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Security in Networks—

Their design, development, usage…

Barbara Endicott-Popovsky

In collaboration with:
Deborah Frincke, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Secure and Dependable
University of Idaho
Text Book
 Both broad survey and focused
 Chapters 1-2 lay groundwork
 Chapters 3 –7 Software
• Chapter 7
– Contrast to standalone environments
– Threats
– Controls
– Tools: Firewalls, Intrusion detection, Secure e-mail

 Chapter 9 Privacy, ethics, the law

 Chapter 10 Cryptography – the how
In this section of the course we
will look at…

 Networks—their design, development, usage

• The Basics
• Threats
• Controls
• Tools
• Firewalls
• Intrusion Detection
• Secure e-mail

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

 I. The Basics

 II. Threats

 III. Controls

 IV. Tools

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

I. The Basics
 Terms
• Topology
• Media
• Analog/digital
• Protocols
• Internet
• Distributed System
• API’s

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

OSI Name Activity
User-level data
7 Application
Standardized data
6 Presentation appearance
Logical connection
5 Session among parts
Flow control
4 Transport
3 Network
Reliable data
2 Data Link deliver6y
1 Physical communication across
physical medium

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

OSI Name Activity
User-level data
7 Application
Standardized data
6 Presentation appearance
Logical connection
5 Session among parts
Flow control
4 Transport
3 Network
Reliable data
2 Data Link deliver6y
1 Physical communication across
physical medium

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Layer Action Responsibilities

Application Prepare User interaction,

messages addressing

Transport Convert messages Sequencing, reliability,

to packets error connection

Internet Convert messages Flow control, routing

to datagrams

Physical Transmit Data communication

datagrams as bits

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Slows things down

More efficient
Study this part of the Chapter

 Results:
TCP/IP used over Internet
Introduces security issues

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

II. Threats
 Vulnerabilities
 Attackers
 Threats
• Precursors
• In transit
• Protocol flaws
• Impersonation
• Spoofing
• Message Confidentiality / Integrity threats
• Web Site Defacement
• Denial of Service (DOS)
• Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS)
• Active or Mobile Code Threats
• Complex Attacks

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

 Anonymity

 Many points of attacks—targets and origins

 Sharing

 Complexity of system

 Unknown perimeter

 Unknown path

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

 Kiddiescripters
 Industrial spies
 Information warfare
 Cyber terrorists
 “Hactivists”
 Wardrivers, etc.

Profile—see Mittnick

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Threat Spectrum

Source: Deb Frincke

From CSI/FBI Report 2002
• 90% detected computer security breaches

• 80% acknowledged financial losses

• 44% (223) were willing / able to quantify losses: $455M

• Most serious losses: theft of proprietary information and fraud

• 26 respondents: $170M
• 25 respondents: $115M

• 74% cited Internet connection as a frequent point of attack

• 33% cited internal systems as a frequent point of attack

• 34% reported intrusions to law enforcement. (up from 16%-1996)

Source: Deb Frincke

More from CSI/FBI 2002
 40% detected external penetration

 40% detected DOS attacks.

 78% detected employee abuse of Internet

 85% detected computer viruses.

 38% suffered unauthorized access on Web sites

 21% didn’t know.

 12% reported theft of information.

 6% reported financial fraud (up from 3%-- 2000).

Source: Deb Frincke

Threats: Precursors
 Port Scan
 Social Engineering
 Reconnaissance
 OS Fingerprinting
 Bulletin Boards / Chats
 Available Documentation

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Threats: In Transit
 Packet Sniffing
 Eavesdropping
 Wiretapping

 Microwaves
 Satellites
 Fiber
 Wireless

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Threats: Protocol Flaws
Public protocols
Flaws public
Human errors

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Threats: Impersonation
 Guessing
 Stealing
 Wiretapping
 Eavesdropping

 Avoid authentication
 Nonexistent authentication
 Known authentication
 Trusted authentication
 Delegation
 MSN Passport
Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger
Threats: Spoofing


Session hijacking

Man-in-the Middle attack

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Message Confidentiality/Integrity


Traffic flow analysis

Falsification of messages


Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Threats: Web Site Defacement

Buffer overflows

Dot-Dot and address problems

Server-Side include

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Threats: Denial of Service (DOS)
Transmission failure

Connection flooding

Ping of death

Smurf attack Service

Syn flood

Traffic redirection

DNS attack

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS)
 Trojan horses planted

 Zombies attack

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Threats: Active/Mobile Code
(Code Pushed to the Client)



Active code
Hostile applet

Auto Exec by type

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Threats: Complex Attacks

Script Kiddies

Building Blocks

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

III. Controls
 Design
 Architecture
• Segmentation
• Redundancy
• Single points of failure
 Encryptions
• Link encryption
• End-to-end encryption
• VPN’s
• PKI and Certificates
• SSH and SSL encryption
• IPSec
• Signed code
• Encrypted e-mail
Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger
Controls (cont’d.)
 Content Integrity
• Error correcting codes
• Cryptographic Checksum
 Strong Authentication
• One-time password
• Challenge-Response systems
• Digital distributed authentication
• Kerberos
 Access controls
• ACL’s on routers
• Firewalls
 Alarms and Alerts
 Honeypots
 Traffic Flow Security
• Onion routing

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

IV. Tools
 Firewalls
 Intrusion Detection Systems
 Secure e-Mail

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

 Packet filtering gateway
 Stateful inspection firewall
 Application proxy gateway
 Guard
 Personal firewalls

Source: Pfleeger &

Intrusion Detection Systems
 Signature-based IDS

 Heuristic IDS

 Stealth mode

Source: Pfleeger &

IDS Characteristics
 Goals
• Detect all attacks
• Little performance impacts
 Alarm response
• Monitor and collect data
• Protect
• Call administrator
 Limitations
• Avoidance strategies
• Sensitivity
• Only as good as the process/people

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

Secure e-Mail
 Designs
• Confidentiality—encryption
• Message integrity checks

 Examples

Source: Pfleeger & Pfleeger

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