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1- Left Sideward- Upward Block
• From Open Leg Stance [1], step R foot forward and
twist trunk to face obliquely left with the stick held
vertically pointing upwards; left hand with open
palm is placed at the middle of the stick to cushion
the impact of the blow delivered by the opponent.
2- Right Sideward-Upward Block
• The same movement as Blocking Technique No.1,
but in a reverse direction.
3-Left Sideward- Downward Block
• This block is performed by striking forcefully as if
to strike the left knee of the opponent. Since the L
cannot aid in the blocking, it hand should be placed
in front of the chest with fingers extended and
palms facing downward.
4- Right Sideward- Downward Block
• This block is the reverse movement of Blocking
Technique No.3 described above
5- Rising Block
•If the opponent is right handed, step L foot
forward and execute the Rising Block by
rising the stick which is held
horizontally upward over the head, with
the palm supporting the tip of the stick.
6- Vertical Block
• From Open Leg Stance [1], step R foot forward and
simultaneously pivot on the R foot and twist trunk
to face left, and moving the arms with elbows bent
in front of the chest with the point of the stick
pointing downwards and the butt pointing upward,
place the blade of the L hand at the middle back
portion of the stick.
•1.Technique A good player must have a
fundamental skill and have a basic knowledge
of arnis.
•2.Alertness and Awareness A player must
possess needs of the mind and reflexes he
must also be sensitive to the environment or
situation hence he must be physically and
mentally alert to perceive and sense to coming
• 3.Coordination and Concentration The body
the mind should work together the correct body
movement is perceived in the mind a player must
train not shift this focus from any extraneous
variable that might affect the performance.
•4.Speed A player must exhibit a quick reaction
and total body movement lightning speed as they
call it this one quality of the experts.
• 5.Power Is necessary to knock down or
outclass the opponent.
•6.Timing A player should learn the exact
hitting the target or meeting the target at the
exact time without being delayed anticipation
of the movement is necessary.
• 7.Proper delivery of strikes A player should learn
the effective blow kick and contact and stick
towards the opponents it has it also determining
factors for the judges to give the score depending
on the delivery of the vital points that the strike.
• 8.Endurance and stamina Is the ability of the
player to withstand pressure for a long period of
time without undue fatigue or with reserve energy
for the next activity.
• 9.Determination in every game the will to win
and dedication to fight at your best no matter what
the odds are is to key to success.
• 10. Confidence A player should know how to
properly carry himself inside and outside the arena
but avoid over confidence for it might lead to
destruction or a downfall.
• 11. Yelling It is an expression of power and

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