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TCP/IP Model

Mahdi Hakimzada
Aria University Spring 1403
Network-1 1
What is Network Model
• A framework, used for successful communication.
• A roadmap, used for troubleshooting.
• Networking blueprint, refers to a comprehensive set of document.
Individually, each document describe one small function required
for a network; collectively, these documents define everything that
should happen for a computer network to work. Some documents
defines a protocol, Other documents define some physical
requirements for networking. For example, A document could
define the voltage.

TCP/IP Networking Model
• The TCP/IP model both defines and references a large collection of
protocols that allow computers to communicate. To define a protocol,
TCP/IP uses documents called Requests For Comments (RFC).
• The TCP/IP model also avoids repeating work already done by some
other standards body or vendor consortium by simply referring to
standards or protocols created by those groups..

TCP/IP Application Layer
• TCP/IP application layer protocols provide services to the
application software running on a computer. The application
layer does not define the application itself, but it defines
services that applications need. For example HTTP

TCP/IP Transport Layer
• Transport layer protocols provide services to the application
layer protocols that reside one layer higher in the TCP/IP
model. For example TCP Error recovery.
• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP).

Transport Layer Features
• Multiplexing using ports
• Error recovery (reliability)
• Flow control using windowing
• Connection establishment and termination
• Ordered data transfer and data segmentation

TCP and UDP Multiplexing
• Function that allows receiving hosts to choose the correct
application for which the data is destined, based on the port
• Port Numbers
Well known 0-1023
Registered Ports 1024-49151
Private and/or dynamic ports 49152 - 65535

Error recovery (reliability)
• TCP provides error recovery, also known as reliability, during
data transfer sessions between two end devices that have
established a connection. The Sequence and Acknowledgment
fields in the TCP header track every byte of data transfer and
ensure that missing bytes are retransmitted.


TCP windowing
• TCP handles flow control through a process called windowing .
Window size is specified in the Window field of the TCP
header. After sending the amount of data specified in the
window size, the source must receive an acknowledgment
before sending the next window size of data.

TCP Communication
• 3 way handshake
• 4 way handshake

• It provides no reliability, no windowing, and no reordering of
the data.
• UDP does provide data transfer and multiplexing using port
• Applications that use UDP, such as VoIP, trade the possibility of
some data loss for less delay.

TCP and UDP header

Transmission Control protocol User Datagram protocol
• Reliable • Unreliable
• Overhead • Fast and low overhead
• Does not require
• Require Acknowledgment
• Resend lost data • Does not resend lost data
• Deliver data in order • Deliver data as it arrive

TCP/IP Network Layer
• The TCP/IP network layer includes a small number of protocols, but only
one major protocol: the Internet Protocol (IP).
• IP provides several features, most importantly, addressing and routing.

TCP/IP Data-Link and Physical Layers
• The TCP/IP model’s data-link and physical layers define the protocols
and hardware required to deliver data across some physical network.
• The physical layer defines the cabling and energy (for example,
electrical signals) that flow over the cables.

Data Encapsulation Terminology
• Encapsulation refers to the process of putting headers (and sometimes
trailers) around some data

TCP/IP Messages


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