Medicinal Plants of J&K

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Medicinal Plants for Home

Gardens of Kashmir for Cure

of Common Ailments
Presented by:
Dr Mudasir Khazir
Some High Altitude HIGH COMMERCIAL Species
Dactylorhiza hatigera…… Salam panja
Viola odorata……………… Banafsha
Innula racemosa………. Poshkermool
Rheum emodi……….. Pambchalan
Aconitum heterophyllum…. Atis
Berberis aristata……….. Darulhaldi
Picrorhiza kurruoa………… Kutki
Swertia chiraita……………. Chiraita
Sausseria costus…………. Kuth.
Viola odorata Innula racemosa Rheum emodi

Used in Hypertension, Used as expectorant and

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory,
hyper-lipedemia, cardiac bronchodilator.
for scalds Burns. Type II
disorders. Good anti-
Diabetes mellitus, Anti-cancer
bacterial (used for URTI)
properties in human pancreatic
Berberis aristata Picrorhiza kurruoa Swertia chiraita
UTI, GI Disorders. Antibiotic, used in Hepato-protective, Arthritis, Anti Anti-viral, Skin diseases, periodic
Penicillin resistant Staphylococcus Rheumatic, Liver fevers, anti-inflammatory.
aureus, anti-fungal properties. ailments(Hepatitis, Jaundice), Loss
Diabetes Mellitus II. of appetite, Gastric ulceration
Dactylorhiza hatigera Aconitum heterophyllum Sausseria costus

Aphrodisiac, anti-septic/anti- Useful in nausea, vomiting Tonic, stomachic,

bacterial, useful in pyorrhea diarrhea and hemorrhoids, stimulant, carminative,
aphrodisiac, anti- pyretic, used for asthma, diuretic,
antiseptic, aphrodisiac,
Medicinal Plants for Home
Gardens of Kashmir for Cure
of Common Ailments
1. (Lavander) Lavendula augustifolia

Lavenders are perennial bushy shrubs 50-80 cm tall with attractive

flowers. The flowers are of violet–blue to purple shade. Lavender
essential oil obtained from the flowers combats halitosis, is antiseptic,
antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, cholagogue, diuretic, nerving,
sedative, stimulative, stomachic and tonic. It is rich in linalyl acetate
and linalool and further aroma components are β-ocimene, cineol, and
caryophyllene epoxide, even coumarin are present.
Lavender in Bloom
From the commercial point of view only four species of lavender out of 39
species and 17 hybrids have economic importance (Upson and Andrews, 2004).

1. Lavendula angustifolia syn. L. officinalis commonly known as English

lavender and formerly known as L. Vera.
2. Lavendula latifolia, commonly known as spike lavender.
3. Lavendula stoechas known as Spanish lavender.
4. Lavendula intermedia, syn. L. hybrid commonly known as Lavandin.

2. (Javend) Thymus serphyllum

wild thyme is a perennial shrub and native of Europe and Asia. Its aerial
parts are most frequently used in ethno-medicine (mainly for treating
illnesses and problems related to the respiratory and gastrointestinal
systems), although recently its essential oils are becoming more popular
as an important plant-derived product. Thyme essential oil has an ever-
growing number of uses in contemporary medicine due to its
pharmacological properties: anti- oxidative, antimicrobial, and anti-
carcinogenic activities.
. (Javend) Thymus serphyllum
3. (mushakbala) Valeriana jatamensi

Valeriana jatamansi Jones is a small, perennial, pubescent herb. The roots

produce volatile oil. The herb is used for treatment of habitual constipation,
insomnia, epilepsy, neurosis, anxiety, diuretic, hepato-protective, analgesic,
and cytotoxic, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, Palpitation
of heart, intestinal tonic.
4. (Phanad) Bergenia ciliata

Bergenia ciliate is rhizomatic herb with fleshy leaves, growing upto 30 cm tall,
having a stout creeping rhizomatous rootstock with scars and intermittent
axillary buds. It showed high potential in the treatment of gastrointestinal
disorders, but it is well known for the treatment of kidney disorders particularly
kidney stones. Literature review showed that traditional healers mostly utilize it
in powder form. It is reported to possess high antifungal, antiviral, anti
plasmodial and antibacterial activities. Pharmacological studies reported that it
has good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tussive, anti-ulcer and anti-
neoplastic activities.
5. (Mecharan) Bistorta amplexicaulis

