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Mass Communication


Sami Ullah
Department of Economics
Faculty of Contemporary Studies
National Defence University, Pakistan
Lecture 7

The Structure of Advertising

What is advertising
 Advertising is an art of seller in which he introduces
ideas, goods and services for the buyer through the
media of mass communication.

 Meaning of word
 It comes from the Latin verb advertere, meaning “to
turn one's attention to (something),
 ” from a combination of ad-, meaning “toward,” and
vertere, “to turn.”
 Defining Advertising
 Advertising is any controlled form of non-personal (directed
toward a large group of anonymous people) presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods and services usually paid for by an
identified sponsor, that is used to inform and persuade the
selected market.
Importance of Advertising
Advertising doesn't mean selling but helps in increasing


 Creates awareness in people.

 Create brand awareness.

 Important for buyer and seller.

 Creates regular demand.

Provides information about market and every thing which

happens around you.

 Helps educating people.

Kinds of advertising

 National advertising
 National advertising refers
chiefly to advertising done
by a producer to get people
to buy his/her branded
goods, wherever they sold.
 The term “National
advertising” is usually used
to designate the type of
advertising which is done
by ma manufacturer on a
nationwide scale to
stimulate demand for
his/her product among
ultimate consumers.
Kinds of advertising

 Regional and Local Advertising

 Regional advertising is
coonfined to one region of the
 Local advertising is confined to
one trading area or city and
usually is considered to be
synonymous with the term retail
Kinds of advertising
 Retail Advertising:
 Retail advertising conveys the
message of the local merchants or
service organizations. Retail
advertisement is addressed directly
to consumers.
 It is the advertisement of a
merchant or dealer that is designed
to induce the consumer to visit and
buy at his/her store. Chief among
the retail advertisers are
departmental stores, discount
stores and super markets etc.
 The retail advertisers wishes to sell
his product within a week,
generating great urgency in the
advertising department
Kinds of advertising

 Trade Advertising
 Trade advertising is directed at
stockbrokers, wholesalers
and others who are not intended
to be the end user of a product. I
t is also called business-to-
business advertising
 Professional Advertising :
Advertising that is directed at
professionals, such as doctors,
dentists, etc., who are in a
position to promote products or
brands to patients and customers.
Kinds of advertising

 Industrial advertising
 Industrial advertising promotes
products and services to companies
that will use them in their
business. Industrial advertising may
refer to advertising directed at
manufacturers buying raw
materials or equipment used in
their manufacturing process
Kinds of advertising
 Institutional and public service advertising
 Institutional advertising is any type of
advertising that promotes a business,
organization, institution or similar unit. In
institutional advertising, the business
promotes itself rather than its product.
However, the important thing to
remember here is that institutional
advertising does not aim to sell anything
 A public service advertisment is a message
in the public interest disseminated
without charge, with the objective of
raising awareness of, and changing public
attitudes and behavior towards, a social
Kinds of advertising
 Direct response advertising
Direct response advertising is a type
of marketing designed to get an
instant response by encouraging
people to take a specific action. The
goal is to generate leads quickly.
Comparatively, traditional marketing
aims to raise brand awareness and
promote your brand image in the
long term
Kinds of advertising
End-Product and Service Advertising
End Product Advertising
 End-product advertising is aimed at
promoting the sale of such products which
cannot be used directly. It is the
advertising process of such products which
can help in the smooth and efficient
functioning of other equipment’s in the
industrial organizations or in houses, such
as stabilizers, regulators, electric motors,
pumps, wire, batteries etc.
 Service advertising is designed to promote
the personalized services like laundry, hair-
grooming, tailoring, painting and designing,
automobiles repairing, servicing and
repairing of electrical goods. Service
Steps of Advertising Process
Inform customers that your
product or service is available and
tells them how to get it.

Persuade customers that your

product or service is better than your

Remind consumers to use your

product or service.
Steps of Advertising Process


The next step is to clearly identify to

whom you want to say it.

You want to advertise to people who

will buy your product or use your

Market research can tell you who and

where your target customers are.
Steps of Advertising Process


You want to reach as many potential customers as possible with

the most effective, efficient, and affordable medium you can
select for the advertising.
Steps of Advertising Process

S t e p 5 CREATE THE AD

Beyond the widespread interest in great, creative

advertising, your product or service, purpose and
budget are the realistic parameters.

