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Gene Expression at the

Molecular Level I:
Production of mRNA and Proteins
Chapter 12 Outline
• Overview of Gene Expression

• Transcription

• RNA Modification in Eukaryotes

• Translation and the Genetic code

• The Machinery of Translation

• The Stages of Translation

Gene Expression & Mutation
 Gene expression is the process by which the information of a gene is made into a
functional product
 Studied at both the molecular level & the trait level

 A mutation is a heritable change in the genetic material

 Can affect gene function by altering the gene sequence

 Research focused on the effects of mutations proved instrumental in demonstrating

the relationships between:
 Normal genes and functional proteins
 Mutated abnormal genes and non-functional proteins
12.1 Overview of Gene Expression 3
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
 Archibald Garrod studied patients with metabolic defects such as alkaptonuria
 Inherited disease in which patient’s body accumulates abnormal levels of
homogentisic acid (alkapton)

 In 1908, Garrod proposed a relationship between inheritance of a mutant gene, a

missing or defective enzyme, and a metabolic disease

 Called this an inborn error of metabolism


Beadle and Tatum
 Discovered Garrod’s work in the early 1940s

 Studied Neurospora crassa, common bread mold

 Minimum requirements for growth are carbon source (sugar), inorganic salts, and
 Many different cellular enzymes are used to synthesize all molecules needed for
growth from these components

 Focused on amino acid synthesis

 Hypothesized that genes encode enzymes, and a mutation might cause a defect in an
enzyme needed for amino acid synthesis
Beadle and Tatum
 Proposed that a different enzyme catalyzes each step in a biochemical pathway
and that a different gene controls the production of each different enzyme

 Collected different mutant strains that required supplementation with the amino
acid arginine for growth
 The pathway for arginine synthesis was thought to involve at least three precursor
 Therefore, three genes & three enzymes should be involved

 Examined the ability of mutant strains to grow in the presence of the different
precursor molecules
Beadle and Tatum
 Mutant strains fell into three groups according to which enzyme was defective
 Concluded that a single gene controls the synthesis of a single enzyme
 The one gene – one enzyme hypothesis

Not Quite…
 Enzymes are only one category of cellular proteins
 Genes also encode for many other types of proteins

 Some proteins are composed of two or more polypeptides

 E.g. Hemoglobin is composed of two α-globin and two β-globin polypeptides

 Some mRNAs can be spliced in alternative ways

 Allows a single gene to encode more than one polypeptide

 Some genes encode RNAs that are not used to make polypeptides
The Central Dogma of
Gene Expression

Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

 A gene is an organized unit of DNA sequences that is transcribed into RNA and
results in the formation of a functional product

 Protein-coding genes are transcribed to produce a messenger RNA (mRNA)

that specifies the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide
 The polypeptide is considered to be the functional product
 The mRNA is an intermediary in polypeptide synthesis

 For non-coding RNA genes, the RNA itself is the final functional product
 e.g. Transfer RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

12.2 Transcription 12
Gene Organization

Three Stages of Transcription

A Closer Look at Elongation
 RNA is synthesized in the 5’ to 3’ direction
 Complementarity between ribonucleotides and DNA template guides sequence of RNA
 Uracil substitutes for thymine

 The strand of DNA that is used as a template for RNA synthesis is called the template or
noncoding strand
 The opposite DNA strand that is not used for transcription is called the coding strand
 Has the same sequence as the mRNA (except T instead of U)

 Unlike DNA polymerase:

 RNA polymerases can start on a template without a primer
 RNA polymerases do not proofread and have no exonuclease activity

Transcription along the chromosome
 The DNA strand used as a template can vary for adjacent genes
 Depends on position of promoter sequences
 RNA is always synthesized 5’ to 3’
 Template strand is read in the 3’ to 5’ direction

Eukaryotic Transcription
 Basic features of transcription are
identical between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic organisms, but each step
tends to involve a greater complexity
of protein components

 E.g. Eukaryotes have three RNA

polymerases instead of one, and
initiation of transcription requires
five general transcription factors
instead of sigma factor

Eukaryotic RNA Processing

12.3 RNA Modification in Eukaryotes 19

RNA Processing: Capping
 Covalent attachment of 7-methylguanosine
to the 5’ end of the mRNA transcript
 = 5’ cap

 Occurs while RNA polymerase is still

creating the pre-mRNA

 5 cap is recognized by cap-binding proteins

 Required for proper exit of the mRNA from
the nucleus
 Protects mRNA and helps it bind to a
ribosome for translation

RNA Processing: Tailing
 Poly adenylation sequence in mRNA
attracts enzyme complex that cuts
mRNA and adds 100 to 200 adenines
to the 3’ end
 = poly A tail

