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Dr Ashwathi Prakash
Dr Ranjitha
Air pollution

Sources Indicators of air pollution

• Automobiles • Sulphur dioxide – Best indicator

• Industries
• Smoke and soiling index
• Domestic sources
• Grit and dust measurement (suspended particles)
• Tobacco smoke
• Miscellaneous • Coefficient of haze

• Air Pollution Index API

• Lichens – best biological indicator

2 Apr 29, 2024

Air pollutant Sources Adverse effect

Carbon monoxide Automobiles, industries

Sulphur dioxide Fossil fuels, ores Asthma, COPD

Lead Leaded petrol, ores Impaired neuropsychological

Carbon dioxide Coal, oil, gas

Hydrocarbons Coal, wood, petroleum Lung Ca

Cadmium Industries, cigarette

Hydrogen Coke, waste water treatment plants, oil refining
Ozone Photochemical reaction with nitrogen oxides Bronchoconstriction

Nitric oxide Thermal power plants Bronchial hyperactivity

PAH Automobiles, industries, smoke from coal and
Particulate matter Coarse >2.5 microns
Fine<2.5 microns
Prevention and control of air pollution
• Containment – Enclosure, ventilation, air cleaning and arresters

• Replacement

• Dilution – Green belts in industrial areas

• Legislation – Height of chimneys, no smoke zones, The Air Act 1981.

• WHO – International network of laboratories, two international centers at London,

Washington and three centers at Moscow, Nagpur, Tokyo and 20 other labs around

Air pollution monitoring in India –

National air quality monitoring program 1990 (Central Pollution Control Board)

4 Apr 29, 2024

Comfort zone
Range of effective temperature over which majority of adults feels comfortable

Discomfort – subjective sensation which people experience in ill ventilated and

crowded rooms

Comfort zone in India

Degree Celsius Zone
20 Pleasant and cool
20-25 Comfortable and cool
25-27 Comfortable
27-28 Hot and uncomfortable
28-30 Extremely hot
>30 Intolerably hot
Indices of thermal comfort

• Air temperature

• Air temperature and humidity

• Cooling power – temperature, humidity and air movement

• Effective temperature

• Corrected effective temperature

6 Apr 29, 2024

Housing Standards

URBAN Built up area – 2/3 of total area

Site – Floor

• Elevated • Impermeable, Pucca

• Away from mosquitoes and flies breeding sites • Water proof

• 50 to 100 sq ft per person

• Away from dust, smoke, smell, noise, traffic
Cubic space - > 500 cu ft per person
• Soil must be dry and safe, not “Made soil”
Walls –
• Sub soil water – below 10 feet
• Weather resistant

• 9 inch brick wall plastered smooth

7 Apr 29, 2024
Roof – height should not be less than 10 ft Kitchen –

Windows – • Separate

• 20% of the floor area • Pucca floor

• Doors + Windows – 40 % of floor area • Adequately lighted, cleanliness

• Height should not be > 3 ft from ground • Water supply

Day light - >1 % over half of floor area • Fuel usage – LPG

• Sanitary privy, Bathing, washing, Garbage • Indoor air pollution – Adequate ventilation and
and refuse facilities should be present for Exhaust
each house. • Separate drainage
Housing Standards

• At least 2 living rooms

• Built up area - >1/3 of total area

• Window area – 10% of floor area

• Separate kitchen with paved sink

• Sanitary well/ tube well – within 0.5 mile

• Cattle shed >25 ft away

9 Apr 29, 2024


• The situation in which more people are living within a single dwelling than there is
space for, so that movement is restricted, privacy secluded, hygiene impossible, rest
and sleep difficult.

• Respiratory infections – TB, influenza and diphtheria


a) Sex separation – Overcrowding is present if 2 persons over 9 yr of age, not

husband and wife, of opposite genders are obliged to sleep in the same room
b) Persons per room
Room Persons
1 2
2 3
3 5
4 7
5 10 (additional 2 for each further room)

c) Floor space
Floor space Persons
110 sq. ft 2
90 -100 sq ft 1 and ½
70-90 sq ft 1
50-70 sq ft ½
Under 50 sq. ft nil

Standards of ventilation

• Floor space- 50-100 sq. ft.

• Air change

Living room - 2 to 3 air changes /hour

Working room - 4 to 6 air changes/ hour

12 Apr 29, 2024

Types of ventilation

Natural 1. Wind-
a) Perflation
b) Aspiration
c) Cross-ventilation

2. Diffusion
3. Inequality of temperature

Mechanical 1. Exhaust ventilation

2. Plenum ventilation
3. Balanced
4. Air conditioning

13 Apr 29, 2024

Lighting factors
• Measurement
1. Sufficiency – 15 to 20 foot
2. Distribution – uniform
3. Absence of glare – Direct or
4. Steadiness
5. Color of light

14 Apr 29, 2024

Lighting standards-
- Natural lighting
- Adequate artificial lighting – Able to read without straining eyes
- Adequate window area
- Uniform illumination
- Ceiling- reflection factor 80%; walls- 50-60%; furniture- 30-40%; floor

15 Apr 29, 2024


Property Unit Instrument

Intensity/ Loudness Decibels (dB) Sound Level Meter

Frequency Hertz (Hz) Frequency Analyzer

16 Apr 29, 2024

Effects of noise

AUDITORY • Auditory fatigue

• Permanent deafness - 100 dB

• Rupture of tympanic membrane – 160 dB

NON AUDITORY • Annoyance

• Physiological changes- Raised BP, ICP, sweating.