Make sure that your ad is always appropriate for

your audience, product, service and budget.
Steps of Advertising Process


 When selecting where to place
your ad consider to reach the
right user, in the right place at
the right time.
Steps of Advertising Process

Make sure that you can fulfill the
promises mentioned in your

Optimize your advertising strategy

through tracking and new innovative
A tt e n t i o n
It involves attention element
of an advertisement
which „catches the
eye‟ and attract attention.
Its purpose is to attract public at
first sight.
A person is likely to be attracted
to advertisements which concerns
him and will be useful for him.
This is the second step to consumer‟s
response. It is called “from eye to mind”
or “from attention to interest”.
All good advertisements start with
consumer‟s point of interest .
An advertiser‟s approach should be to
establish with the consumer, who is
advertising prospective buyer for the
advertised product
Des i r e
The main job of advertising is the
transformation of an interest into
advertising desire in the consumer‟s
mind for possessing that product.
A ct ion
This is the last stage in response to
the advertisements. It prompts action
and turns prospects into buyers of the
Expected action can be secured by
adopting various techniques such
as, gifts, samples, installment
facilities, free demonstration etc.
by using phrases “Don‟t
delay”, “Buy now”, “sale”, “Limited
Stock etc.
Awa r e c u s t o m e rs
 Advertising can inform
people about
products and services,
utilities, cost and other
requirements, and help us in
making better purchases.

 Advertisements of non-
commercial issues like
AIDS, Polio can help in educating

 The expenses of advertising

may be justified on the ground
that it helps to increase sales
and profit also, which thereby
results in increased

 People can recognize the

products from the catchy
advertisements they see and
thus sales are also improved.

 New industry will be

established and old industry
will be expanded where
thousands of persons may be

 Some firms present

immoral program and
features and crime stories in
Television and Radio for
advertising their products
which have a very bad
influence upon new
 It is generally criticized that
the cost of advertising to too
high and that such high cost
is covered by the selling price
of the advertising goods.
E n c o u r a g e monopoly

 Big industrialists and

manufacturers may
exercise their monopolistic
control over the market
with the help of
advertisement technique
which is always against the
public interest.
Lying t o C u s t o m e r s

 Advertisers can and often do bend

and curve the truth for their own
benefit and in order to promote
and advertise own product.
Buying p r o b l e m s
 There are numerous similar
types of products which are
advertised in the market. But
is has become impossible for
the average buyer to judge
with any certainly the quality
of the hundreds of articles he
Advertising techniques
 Bandwagon : This a propaganda technique that suggests
one should do something because everyone else is doing
it. It is an argumentation fallacy, because something does
not have to be true if everyone is doing it. It comes from
the idea of a parade, where happy people go by on
trailers/carriages and people in the crowd have the urge
to 'hop on'. This effect is an age-old technique used to
recruit soldiers for war or sell hamburgers to the masses.
 Fear: In advertisements, speeches or even newspaper
articles we see that writers and speakers work on the
principle that if you can make people scared, then they
will believe or buy anything. We see it in advertising,
political campaigns and public service announcements. It
is an age-old technique used many campaigns from the
'War on Terror' to the 'War on Drugs'.
Advertising techniques
 conflict
Including a situation in which there is an unresolved opposition or
problem in an ad helps sell a product or an idea. This advertising
technique relies on the audience's interest in seeing the tension
resolved. If you think about how children are intrigued by fights in the
schoolyard, then you understand how this technique advertising draws
our attention to a product. This type of advertising can sometimes
lead to shock advertising if it is scandalous or controversial, which
goes one step further in creating a media-hype and drawing attention
to the product or brand.
 shock
This controversial technique is used to gain attention. If an
advertisement is controversial, then it gains free publicity through
the press and on blogs. Even though this kind of publicity can be
negative, it is still publicity nonetheless. This kind of advertising leads
to brand awareness and an eventual rise in sales. Many companies
that use this approach do not even show their product. The interest is
solely on creating a very memorable impact on their audience.
Studies show that this kind of advertising can be effective for
increasing brand awareness and sales (see 'Buyology' by Martin
Advertising techniques
 problem/benefit
If you can convince someone that they have a problem, you can
sell them a solution. This persuasive technique is often used by
advertisers and politicians. If an audience can identify with one
characteristic of the problem, then they can be persuaded to
believe that they must buy into the solution.
 testimonial/celebrity
If someone tells you about a personal experience with a product,
then you are likely to believe that person. This approach to
advertising (and political campaigns) appeals to the audience's
sense of ethos, i.e. that which gives someone credit or a mandate.
If a third, independent party has approved of a product or idea
through experience, then the speaker's voice is validated. What's
more, the audience may be able to identify with the person if s/he
is from the same demographic group as the target audience. When
famous or well-known personalities are involved, the premise is
that people want to identify with that person.
Recommended Reading

 The Dynamics of Mass Communication,

Fourth Edition by Joseph R. Dominick
 Advertising AIOU code no 967
 Advertising by Saqib Riaz

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