How Electric Is Generated at Power Station

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How electric is generated

at power station
Power station using non-renewable energy
sources such as diesel , natural gas and coal.
A thermal power station is a power station in
which heat energy is converted to electricity.
Typically, water is heated into steam, which is
used to drive an electrical generator. After it
passes through the turbine the steam is
condensed in a steam condenser and recycled
to where it was heated.

Energy change:
chemical energy-heat energy-kinetic energy
 electrical energy

Locations of power stations which use thermal

energy in Malaysia: Manjung ,IPOH
Power station using solar energy
Solar thermal power/electric generation systems
collect and concentrate sunlight to produce the
high temperature heat needed to
generate electricity. The steam is converted into
mechanical energy in a turbine, which powers a
generator to produce electricity.

Energy change:
Solar energy  electrical energy

Location of power station which use solar energy

in Malaysia : Mukim Tanjung
Hydroelectric power station
Hydropower plants capture the energy of falling water
to generate electricity. A turbine converts the
kinetic energy of falling water into mechanical energy.
Then a generator converts the mechanical energy from
the turbine into electrical energy.

Energy change:
Gravitational potential energy kinetic energy 
electrical energy

Locations of hydroelectric power station in Malaysia:

Chenderoh Lake, Perak
Power station using wind energy
Wind power generation means getting the
electrical energy by converting wind energy into
rotating energy of the blades and converting that
rotating energy into electrical energy by the
generator. Wind energy increases with the cube
of the wind speed, therefore WTGs should be
installed in the higher wind speed area.

Energy change:
kinetic energy  electrical energy

Location of power station using wind energy in

Malaysia: FTJ Bio Power sdn.bhd,Selangor
Power station using nuclear fuel
In nuclear power plants, uranium
fuel undergoes nuclear fission and generates
an enormous amount of heat. The heat makes
high-temperature and high-pressure steam
that rotates turbines to generate electricity.

Energy change:
Nuclear energy  Heat energy kinetic
energy  electrical energy

Location of power station using nuclear fuel in

Malaysia: BioPower sdn.bhd,Selangor
Power station using biomass
Most biopower plants use direct-fired combustion
systems. They burn biomass directly to produce
high-pressure steam that drives a turbine generator
to make electricity. In some biomass industries, the
extracted or spent steam from the power plant is
also used for manufacturing processes or to heat

Energy change:
Chemical energy  Heat energy kinetic energy
 electrical energy

Location of power station using biomass in

Malaysia: Tawau (Sabah)

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