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Art Apprecitation

Module 4: phOtoGrApHy Prepared By: Rolando E. Nabua jr.

What is Photography?
Photography is the art and science of light.
Why does its definition mentions
A systematic body of knowledge that follows organized and
dynamic inquiry which leads to the formation of concepts,
methods, principles, theories, law, and procedure which
seek to describe and explain nature and its phenomena.
It is the application of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes, especially in industry.
WhAt is the relevance of light in
Photography is derived from the Greek word photo/photos
and graphein. Photos which means “light”, and graphein,
which means “to draw”.
“To Draw Using the Light”
To Capture The Light Using A
How Can you DRaw Using the LiGht or how can your
capture the light?
Good To Know Facts
Early subject matters of photography include portraits and
landscapes. Today, now includes daily life as one of its new
and mainstream subject.
Development of Photography
The existing art that is almost the same as photography was
Development of Photography
In practicing photography as a form of art, many early
photographers turned to the ways of painting, by having a
model as their subject.
Henry Peach Robinson’s “Fading Away”

In this photograph captured by Mr. Robinson, we see 4

subjects and one of which is in her deathbed and the
other subjects, her relatives, gathers around her awaiting
for her final breath. However on the contrary, this
famous photograph was staged, and the people in it are
just models.
Photography As An Art Itself
One problem about photography in making it as an art was
its detailed objectivity thus, making it more suitable for
In the movement called pictorialism, photographers used a
variety of techniques to produce gauzy, atmospheric images
that seemed more painting-like, thus making it more like an
Alfred Stieglitz
Contrary to the pictorialism movement, Mr. Stieglitz begs
to differ and states that photography must be true to its
own thus, its outputmust not aim to be of like a paint as
photography itself is an art.
Elements of a good Photograph
• Composition
• Rule of Thirds
• Framing
• Lighting
• Exposure
• Story-Telling
Summary Regarding
Camera SHots

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