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Our objective for today !
Learn the differences between COMPARE AND

Apply this knowledge to any other upcoming


L E T ‘ S S T A R T !!
What is Compare ?
To compare means to examine the similarities and differences
between two or more subjects, objects, concepts, ideas, or
situations. When you compare things, you focus on identifying
shared characteristics as well as points of divergence.

"Compare" typically refers to the process of examining two or

more things to identify similarities and differences between them.
It involves evaluating the characteristics, features, or qualities of
each item and determining how they relate to each other.
Comparison can be applied in various contexts, such as analyzing
products, assessing ideas, contrasting concepts, or understanding
Comparison is used to determine and quantify
relationships between two or more variables by observing
different groups that either by choice or circumstance are
exposed to different treatments.

Comparing and contrasting looks at the similarities and

differences between or among ideas. Noting the
similarities and differences in ideas leads to the abilities to
generalize, categorize, sort, evaluate, and understand new
Comparing means looking at two or more things to understand
how they're alike or different. It helps you make decisions,
understand concepts, and see patterns.

one similarity
another similarity
What is Contrast ?
Contrast is a rhetorical device used by a writer to emphasize
the differences between two people, places or things. It's the
opposition between two objects, with their differences
highlighted and explained. The word contrast comes from the
Latin word “contra stare” meaning “to stand against”

The main purpose of contrast is to underline ideas and explain

their meanings, so readers can easily follow a story or argument.
Through opposite and contrasting ideas, writers make their
arguments stronger, which makes them more memorable for
readers due to emphasis placed on them.
The purpose of contrast is to emphasize or exaggerate intended
meaning. This is done to make meaning clearer or more effective. For
example, "Her car crossed the bridge out of the city and towards the
solace of the countryside" is more effective than, "Her car crossed the
bridge, moving away from the busy city.“

One difference unlike
Another difference while
conversely whereas
in contrast
Thank you for taking time

to listen to our report !!

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