Bistorta amplexicaulis commonly known as mountain fleece or red bistort,

is an herbaceous perennial that typically grows in a dense leafy mound to
3-4’ (infrequently to 6’) tall and as wide. A very rare and ephemeral garden
escape and native to the Himalayas. Leaves are used as a vegetable.
Rhizome is used as a medicinal product. It is also used for making tea
which is very effective in flue, fever and joints. The rhizome is applied on
sores and wounds. The root is also given with the milk to women to check
excess bleeding during menstruation period. Also used for dysentery
cough and tonic.
6. (Van Babber) Origanum vulgare

The herb is internally and externally used as a fomentation to treat skin irritations and
infections, dropsy, and convulsions and as an excellent poison antidote. It gives a slightly bitter
flavor to poultry, fish, sauces, eggs, and other dishes. This dried herb is also used in processed
foods. It is also used as a fragrance component in perfumes, detergents, cosmetics, flavorings,
soap, and pharmaceuticals. Oregano has also been used in the treatment of cancer, muscular
degeneration, and heart disease. Oregano taken as a tea or used as a salve inhibits bacterial
growth and parasitic microorganisms. The herbal tea also helps to alleviate headaches, urinary
problems, diarrhea, nausea, lung disorders, vomiting, and jaundice and is used as
a mouthwash to help with tooth infections and sore throat. Oregano is a great cold and flu
remedy and aids in the treatment of indigestion, bloating, flatulence, and menstrual symptoms.
7. (Isband) Peganum hermala

Peganum harmala has been claimed to be an important medicinal plant with

antibacterial, antifungal, and monoamine oxidase inhibition properties. Its
seeds possess hypothermic and hallucinogenic effects. It has been traditionally
used as an abortifacient agent. .In traditional medicine, the seeds of this plant
were used as powder, decoction, maceration, or infusion for fever, diarrhea,
abortion, and subcutaneous tumors and is widely used as a remedy for various
health conditions such as rheumatic pain, painful joint and intestinal pain. The
plant is also used for treatment of asthma, jaundice, lumbago, and many other
human ailments.
8. (Hamashbahar) Calendula officinalis

Calendula officinalis beloved herbs, earning our affection with its cheerful
golden flowers. The petals are edible and the whole flower is an important
medicinal herb in treating skin conditions. The inflorescences are yellow. It is
widely propagated by seeds. Calendula extracts may have anti-viral, anti-
genotoxic, anti-inflammatory properties, methanol antibacterial activity. It
is astringent despite not being high in tannins. Plant extracts has
as saponins, resins and essential oils. The flower oil and salves are used for
healing wounds, rashes, burns, and dry skin.
9. (Cone flower) Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea purpurea Purple coneflower is one of the most popular garden

ornamentals. This is the easiest species of Echinacea to grow in most
garden soils. The medicinal importance are common cold, respiratory
10. (Babre boul) Ocimum basilicum

Ocimum basilicum is easy to grow from seed. Medicinal importance: The seeds
when soaked in water, the seeds of several basil varieties become gelatinous,
and are used in Asian drinks and desserts such as faluda, sharbat-e-rihan.In folk
medicine practices have therapeutic properties. It is highly aromatic and
antimicrobial; the leaves and flowers are used as a medicinal tea for colds,
coughs, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, headaches, arthritis, diabetes, stress, and
11. (Poshkarmool) Inula racemosa

Pushkarmool is one such herb explained in Ayurveda, which has path breaking
results in respiratory discomfort, cough and chest pain. It also relieves stress and
has anti allergic properties as well. The roots are widely used locally in
indigenous medicine as an expectorant and in veterinary medicine as a tonic.
The aqueous extract of the fresh or dry roots is given orally in rheumatic pains
and liver problems. ‘Pushkar guggulu’ is a popular anti obesity, hypolipidemic
indicated in cardiac ailments.
Crop maturity and harvesting
The crop is harvested after about One & a half in the month
of October–November Under temperate conditions of

• Roots are dug after wetting the soil.

• The roots are cleaned well and soil particles are removed.

Yield and cost of cultivation

 The crop is harvested at one-and-a-half years of

growth for better yield

 About 60-80 quintals of dried roots are obtained from

1 hectare (3-4 Quintals / Kanal )

 Market demand: 3-5 Matric tonnes / annum

 Market price: Rs. 200-350 / kg (Depends on the quality of

12. (Pudina) Mentha arvensis

The best way to propagate mints is by taking cuttings from those that you like best.
In ayurveda, Pudina is considered as appetizer and useful in gastric troubles. In
Europe, wild mint was traditionally used to treat flatulence, digestive problems,
gall bladder problems and coughs. The oil was extracted and rubbed into the skin
for aches and pains. Menthol is widely used in dental care as a topical antibacterial
agent, effective against streptococci and lactobacilli. Menthol extracted also
commonly used in pharmaceutical and oral preparations like toothpastes, dental
creams, beverages and tobacco.
13. (Vai Gunder) Acrorus calamus

