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Raquel M. Manalo
Politics Education

the activities associated with the governance of a the act or process of imparting or acquiring
country or other area, especially the debate or general knowledge, developing the powers of
conflict among individuals or parties having or reasoning and judgment and generally of
hoping to achieve power preparing oneself or others intellectually for
mature life.
Importance of Politics in Education

1. Policy Making
Politics is involved in the creation and implementation of
educational policies. These policies can influence the quality,
accessibility and type of education that students receive.
Gallery of
Importance of Politics in Education

2. Funding
Politics determines the allocation of resources, including funding to
education. Government budgets and appropriations decisions are
influenced by political priorities and ideologies which can impact
the availability and quality of educational resources.

Region C
Importance of Politics in Education

3. Equality
Politics can help ensure equal access to education for all, regardless
of socio-economic status, race, gender or disability. Political
policies can work towards eliminating discrimination and
promoting inclusivity in education.
Importance of Politics in Education

4. Curriculum
Politics can influence what is taught in schools including the
curriculum and the inclusion of certain subjects. This can shape
students’ knowledge and perspectives.
Importance of Politics in Education

5. Election promises
Political parties frequently make education-related promises during
election campaigns to gain public support. These promises may
include commitments to improving access to education, enhancing
quality, increasing scholarships or addressing specific educational
Importance of Politics in Education

6. Future Generation
Education prepares the future generation and politics plays a role in
determining what the future looks like. The decisions made in the
political arena can have a long-term impacts on the education
system and therefore, the future of a nation.
Politics and education are intertwined and mutually influential. Political decisions and
policies can significantly impact education, shaping curriculum, funding, values, and
opportunities for students and educators. At the same time, education can shape political
engagement, values, and social mobility, influencing individuals' ability to participate in the
political process and navigate the complexities of a democratic society. Understanding the
relationship between politics and education is critical for comprehending the broader socio-
political landscape and promoting equitable and quality education for all. So, it is important to be
aware of the interactions between politics and education and the potential implications for
students, educators, and society as a whole. It is important for policymakers, educators, and
citizens to engage in informed and thoughtful discussions about the relationship between politics
and education and work towards policies and practices that promote high-quality, equitable, and
inclusive education for all.
Oxford Language Dictionary

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