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Organizing data in tabular A
form and presents them in Y
a line graph. 1

New Lesson:
Look at the picture below;
Have you ever encountered those types of
graphs presented in the picture?
Look at the illustration bellow;

What do you call the

graph presented?
Our lesson for today is organizing data in tabular
form and presenting in a line graph.
Remember the following terms;
• Statistics is the collection, organization, presentation,
interpretation, and analysis of data.
• Data is a set of values used in Statistics.
•Variables are characteristics or properties of people,
objects, places, or things in statistics that are being
represented by data.
• Collection of data may be done in a lot of ways such as
survey, interview, or through observations.
• Organization of Data is commonly done through
tables. When organizing data using tables, it is
important to properly label the rows and columns
and include a title that briefly describes the data in
the table.
• Tabular form is one of the simplest methods used
to analyze the data and to display the data. It is very
accurate as well as an easy method to display the
dat. Although this is a simple method, it can be
time-consuming as well.
• A tabular form enables users to update multiple
rows in a table at ones from a single page.
• Organizing data in a tabular form is one of the
ways to interpret data in one to two variables.
• Data gathered and organized can be presented
using graphs. One of these is the line graph.
• A line graph is a type of chart used to show
information that changes over time. We plot line
graphs using several points connected by straight
• The line graph comprises of two axes known as “x-
axis” and “y-axis”.
 The vertical line is called the y-axis which
contains the first variable in the collected data- peso,
scores, number of people, temperature, grades, etc.
 The horizontal line is called the x-axis which
contains the second variable that refers to the first
variable in the collected data.
Steps in Constructing a Line Graph.

1. Draw the lines for the x-axis and the y-axis.

2. Use the data from the table to label the axes.
3. Plot the points that correspond to each variable in the
4. Connect the points with a line segment.
5. Put a title on the graph.
Study the examples below.

The Pupil Government of Gotamco Elementary School

has earned enough proceeds to put up a new Sports
Center in their school. This is the reason why they did a
survey on the favorite sports of their fellow students.
Below are the results of the survey. Make a tally and
organized the answer in tabular form.
The respondents use the following code:
4. Present in a line graph.
Data gathered and organized can be presented using
graphs. One of these is the line graph. The line graph
comprises of two axes known as “x-axis” and “y-axis”.
The vertical line is called the y-axis which contains the
first variable in the collected data- peso, scores, number
of people, temperature, grades, etc. The horizontal line is
called the x-axis which contains the second variable that
refers to the first variable in the collected data.
Follow the steps in constructing a line graph.
1. Draw the lines for the x-axis and the y-axis.
2. Use the data from the table to label the axes.
3. Plot the points that correspond to each variable in
the table.
4. Connect the points with a line segment.
5. Put a title on the graph.
Prepare a table based on the following situations.
Make the table (tabular form of the organized data)
inside the box.

Grade 5 -Magiliw held their class elections last

November. For the position of President, Daryll,
Amber, Louise, Gabriel, Danielle, and Maria were
nominated. In their class of 41 pupils, they gained the
number of votes as shown in the tally below.
Present the data below in a line graph. Draw the
graph inside the box.
What is the importance of organizing data
in tabular form?
 Statistics deals with the collection, organization,
presentation, interpretation, and analysis of data.
 Data is a set of values used in statistics.
 Variables are characteristics or properties of people,
objects, places or things in statistics that are being
represented by data.
 Organization of data is commonly done using table.
Make a tally and organized the answer in
tabular form, and present in a line graph.
A Grade 5 -Magiting wants to know the most
common vowel used in English. She considered
copying a paragraph from their book and
identified how often each vowel is used. Make a
tally of the frequency of use of vowels in the
selection below and organize your answer in a
table and present in a line graph.
A Grade 5 -Magiting wants to know the most
common vowel used in English. She considered
copying a paragraph from their book and
identified how often each vowel is used. Make a
tally of the frequency of use of vowels in the
selection below and organize your answer in a
table and present in a line graph.

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