommunication & misunderstanding.
My music teacher asked me to look at the
notes properly. Based on your understanding
of the technical and operational definition,
how would you describe the underlined word
in the sentence?
a. The underlined word is used as operational.
b. The meaning of the underlined word can be both a
musical note and a written note making it Technical.
c. The meaning of the underlined word can be defined
as technical.
d. The meaning of the word can be technical or
Using the term Operational, which among
the sentences below applies the technical
definition of a term?

a.I can operate this.

b. The operation needs to be done.
c. My cousin joined the military operation to
d. My cousin had an operation last week.
Give the correct meaning of the
underlined technical words.
Exercises are given at the end of the
a.running, swimming, and dancing
b.a rhythmic body moves
c.a rhythmic body activity body movements
Please play the music for us. What
does play in the sentence indicate?

a. A game
b. Turn on
c. An item
d. A toy
The boys were in peril as they sat on the edge
of the cliff. They were in danger of being swept
away by the strong waves. What does peril

a. Happy
c. Scared
Identify the underlined words in
the sentences below. Evaluate and
choose among the sentences used
OPERATIONAL definition
depending on how it is used in the
a. My father’s operation was done successfully and is
in recovery.
b. The soldier’s watch was broken
c. Students usually surf the websites for answers to
their modules.
d. The bank closes at 3 pm daily.

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