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Experimental Technologies

Ethan Young
ISTC 731
Application Chosen: DBQ
Purpose: DBQ stands for
“Document Based
Questions,” and its goal
is to provide thought
provoking projects
centered around text
analysis and
argumentative writing in
to answer a “big” history
Features of DBQ Online
• Provides materials for teaching
historical context behind topics, as well
as teacher primers on the topic.
• It provides hook activities, materials
for debate activities on the topic,
primary and secondary resources of
opposing viewpoints (with graphic
organizers to help dissect the text), an
interactive essay builder to help draft
your essay, and rubrics for grading.
• Online tools provide aid tools such as
ability to annotate text, leave post-it
notes, and have text read aloud or
translated into multiple other
• Organized for teacher and student ease
and accessibility.
Model Chosen for Project:
SAMR provides a range of
considerations for how best to
incorporate technology, in a taxonomy
of four levels of technology
1. Substitution: the replacement of
one activity with a tech, ie.e
using the calculator on your
phone instead of a calculator.
2. Augmentation: the same
substitution, but additional
functionality is provided, such as
using youtube to view a clip, and
using subtitles or reducing
playback speed.
Model Chosen for Project:
SAMR (Part 2)
3. Modification: the technology allows
you to complete a task in a mostly
unique and different way. An example
of this would be using Zoom or
Microsoft Teams to hold meetings and
record meeting notes.
4. The highest ranked and most
beneficial to learners, redefinition: this
is where the technology provides a
learning opportunity that is wholly
unique and not a substitution for
another assignment. The learning
experience would not be possible
without this technology.
Model Chosen for Project:
When a technology is properly
integrated according to SAMR, it will
be functional on multiple or all of the
axises of the TPACK model:
Pedagogy, Content, and Technology

In other words, a technology that is at

the redefining level of SAMR will be
pedagogically sound/use best teaching
practices, will help students
accomplished the content learning
objectives, and utilizes technology in a
meaningful and interactive fashion.
How to incorporate DBQ
Online using SAMR model
DBQ online functions mainly on the
modification (with hints towards
redefinition) portion of the SAMR
model. While there are physical
materials available, the website adds
such a bevy of functionality and included
features, such as the essay builder, cause
the tool to transcend just being a
technological version of document
worksheets and pen/paper essay writing.
While you could use the pen/paper
versions of the DBQ projects, the digital
version improvs the pedagogical efficacy
of this type of project by making it
accessible and providing scaffolding to
more students. This makes a tough
academic product, argumentative essay
writing, much more accessible.
Evidence of
• Ability to annotate and
mark text in the app with
pen, post-it notes.
• Ability to save submitted
answers on provided
graphic organizers, and
immediately paste them in
the essay builder to save
Evidence of
• A comprehensive essay builder
with sentence starters, sample
answers/essays, a functional
check-list/side-by-side rubric
that helps guide the students.
• Organization on the teacher-
end for grading, operated by
class. Able to restructure and
modify documents for
differentiation of instruction.
• Read aloud and multiple
languages provided for ELL
Evidence of satisfying
Pedagogy: DBQ Online provides plenty
of scaffolding, structure, and
opportunities for differentiation to an
educational product, argumentative
writing, that many students struggle
Content: This is a Social Studies
resource, and provides teacher aides,
different perspectives on the topic, and
contextual lesson support for the
questions being asked.
Technology: While I wouldn’t say that
the technology is wholly a new learning
experience (it is more of a streamlined
aid with plenty of benefits), the digital
version of this tool has a clear benefit
over the pen-and-paper version.
Personal Use of Tool
• I incorporate DBQ online into my
instruction in four major projects
throughout the year. I am currently
working on Ancient India with the
students, and using the “Ashoka”
DBQ (question pictured to the
• I generally go through the entire
process: the provided hook
exercise, the background essay
analysis, document analysis,
bucketing answers/evidence,
debate, essay building, and essay
crafting over a period of two
Limitations of Technology
• Student engagement
can still be a struggle.
Most successful with
advanced academic.
• It is time consuming if
you are using it to its
full capabilities.
• Students need to be
taught to best utilize
all resources.
Thanks for
listening/viewing .
Resources Used
• SAMR and TPCK: A
Hands-On Approach t
o Classroom Practice,
Ruben R.

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