Developing Your Professional Presence-4 2

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Developing your professional

Communication process
Benefits of being a good communicator
Ability to work in a team structure
Ability to verbally communicate with people both inside and outside the organization.
Ability to obtain and process information.
Characteristics that will help you grow professionally
Benefits of being a good communicator
Competitive edge in the job market
It will contribute to companies and your success too.
Characteristics which will help you communicate more
Being strategic-
 purposeful
Audience oriented
Clear and concise
Characteristics which will help you communicate more
Being adaptable-
Social media
Able to work with other culture.
Interpersonal , intercultural and team communication
Listening and hearing-
Listen to non verbal communication
Benefits of good listening skills
Interpersonal communication
Emotional intelligence
Synchronous communication
Passive listening
How do u engage the listeners
Cross cultural communication
Culture is considered as that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, laws
customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by as a member of society.
Power distance
It refers to how equal or unequal a country or culture is. It also highlights the willingness of the
subordinate to accept the inequality as compared to the superior. It basically means that
inequality in the power is accepted as much by the follower as by the leader.
Power Distance- India score(77)
Large power distance Small power distance
Rigid and several hierarchical levels Culture or organizations tend to be flat
Older people are revered and feared Older people are neither revered nor feared
Orders are given and expected to be followed Consultation done before taking decisions

Parents teach obedience to children Children treated as equals by parents

Uneven income and asset distribution More even income and asset distribution
Teacher centered education Students- centered education
Autocratic leadership Participative leadership
Uncertainty Avoidance
It refers to the cultures tolerance for ambiguity. It other words it indicates to what extent a
society prefers rigid structure or reacts when there are none. How much a society can tolerate
vagueness or abstractness.
Thus an individual belonging to a culture that is high on uncertainty avoidance will be extremely
uncomfortable in unstructured situations or where with low uncertainty avoidance will be
comfortable even in unstructured situations or where there is uncertainty or abstractness.
Uncertainty avoidance- India score (40)
High uncertainty Low uncertainty
Uncertainty of life is perceived as a threat that must Uncertainty of life accepted with ease
be safeguarded against, all cost
High stress and need to control all facets of life Low stress and easy going attitude
Lower scores on health and well being High scores on health and well being
Non- conformity is seen as a threat; hence novel Novel or different ideas are not seen as threat and
ideas or anything that is different is deemed is viewed with curiosity and a open mind
Need for clarity and structure Comfortable with ambiguity and vagueness
Individuals afraid to change jobs Individuals do not mind job switching or even job
High risk aversion, entrepreneurial inclination is low Low risk aversion, entrepreneurial inclination
Individualism- collectivism- India score-
A culture can be either high on individualism or high on collectivism. In a collectivist structure
the entire society is integrated into cohesive groups.
In individualistic culture each and every individual is expected to look out for each other and is
seen as a single unit.
Bihar- lucknow- “HUM”
Mumbai- “Main”
USA score is 91
Individualism Collectivism
“I” centric “We” centric
People take care of themselves and only their family People are a part of much larger family
Privacy is valued Privacy is a foreign concept
Tendency to be open about one’s opinions and Being blunt and straight forward is discouraged and
beliefs harmony is to be maintained at all costs
Everyone else is seen as an individual People are either part of their in-group or the out
Tasks> relationship Relationship>tasks
Fight battles alone In group provides support and loyalty
Masculinity- femininity
masculinity femininity
Values achievement and success Values nurturing and putting emotional needs

Tasks> relationships Relationships >tasks

Gender differentiation extremely high Gender differentiation not very high
Men should be and women may be assertive and Both men and women tend to be caring and
ambitious modest

Father deals with facts, while mother deals with Both parents deal with facts and feelings

Glass celling Women found in leadership and political positions

Iceland has the lowest scores of masculinity-(10) Finland is the No. 1 happiest country in the world for
the sixth year in a row. Finland has been the happiest country in the world since 2016.
Short term vs long term orientation India score-61
Long term orientation stands for the fostering of virtues oriented towards future rewards, in particular, perseverance and
Short term stands for the fostering of virtues related to the past and present in particular respect for tradition,
preservation of face and fulfilling social obligations
Short term orientation Long term orientation

Past and present orientation Future orientation

Traditions are sacrosanct Traditions adapt and changes based on changing


Success and failure attributed to luck Success and failure attributed to efforts

Slow or no economic growth Better economic growth

See everything black or white- See shades of grey

Supposed to be proud of ones country Tends to learn from other countries too
Michael Minkov research

Indulgence restraint
More number of people claiming to be happy Lesser number of people calling themselves happy
Importance is placed on leisure Leisure is not seen as important
Simple joys of life are enjoyed and cherished Life led according to rigid rules and regulations
Experience more personal control over ones life. Control over life missing. Blame external factors
Individuals display internal locus of control Individuals experience external locus of control
Improving communication with people from different culture
Stages of team development
Managing interpersonal conflicts

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