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David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Case Study
• The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) is a
pioneering conservation organization dedicated
to protecting Africa's wildlife and habitats.

• With a rich history spanning 45 years, SWT is

renowned for its Orphans' Project, the world's
first and most successful elephant orphan
rescue program (SheldrickTrust, 2024).

• Through collaboration with partners and allies,

SWT works tirelessly to safeguard keystone
species like elephants and rhinos, ensuring the
long-term survival of Kenya's diverse
Our Mission

Mission 01
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lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam
accumsan diam.

Mission 02
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adipiscing elit. Morbi ex velit, bibendum eget
lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam
accumsan diam.
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2. What led DSWT to change its strategy?
DSW T changed i ts strategy based on few key insight s:

1 Humanitarian Crises 2 Elephant Humanity 3 Audience

DSWT recognized a need to broaden

Based on decades of their audience beyond the
DSWT recognized that
scientific research, DSWT traditional demographic of
during periods of
uncovered the emotional individuals over 60 years old who
significant humanitarian
sophist ication of elephants. were more inclined to donate due to
crises, such as conflicts
This insight provi ded a new negative triggers, like the tragedy
or natural disasters, associated with wildlife
way to connect with
public attention and conservation issues. However, this
audi ences by revealing the
donations were often shared em otional demographic was predicted to shift
diverted away from experiences between their donations towards
wildlife conservation humans and elephants. humanitarian causes, leaving
efforts. wildlife conservation efforts
Si t uat i on a na l ysi s Obj ectives Strategy
DSWT i dent i fied that the
DSWT's st rat egy was t o shi ft t he
traditional focus on poaching was • Achieve 50% media coverage
narrat i ve from poachi ng t o broader
not suffi ci ent t o address the focusing on human-elephant
conservat i on i ssues by hi ghl i ght i ng
broader t hreats faced by conflict.
the em ot i onal connect i on bet ween
elephant s, such as human- • Increase donations by 10%.
hum ans and el ephant s.
wildl ife confl i ct and habitat loss. • Raise elephant adopti ons by 10%.

Tac t i cs Act ion Control

'Hello i n el ephant' campaign was DSWT cont i nuousl y m oni t ored t he
DSWT launched the campaign on
devel oped t o t ranslate the elephant campai gn's perform ance agai nst t hei r
World Elephant Day to maxim ize
language i nt o hum an and to provi de an predefi ned obj ect i ves. They achi eved a
visibility and engagement. They
interact i ve web experience for people 75% of m edi a coverage i ncl udi ng t he
collaborated with renowned
to engage wi t h. They also hi jacked hum an-el ephant confl i ct i ssue, 34%
scientist s to ensure the accuracy
platforms of ant i -poaching discussions increase i n donat i ons, exceedi ng t he t arget
of the elephant language
t o reach a wi der audience. by 234% and 35% i ncrease i n el ephant
adopt i ons, surpassi ng t he t arget set .
The Strategy: Hello in Elephant

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velit, bibendum eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam
accumsan diam, bibendum eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ex

velit, bibendum eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam
accumsan diam, bibendum eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor

Animal behavior
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ex
velit, bibendum eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam
accumsan diam, bibendum eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Morbi ex velit, bibendum eget
lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam accumsan
diam, bibendum eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit. Morbi ex velit, bibendum eget
lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam accumsan
diam, bibendum eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi
ex velit, bibendum eget lectus ut,
hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam
accumsan diam, bibendum eget
lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi
ex velit, bibendum eget lectus ut,
hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam
accumsan diam, bibendum eget
lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor
Meet Our Zoo Keeper
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ex velit, bibendum
eget lectus ut, hendrerit sodales tortor. Nam accumsan diam, bibendum eget lectus
ut, hendrerit sodales tortor

Daniel Gallego Juliana Silva Claudia Alves

Zoo Keeper Zoo Keeper Zoo Keeper
Borcelle Zoo

Thank You!
Contact Us

123 Anywhere St., Any City


Fill, C. and Turnbull, S. (2023) Marketing communications. Ninth edition. Harlow, England: Pearson.

Smith, P., 2011. The SOSTAC® Guide-to writing the perfect plan. Self-published E-book available on Amazon and

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