• Nause, fatigue, sleep disturbances

• Reduced work efficiency

17 Apr 29, 2024


Sources Measurement

Natural – Cosmic rays, A) Roentgen/ Coulomb per kg- Unit of

Environmental, radioactive matter exposure

stored in the body B) Rad/ Gray- Unit of absorbed dose

C) Rem/ Sievert- product of absorbed dose x
Manmade – X rays, Nuclear
modifying factors
explosions, miscellanous

18 Apr 29, 2024

Types of radiation

Alpha particle
Beta particle

Non ionising radiation Ionising radiation

19 Apr 29, 2024

Effects of radiation
• Immediate-
1) Radiation sickness
2) Acute radiation syndrome

SOMATIC • Somatic-
1) Leukaemia
2) Carcinogenesis
3) Foetal developmental abnormalities
4) Shortening of life

GENETIC 5) Chromosomal mutations

6) Point mutations

20 Apr 29, 2024

Radiation protection

General population- should NOT EXCEED 5 rems/year

Protective measures (high risk)-

• Lead shield
• Lead rubber aprons
• Dosimeter
• Periodic medical examinations

21 Apr 29, 2024

Waste disposal

Types of waste

1. Refuse – Solid waste from street/market/domestic/stable/industrial refuse

2. Sewage – Liquid waste containing excreta

Disposed by activated sludge process

3. Sullage – Liquid waste without excreta

4. Litter – waste disposed in wrong place
Methods of disposal of solid waste
• Dumping
• Controlled tipping/ sanitary landfill
a) Trench method
b) Ramp method
c) Area method
• Incineration
• Composting
a) Bangalore method (Anaerobic method)
b) Mechanical composting (Aerobic)
• Manure pits
• Burial
Methods of excreta disposal


1. Service type latrines

3. Latrines for camps/ temporary use
2. Non- service type latrines a) Shallow trench latrine

a) Bore hole latrine b) Deep trench latrine

c) Pit latrine
b) Dug well or pit latrine
d) Bore hole latrine
c) Water seal type

d) Septic tank

e) Aqua Privy

24 Apr 29, 2024


1. Water-carriage system and sewage treatment

a) Primary treatment

b) Secondary treatment

c) Other methods-

- Sea outfall

- River Outfall

- Sewage farming

- Oxidation ponds

25 Apr 29, 2024

Slow sand filter

26 Apr 29, 2024

 Supernatant (raw) water:
• 1 to 1.5 m
• Provides constant head of water to overcome the filter bed resistance
• Provides waiting period of 3 to 12 hrs (partial purification by sedimentation, oxidation, particle
 A bed of graded sand:
• 1m thickness
• Effective diameter: 0.2 to 0.3 mm
• Purification: mechanical straining, sedimentation, adsorption, oxidation, bacterial action
 Vital / Schmutzdecke / zoogleal / biological layer:
• Algae, plankton, diatoms, bacteria
• Formation of vital layer: ripening of filter (removes organic matter, holds back bacteria, oxidizes
ammoniacal nitrogen into nitrates)
 Under drainage system:
Porous or perforated pipes (provides outlet for filtered water & supports filter medium above)
 A system of filter control valves:
• “Venturi meter”: measure bed resistance or “loss of head”
• When loss of head exceeds 1.3 m: uneconomical

27 Apr 29, 2024

Slow sand filter vs Rapid sand filter
Slow sand filters Rapid sand filters
1 Area (900m2) Requires larger area Requires small area
2 Sand bed height 1.2m 1.0m
3 Effective size of the sand 0.2 to 0.3mm 0.4 to 0.7mm
4 Preliminary storage Necessary Not necessary
5 Preliminary treatment Not necessary Is must
6 Rate of filtration 0.1 to 0.4 m3/m2/hr 5-15 m3/m2/hr
7 Mechanism of action Mainly biological Physical & chemical
8 Operation Less skilled Highly skilled
9 Suitability for turbid water Not suitable Suitable

10 Loss of hydraulic head 1.3 m 7 to 8 feet

28 Apr 29, 2024
Slow sand filter Rapid sand filter
11 Filter run 3 wk to 3 mth 1 to 3 days
12 Cleaning By scraping the sand bed By back washing
13 Wasting of water Not wasted during cleaning 2 to 3% of filter wasted
14 Cost Capital cost is high but cost of Capital cost is low but cost of
operation is low operation is high

15 Use of sludge Sludge obtained after scraping is Sludge is not obtained & wash
used as manure water also is not of economic use

16 Removal of turbidity Is by vital layer Is by alum coagulant

17 Removal of colour Fair Good

18 Removal of bacteria 99.99% 99%

19 Post-treatment Is not necessary Is a must


29 Apr 29, 2024

Thank you

30 Apr 29, 2024

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