Acorus calamus is a tall perennial wet land plant. It is cultivated by rhizomes

before rainy season. The Sweet flag has a very long history of medicinal use in
Chinese and Indian herbal traditions. leaves, stems. Roots are used in various
Siddha and Ayurvedic medicines. Sweet flag, known as "rat root", is one of the
most widely and frequently used herbal medicines. Its aroma makes calamus
essential oil valued in the perfume industry. The alcoholic extract of A. calamus
rhizome exhibited potent antiviral activity against herpes viruses i.e. HSV-1 and
14. (Tethwan) Artemisia absinthum

Artemisia absinthium is a species of Artemisia native to temperate perennial

plant. It is grown as an ornamental plant. It is usually propagated by
seeds/cuttings. As medicine, it is used for dyspepsia, as a bitter to counteract poor
appetite, for various infectious diseases. it is also used as an insecticide and an
insect repellent.
15. (Saz-posh) Alcea rosea

Alcea rosea is a popular garden ornamental plants This garden flower has bright
bloom throughout summer. It has the great range of colors. It is propagated
through seeds. Hollyhock is valuable to cure fever is the way it has antipyretic
properties, natural treatment of fever. It is used as herbal tea. Hollyhock as the
herbal plant has the anti-inflammatory, bleeding gums, demulcent, diuretic, and
emollient. kidney and womb irritation, moisturize your skin, herbal conditioner and
natural hair dye.
16. (Kal vauth) Prunella vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris is an herbaceous plant. It is grown easily by seeds.

Self-heal is edible: the young leaves and
stems can be eaten raw in salads; the plant in whole can be boiled and eaten as a
potherb; and the aerial parts of the plant can be powdered and brewed in a cold
infusion to make a beverage. Topically, a poultice of the plant is applied to irritated
skin. The extract of the plant are used for disinfecting, fevers, HIV viruses, allergic
responses and has anti-inflammation effects.
17. (Rosemary) Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen needle-like leaves

and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers. Rosemary is used as a decorative plant in
gardens It is propagated through cuttings. The herb not only tastes good in culinary
dishes, such as rosemary chicken and lamb, but it is also a good source of iron,
calcium, and vitamin B-6. The herb has been hailed since ancient times for its
medicinal properties viz., alleviate muscle pain, improve memory, boost the
immune and circulatory system, and promote hair growth.
18. (Banafsha) Viola odorata

Viola odorata Linn. commonly called as “sweet violet”. since golden times for treating
several diseases both in Unani and in Ayurvedic systems of medicine. The Banafsha is
available in commerce in three forms as the dried aerial parts of the herb; only the dried
flowers; and the aerial parts without flowers. Almost all these parts are used for medicinal
purpose, and it has been proven as, sedative, diuretic, anti-asthmatic, laxative, anti-
dyslipidemic, antihypertensive, antibacterial, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, anticancer, cytotoxic, anti-
tubercular, and antifungal properties. It is used as a single drug or as an ingredient in
various formulations viz. syrup, decoction, infusion, confection, semisolid preparations, oil
and pill.
19. (Krishim) Iris hookeriana

Iris ensata is rhizomatous perennial plant distributed in western Himalayas. It has long pale green or
yellow green leaves, long slender stem and fragrant blue, purple or lilac flowers, that are mottled with a
darker colour. It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in temperate regions of world.They are also used
as antispasmodic, emetic, haemostasis and laxative agents. The rhizomes of Iris species have been
used as aperient, blood purier, diuretic, and stimulant to treat gall bladder, venereal diseases and
cancer. Because of the violet-like scent of their flowers Iris species also used in the perfume and
cosmetic industries. The phytochemicals isolated from Iris species possess antibacterial, anticancer,
anticholinesterase, antihelmintic, antiinfammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiplasmodial,
antituberculosis, antiulcer, cytotoxic, free radical scavenging hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic,
immunomodulatory, molluscicidal and pesticidal activities.
20. (Shatavari) Asparagus racemosus

Asparagus racemosus (A. racemosus) commonly known as Satawar, Satamuli,

Satavari found at low altitudes throughout India. The dried roots of the plant are
used as drug. The roots are said to be tonic and diuretic and galactgogue, the drug
has ulcer healing effect probably via strengthening the mucosal resistance or cyto-
protection. It has also been identified as one of the drugs to control the symotoms
of AIDS. A. racemosus has also been successfully by some Ayurvedic practitioner
for nervous disorder, inflammation and certain infectious disease. In Ayurveda,
this amazing herb is known as the “Queen of herbs”.
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