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Chapter 3 Assessment and Design of Solar PV System

This training module focuses on Solar Rooftop PV systems
Grid Interactive Without Battery Backup
• Also known as a grid-tied solar system without
• Solar energy system that directly connects to the
electrical grid but does not incorporate energy storage
through batteries.
• Solar Panels
• Inverter: Convert the DC electricity into alternating
current (AC)
• Grid Connection: AC electricity generated by the solar
panels is then fed into the electrical grid.
• Net Metering: Measures the electricity consumed
from the grid and the excess electricity fed back into
the grid.
Grid Interactive With Battery Backup
• Also known as a hybrid solar system, combines solar
panels with energy storage in batteries and is
connected to the electrical grid.
• Solar Panels
• Inverter: Convert the DC electricity into alternating
current (AC)
• Grid Connection: AC electricity generated by the
solar panels is then fed into the electrical grid.
• Net Metering: Measures the electricity consumed
from the grid and the excess electricity fed back into
the grid.
• Backup Power: Store energy
Off Grid-Only Battery (OGOB)
• The solar panels generate electricity, which is stored in
batteries for use when the sun isn't shining.
• The inverter converts stored DC power into AC power that
can be used to run appliances and devices.
• Solar Panels
• Inverter: Convert the DC electricity into alternating current
• Monitoring System: Allows users to monitor the
performance of the system, including battery levels, energy
production, and consumption.
• Backup Power: Store energy

Grid Connection • Directly connected to • Connected to the utility No connection for feeding
the utility grid. grid but also has the excess electricity back into
• Excess electricity can be capability to operate the grid.
fed back into the grid. independently.
• Excess electricity can
still be fed back into the
Energy Storage No battery storage. Provides backup power • Solely relies on battery
during grid outages. storage for energy
during periods of low
• May include backup
generator support.

Advantages • Simplified system Allows for self-sufficiency • Complete energy

• Can benefit from net during grid outages. independence.
metering • Suitable for remote
locations without access
to the grid.
Key Considerations:

1) Cost: Grid-interactive systems without batteries are often more cost-

effective initially, while battery systems incur additional costs.
2) Independence: Off-grid systems provide complete independence,
while grid-interactive systems remain connected to the grid.
3) Resilience: Systems with battery backup enhance resilience during grid
4) Complexity: Grid-interactive systems without batteries are simpler,
while systems with batteries are more complex but offer additional
Panel generation factor (PGF) is used while calculating the size of solar photovoltaic cells. It is a varying factor
depending upon the climate of the site location (depending upon global geographic location).

• For example, in Thailand it is 3.43, in EU countries it is 2.93, etc. This factor is used in calculation of "Total Watt-Peak
Rating" while designing the size of solar photovoltaic cells.

• Therefore, "Total Watt-Peak Rating" = "Total Watt-hours per day needed/generated from the PV modules" divided by
"PGF". "Total Watt-Hours per Day" = "Total Watt- hours per day needed by appliances" Multiplied by "1.3 times" (the
energy lost in the system).

• Now, to calculate "size of PV cells" OR "number of PV cells" just divide the above obtained "Total Watt-Peak Rating" by
"Watt-Peak of each cell OR Watt-Peak of each square meter size", whichever is convenient.

Panel generation factor (PGF)

by country
Step 1: Determine total energy Demand
Step 2: Determine system size and number of panels
Step 3: Determine Inverter Size
Step 4: Determine battery capacity
A household has following appliances and usage:
 10 lights 10W each used for 8 hours a day
 4 Fans 10W each used for 8 hours a day
 1 mini refrigerator 200W each for 24 hours a day
 Assume panel Generation Factor (PGF) = 3.5
 Solar PV module: 100 Wp at 12V
 Losses on wiring = 10%
 No off days with no sun (rain) = 3 days
 Battery efficiency = 80%
 Depth of Discharge (DOD) of battery = 40%
i) Solar PV system size
ii) Number of PV modules
iii) Inverter size
iv) Battery capacity

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