 Aids in export from nucleus and

increases mRNA stability
 Allows mRNA to exist for a longer time
in the cytosol

RNA Processing: Splicing
 Many eukaryotic genes contain coding sequences that are interrupted by large
segments of DNA that are transcribed but not translated
 Exons are the RNA sequences found in the mature mRNA
 Introns are intervening untranslated sequences

 Splicing removes introns and joins exons together

 Catalyzed by the spliceosome
 Consists of several subunits (snRNPs) made of snRNA & protein

 In alternative splicing, splicing can occur more than one way to produce different
The Genetic Code
 Specifies the relationship between the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA and the
sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide

 Sequence of an mRNA is read in groups of three consecutive ribonucleotide

bases = codons
 Specify for a particular amino acid, or indicate start or stop
 e.g. CCC = proline, GGC = glycine
 tRNAs bind to mRNA codons using anticodons

12.4 Translation and the Genetic Code 24

The Genetic Code
 Using 3 bases, 64 different codons are
possible (= 43)
 Only 20 different amino acids

 Genetic code is degenerate

 More than one codon can specify the
same amino acid

Bacterial mRNA Organization

Reading Frame
 The start codon defines the reading frame of an mRNA
 Each adjacent codon is read as a triplet in the 5 to 3 direction

 Insertion or deletion of any number of bases that is not a multiple of 3 changes the amino acid

Feature Investigation

Nirenberg & Leder

• In 1964, Nirenberg and Leder discovered that an RNA triplet can act like a codon
within an mRNA molecule

• Made different RNA molecules with specific triplet sequences

• E.g. 5’-CCC-3’ triplets

• Each RNA underwent in vitro translation in 20 different tubes

• Each tube had a different radiolabeled amino acid
• By detecting which radioactive amino acid was linked to the triplet, could determine what
amino acid is encoded by each triplet sequence
The Translation Machinery

The Translation

12.5 The Machinery of Translation 32

 Different tRNAs are encoded by
different genes

 Common features
 Cloverleaf structure
 3’ single-stranded region for amino
acid binding = Acceptor stem
 Anticodon

 Notation indicates amino acid

 tRNAser carries serine
Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases
 Enzymes that catalyze the attachment of amino acids to tRNA molecules (=
Charging a tRNA)
 Cells contain 20 different aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
 One for each of the 20 different amino acids

 Two-step reaction results in a tRNA with an amino acid attached

 = Charged tRNA or aminoacyl tRNA

 Highly accurate process

 Macromolecular site where translation takes place

 Composed of many different proteins & RNAs assembled into large and small
 Eukaryotic ribosomes consist of 40S and 60S subunits that combine to form an 80S
 Prokaryotes have 30S and 50S subunits that form a 70S ribosome

Ribosome Structure protein

 Overall ribosome shape determined

by rRNAs

 tRNAs bind to the ribosome at three

discrete sites:
 A site = aminoacyl site
 P site = peptidyl site
 E site = exit site
rRNAs & Evolutionary Relationships
 Comparisons of small subunit rRNAs among different species provide a basis for
establishing evolutionary relationships
 The gene for the small subunit rRNA is found in the genomes of all organisms
 At the molecular level, gene evolution involves changes in DNA sequences
 If a long time has elapsed since two species diverged evolutionarily, their genes tend
to be more different than closely related species

Evolutionary Relationships

Three Stages of Translation

12.6 The Stages of Translation 40

Translation Initiation in

Eukaryotic Initiation
Two key differences:
 mRNAs do not contain a ribosomal binding site
 Cap-binding proteins bind to 5’ cap, and promote binding of mRNA to small
ribosomal subunit

 Position of start codon is more variable

 Small ribosomal subunit begins at 5’ cap and scans the mRNA
 In many cases, first AUG codon is used as the start codon

Elongation – 1
1. Aminoacyl tRNA carrying a single amino
acid binds to the A site
 Via codon / anticodon recognition
 Peptidyl tRNA (attached to polypeptide)
is in the P site
 Aminoacyl tRNA is in the A site

Elongation – 2
2. A peptide bond is formed between
the amino acid at the A site and the
polypeptide chain
 Catalyzed by rRNA E P A

 Ribosome is a ribozyme
 Polypeptide transfers from tRNA in P
site to amino acid in A site
 = Peptidyl transfer reaction

Elongation – 3
3. Ribosome moves (translocates) toward
the 3’ end of the mRNA by one codon
 Shifts tRNAs down by one site
 Uncharged tRNA transfers from P site E P A
into E site, where it exits the ribosome
 tRNA containing the polypeptide moves
from A site into P site
 The next codon is now exposed at an
unoccupied A site

 Translation ends when a stop codon is
found in the A site
 Recognized by proteins known as
release factors

 Binding of release factor to stop

codon causes bond between
polypeptide and tRNA in P site to
 Releases polypeptide and tRNA
 Remaining subunits dissociate

 Many antibiotics that treat
bacterial infections inhibit or
interfere with bacterial
translation, without affecting
eukaryotic translation


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