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 Scabies is a contagious skin infestation caused
by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite. The condition is
characterized by intense itching, especially at
night, and the presence of small, red, and raised
bumps or blisters on the skin.
Itching: The hallmark symptom, often severe and exacerbated at night.
 Rash:
1. Red,
2. pimple-like bumps, and
3. blisters that may appear in folds of skin, between fingers, on wrists,
elbows, buttocks, or genitals.
4. Tracks or Burrows:
5. Thin,
6. grayish lines on the skin, indicating the mites’ tunneling activity.
 Clinical Examination:
 Diagnosis is primarily based on physical examination, considering the characteristic rash
and symptoms.
 Microscopic Examination:
 Skin scrapings may be examined under a microscope to identify mites, eggs, or fecal
Topical Medications: Permethrin or sulfur-containing creams are commonly prescribed to
kill the mites and their eggs.

Oral Medications: In severe cases, oral ivermectin may be prescribed.

Hygiene Practices: Washing all clothing, bedding, and personal items in hot water to
prevent reinfestation.
 Avoiding Close Contact: Minimizing skin-to-skin contact to prevent the spread of mites.
Personal Hygiene:
Maintain good personal hygiene practices, including regular bathing.
Avoid Close Contact:
Minimize skin-to-skin contact with individuals who have scabies.
Avoid Sharing Personal Items:
Refrain from sharing towels, clothing, or bedding with individuals who
have scabies.
Household Cleanliness:
Launder clothing, bedding, and personal items regularly, especially in hot
Isolation during Treatment:

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