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Welcome back to our English class!


Have you heared What do you know
about it?
about news items?

Let’s share to the class!

News items is a text that informs the
readers about newsworthy or important
events of the day

Source: English First

News Items adalah teks yang menginformasikan
pembaca tentang berita atau peristiwa penting
yang terkini.

Source: English First


Where can we Radio

find news
(e.g. Google, Socmed, etc.)
Why are news so important? Search

Inform people about what are around them and

may affect them.

• Provide information of surroundings

• Make people feel connected
• Can be entertaining too
• Learn many things new Cancel
Social Function of News Items

To inform readers about events of the day which are

considered newsworthy or important

Untuk memberi tahu pembaca tentang peristiwa hari ini yang dianggap
layak diberitakan atau penting

Main Event/ Background Event/

Newsworthy Event Elaboration The section containing news
the part that tells in detail sources (e.g. statements from
The part that tells a sources, witness comments,
summary of an important the background of the
expert opinions, or statements
event or event that occurred. events that occurred (who, from related parties of an
where and how). event.).

Toss a coin. The winner decides which side they'll argue for.

Main Event/ Background Event/

Newsworthy Event Elaboration Bagian yang berisi sumber berita
Bagian yang menceritakan Bagian yangmenceritakan bisa berupa pernyataan
ringkasan dari suatu kejadian secara rinci latar belakang narasumber, komentar saksi,
atau peristiwa penting yang peristiwa yang terjadi (e.g. pendapat para ahli, atau
terjadi. siapa dimana dan bagaimana ). pernyataan dari pihak terkait
dari suatu peristiwa.

Toss a coin. The winner decides which side they'll argue for.
How are the news items written?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Brief Using saying

Information is verbs Using Adv. of Using material
Focus on Using action
displayed in the time or Adv. of process
particular verbs
headline/title Ex: reported, said, place
event/incident stated, responded,
How are the news items written?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Informasi Ingkat Menggunakan Menggunakan

ditampilkan saying verbs Kata Kerja Menggunakan
Fokus pada Menggunakan
pada Bantu yang material process
kejadian action verbs
headline/title Ex: reported, said, menunjukkan
stated, responded, waktu atau
etc. tempat
Let’s Read An
“Six Killed in Accident on Jalan Semarang”
Six people were killed and two are injured in a collision between a bus, a car and a
truck at 10:35 p.m. on Jalan Semarang, North Surabaya last night (24th July, 2020).
The dead were the passengers in the bus. Police assume the bus may have been trying
to overtake the truck when it was struck by a car coming from the opposite direction. The
driver of the bus may not have been using his lights, as the car driver said he did not see the
bus approaching. The bus was found in a badly damaged condition for hitting the road
barrier before it rolled over.
The police said the bus should not have been trying to pass the truck, since
overtaking is not allowed on Semarang street. In addition, the police reported that any
vehicles must not exceed the speed of 40 km per hour at the street as it has been given a
sign. The injured victims were immediately taken to the nearest hospital, and the six others
were in the process of identfication.

Adapted from:

“Six Killed in Accident on Jalan Semarang”
Newsworthy Event
Six people were killed and two are injured in a collision between a bus, a car and a
truck at 10:35 p.m. on Jalan Semarang, North Surabaya last night (24th July, 2020).
The dead were the passengers in the bus. Police assume the bus may have been trying
to overtake the truck when it was struck by a car coming from the opposite direction. The
driver of the bus may not have been using his lights, as the car driver said he did not see the
bus approaching. The bus was found in a badly damaged condition for hitting the road Background Event
barrier before it rolled over.
The police said the bus should not have been trying to pass the truck, since
overtaking is not allowed on Semarang street. In addition, the police reported that any
vehicles must not exceed the speed of 40 km per hour at the street as it has been given a
sign. The injured victims were immediately taken to the nearest hospital, and the six others
were in the process of identfication.

Adapted from:


• Accident
Vocab of • Overtake
• Approach
the day • Report
• Exceed
• Assume
Group Work

Let’s Watch a Video News
1. What is the news about?
4. Do you think the
news is important,

Discuss interesting, or
2. What is the social function
of the news?

with your
Why do you think so?

group! 3. Find the information

about :
• Who
• Where
Good luck! ^-^ • What
• Why
that are involved in the
“The difference between who you are and
who you want to be is what you do.”

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