Managerial Leadership and Motivation in An International Context

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Managerial Leadership and Motivation in an International Context

Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally

Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Table of Contents
Chapter Vignette The Shortcomings of Leadership Theories Cultural Relativity of Leadership Managerial Leadership in Europe Managerial Leadership in Japan Motivation and Culture Managerial Leadership in Europe Managerial Leadership in Japan Motivation and Culture Cultural Influence on Motivation Applicability of Major Motivation Theories The Shortcomings of Major Motivation Theories Motivation and Japanese Employees Global Trends and Motivation
Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally

Chapter Vignette Inspiring Leaders

Mahatma Gandhi
Human right activist Promoted passive resistance Fought for Indias independence from Britain

Nelson Mandela
Anti-apartheid in South Africa Freedom fighter
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Major Leadership Theories

Major Leadership Theories
The Ohio State University 2 dimensions of leadership behavior: A. Consideration for workers B. Initiating Structure, or Task Orientation University of Michigan Studies (similar to OU) Two dimensions: A. Employee Oriented B. Production Oriented
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Major Leadership Theories

OSU & Michigan University Studies:
Brought to our attention that: Leaders Behavior makes a difference in the subordinates work performance and attitudes. Managerial Grid (Blake & Mouton) Resulted in more leadership research Employ combination of production & people, that way managers can achieve better results.
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Major Leadership Theories

Likerts Managerial Systems Measures the organizations management system. 1. Exploitative Authoritative 2. Benevolent Authoritative 3. Consultative 4. Participative Leadership Continuum (Tannenbaum & Schmidt) Leadership is viewed as a continuum

Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally

Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Major Leadership Theories

Fiedlers Contingency Model
Contingency Model Both leadership styles of concern of work & concern of people could be effective under certain conditions. These conditions depend on: Task structure Leaders position power Leader member relations

Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally

Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Shortcomings of Leadership Theories

Leaders and Followers have great amount of commonality in their value systems and culture. Advocate democratic-participative leadership. Based on American cultural values (made in the US) Cultural differences on Motivation
Cultural Definition of Work Cultural Definition of Self

Acceptance of power and authority is central to management and leadership Uncertainty Avoidance
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Managerial Leadership in the United States and Europe

Leadership centers around the relationship between Managers and Followers Americans:
Preference for informality and a moderate use of power, pragmatic and practical, results oriented

British: High tolerance for ambiguity, low power distance. Passive and Empathic. Leadership style: Aggressive and risk taking. 2 classes: working class & boss class Socialist attitude
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Managerial Leadership in Europe

Favor formal and ritual activities over informal ones. Idealistic and concerned on essence of values Importance of social classes can not be ignored Aristocracy, upper bourgeoisie, upper middle bourgeoisie, middle, lower middle, and lower classes. Social status depends on ones social origin Top French managers: Elite group (aware of grandes coles roots) Biased for thought and intellect rather than action

Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally

Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Managerial Leadership in Europe

Large Power Distance & Strong Uncertainty Avoidance Intolerant of deviant persons and ideas Aggressive, consensus seeking, inner urge to work hard, concerned with security, strong advocate of law and order. Known for industriousness and efficiency Take long time to develop friendly relations with others. Status conscious and idealistic Reserved to outsiders appear to be cold Detail oriented and meticulous
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Managerial Leadership in Japan

Ringisei: consensus building method of decision making Everyone who will feel the impact of the decision will be involved in making it. High on power distance and uncertainty avoidance Favors consensus and shuns deviant behavior Favor authoritarian-paternalistic behavior Respect for authority is central to Japanese society Expected to respect authority, work hard, work right, and not block productivity improvement.
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Motivation and Culture

Motivation and Culture
Human Motivation : product of the interaction between people and the physical and social environment, Culture plays important role in the formation of our needs Security, love and esteem-- learned through cultural influences. Importance and priorities that people assign to their needs are determined by their cultures. Research in the US: younger employees motivated by money , older ones-- job security and fringe benefits.
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Cultural Influences on Motivation

Two concepts that are central to the understanding of motivation:
Cultural definition of work Cultural definition of self

Puritan work ethic

Pride in work

US-- identify with the work Japan-- identify with the employer Applicability of Major Motivation Theories
Stereotyping and Ethnocentrism
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Cultural Influences on Motivation

Cultural Definition of Self
West: self contained, autonomous, and independent entity. Three facets of self: 1. physiological-biological, 2. inner private, 3. public relational different cultures see it as: separate and independent from others, or connected and interdependent with others.
Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Shortcomings of Major Motivation Theories The Hierarchy of Needs Motivators and Hygiene Factors McClellands Three Motives Expectancy Theory Equity Theory Motivation and Learning
Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally

Motivation and Japanese Employees

Attributes that distinguish Japanese firms from Americans:
Lifetime employment Promotions take place from within the firm Non specialized career paths

Younger Japanese seek more leisure activities.

Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally

Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation

Global Trends in Motivation

Two major questions regarding the changes in the management of motivation and human resources:
a. Would the collapse of the Soviet system result in the integration in investigation of the socialist cultures into Western Cultures? Will the expansion of global business and advancements in telecommunication technology lead to more uniformity among culture?
Chapter 5 Managerial Leadership and Motivation


Kamal Fatehi Managing Internationally

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